Stupid naming in Macdunalds

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Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by Lolronica »

There is a thread that comes close to this but I can't recall which it was.

That thread singled out Iblis Ginjo, surely among the stupidest names in this craven farce.

First one I would nominate is Seurat. Kevin appears to have some inspiration from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles here ('Brian, I just love TMNT, let's do something a bit like that and name the robots after impressionist painters!'), but was quickly talked out of that stupid trope only to make more of a mess.

Why call the Titans Titans if they have no relation to Titans? We have two goddesses, a poet, a god, a couple of soldiers and a few warlords or generals and no consistency of pantheon or origin (Hecate, Juno, and Tlaloc, give me a break). :violence-chainsaw: :violence-chainsaw:

The numbers don't even match up, six Titanes proper in the myths, six sisters, and over 20 if you take their descendants into account. This must have been way too confusing for Keith and BriBri, so they randomly settled on twenty even though they name fewer than ten, and look like they started with six. Probably ends up being more from the American football team than anything else.

Keith and Bribri aren't responsible for the first one (it seems they dug her up from the Dune Encyclopaedia).

Wanna Marcus (no, I wanna beer!)

These are all their very own.

Rhombur Vernius (sorry, we forgot how to spell rhombus)
Bheth Halleck (looks like a representation of extremely drunk speech or a speech impediment)
Mofra Tooy (brand name for a blow-up doll or a dildo that looks like a giant moth?)
S'tina (Sistina) Pilru and her sons C'tair (?) and D'murr (demur)
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by merkin muffley »

The names in McDune were the first thing I reacted to. Frank Herbert's names are great and it was such a letdown to see such cheesy, sub-Star Wars caliber names in Dune. Iblis Ginjo is particularly annoying.

"Iblis?" Oooooh, I don't think we should trust that character! I don't think we should vote for Devil Ginseng for President, it's just a feeling I have. I admit, Beezlebub Melatonin is a very charismatic individual, just don't bring him around your girlfriend.
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by Lolronica »

Classic! I'll raise you a devil's tongue Ginseng zochu on that!
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by Sev »

From PoD there's a character called Hiih Resser and a drug called Esoit-poay :?

Haven't read the abomination in question, so spelling mistakes are the fault of Chig's synopses, not mine :wink:
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by Lundse »

Sev wrote:From PoD there's ... a drug called Esoit-poay :?
Seriously, that's a great name! For a Chevy Chase movie...
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by SandRider »

good point, here ... I've had some amusement at seeing the McDune names posted here,
but I imagine I'd've been thrown off by them in the course of reading one of the books,
had I ever actual read any of the McDune books; altho, I'd assume with the total mess
of everything else in those Bales of Fail, the silly names would probably be down on the
list ...

unless I was a 13 year old boy, with the complete TV Stargate DVD collection constantly
running in a little window while I blasted and fucked my way to imperial hegemony in an
on-line multi-player RPG, counting the days to my sixteenth birthday when I could advance
from Cadet to full-blown Trooper in my local 501 chapter ... then, I'd probably read one
and twitter "man, shit was so ca$h" ... forgetting for a moment that the only people who
follow my twits are gramma & the creepy dude down the street ...

but, yeah ... Keith got his naming-conventions from the StarWars days ... and there's alot
of Star Trek and bad generic hack-scifi stuff going on there, too ...

shit, I gave more thought & care into naming the Torus McCardigan crew for the Spanky cartoon
than Keith ever has for anything he's ever conned someone into publishing ...
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by SandChigger »

I think a lot of them are anagrams or allusions to KJA's friends' names, or digs (remember Hyron Baha = "Byron ha ha!" = the Hack mocking the nephew?).

One of my favorites is "Ithaca" for the name of the no-ship in Grunters & Sadworms. I like to think it came about something like this...

"Hey, Brian, I had this great idea when I was walking to the door from the car: since Duncan & everyone on the no-ship are on a never-ending odyssey, let's have them name the no-ship after Odysseus' ship! The BG witches would remember that detail!"

"Whoa... Kevin! That's brilliant, guy! That's the kind of detail my dad would have thrown in to keep the snobbies happy! Great work!"

"But we'll have to be sure to explain it, because who reads that Greek shit these days? Certainly not my Star Wars fans!"

And then they do a little research and discover that the name of Odysseus' ship is one of those details that Ole Homer nodded off on, so they name the ship after a destination instead... :laughing-rolling:
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by Ampoliros »

Iblis is a Star Wars name drop for the fanboys:

He's so badass he don't need no Rebel Alliance to fight the Empire. (Another character that started out decent and then got trashed by the fanboy feeding mentality of the Star Wars EU.)
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by Kojiro »

Yeah, Kevin's not bright enough to realize that Iblis is the name of the Muslim Satan. Hell, have you seen his so-called Arabic? Chisra sala indeed.
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by merkin muffley »

I think he saw "Iblis" in a History Channel documentary about the end of the world ("The True Story of the End of the World" narrated by Mandy Patinkin). Or, I suppose he could have ripped it off from the Star Wars universe, but I think either of those is pretty stupid and shallow.
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by Aquila ka-Hecate »

Lolronica wrote:Keith and Bribri aren't responsible for the first one (it seems they dug her up from the Dune Encyclopaedia).

Wanna Marcus (no, I wanna beer!)

Most certainly wasn't the Hack and Sidekick, that one - it's Wellington Yueh's wife.
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by SandChigger »

Quite: Dune, Ch. 5 epigraph:
YUEH (yu'e), Wellington (weling-tun), Stdrd 10,082-10,191; medical doctor of the Suk School (grd Stdrd 10,112); md: Wanna Marcus, B.G. (Stdrd 10,092-10,186?); chiefly noted as betrayer of Duke Leto Atreides. (Cf: Bibliography, Appendix VII [Imperial Conditioning] and Betrayal, The.)
—from "Dictionary of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan
I think there's another possibility for the origin of Iblis Ginjo. Everyone's pretty much picked up on the fact that ginjo (吟醸) is a type of sake:
Ginjo-shu (at least 40% of rice polished away; with or without alcohol added; if bottle is labeled Ginjo, it means distilled alcohol was added; if labeled Junmai Ginjo, it means no alcohol added)
Maybe this one wasn't Kevvie at all, but BriBri exorcising (or exercising?) his own personal demon, Devil Alcohol! :lol:

(I really hope my "BoBo as Evil Mastermind" scenario is wrong. I much prefer the weak, talent-less coward that he appears to be. :D )
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by merkin muffley »

SandChigger wrote: Maybe this one wasn't Kevvie at all, but BriBri exorcising (or exercising?) his own personal demon, Devil Alcohol! :lol:
:roll: Still lame. Frank Herbert would have never come up with a name that had such a transparent meaning.

A name like "Gurney Halleck" is brilliant, because it's vaguely ethnic, but you couldn't track down the roots of each name with one painfully obvious step of translation.
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by Unfront »

I found the names of the "Titans" were most annoying. As if they were just trying to show off how "well read" they are, when they are'nt. Agamemnon, Juno, Ajax, and Hecate (the robot dragon that flies around the galaxy in an asteroid that seems to move faster than light without any explanation, a true deus ex machina).... bleh. But wait! There's more! Lets bring in Beuwoof too!!!!

How 'bout that Tyros Reffe eh!!!

I never read much of the Star Wars EU so I was not aware that Iblis was a name drop from that realm. Never the less, I thought it was a stupid name anyway. Now I have [yet another] reason to find that there is no real creativity over there. Every construct is a rip off from another story somehow.

Flying around lost in the no ship while runing from the machines/bj...hmmm..... battlestar galactica with the Ithaca much? (Or is it lost in space[balls]).

The whole of the butlerian is a young adult Terminator/Matrix
Those little machine mites that chew threw everything ...isnt that from The Day the Earth Stood Still? (It was in the remake version for sure, but was it in the original? I don't know - prehaps they did rip it off from McDune?) Either way, McDune is so riddled with rip offs that it seems that the HLP now represents a criminal enterprise.
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by TheDukester »

All of Kevin's names are straight out of the George Lucas School Of Making Shit Up For Star Wars ...

Biff Slicko

Hort Grandell

Dakk Vorkon

Seriously, just type a lot of hard consonants and you pretty much have any Lucas/Anderson name. Another display of zero creativity on Keith's part.
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by Freakzilla »

I think he just draws letters from a Scrabble bag.
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by SandChigger »

Ah, but Th'Duk'ster, you forgot THE APOSTROPHE!!! :laughing-rolling:

(I guess he really blows his apostrophe load in the S7S books. Meh. :roll: )
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by Lolronica »

Extracting bullet from foot (or foot from mouth) on Wanna Marcus, reading Dune always just thought of her as 'Yueh's wife'. Maybe had a block against the name, not one of FH's better ones. Wonder what his intended pronunctiation was.
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Re: Stupid naming in Macdunalds

Post by inhuien »

Lolronica wrote: Wonder what his intended pronunctiation was.
As in expectant student awaiting exam results, Ya Wanna Marcus.
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