Doing research on Dune, need help!

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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Moonleaf »

Hello again! I see the discussion has moved on, let me catch up
JustSomeGuy wrote:Maybe you should read the books. What's the rush?
I'm in sort of a deadline until October 31 and the game is still not in prototype form. I have been putting off making each factions' mechanics until I had a better grasp of what each faction represents. Your aid can help me get started early and have enough time to playtest and request art. The perfectionist in me screams that I need to read all the books if I am to honor a world with a rich background such as this, but I decided to take the easier root and ask for help from people who are experts already and this kind of help is probably a piece of cake for them!

Many writers place their stories in countries and cities they've never been at ;) The more research, the better the book. In my case it's even harder, since I'm a 'talented' (arguable) game designer but not that good at reading books or making art. I say, to each his own. With help from experts in fields I'm not good at, the game could be better in various aspects.

Naturally, this forum will be mentioned in the rulebook, perhaps some usernames that were the most helpful
Omphalos wrote:So, you want to write something based on Dune, but you don't want to read the original books? But watching TV shows counts as "research." Hmmmmmm.


On second though, is this KJA? Or maybe BH? Finally joined the web did you?

Seriously man (boy?); read the damn books and put some thought into what you are trying to do.
I suppose the initials are names? I’m afraid I’m not one of them. 28 winters here ;)

Watching the TV shows gives me a general idea of what’s happening in a short time. As I said, time is of the essence. I hope that I’ll be able to get expert help and do a thematic game without needing to get exhaustive in my research. You may call that laziness if you like, it doesn’t feel like that to me.
Serkanner wrote:Plus one. If you are serious about Dune ... read the six original novels.
I’m serious about making a thematic board game. If I could put off reading the books for another time by getting expert help, I’d be obliged :)
I suppose it should be easy for you. If someone was doing research on board games, I’d be able to give him a wealth of information out of the tip of my hat
A Thing of Eternity wrote:Here's my thoughts - NOTE: these are for if you want to be accurate to the book.

Atreides and Harkonnen are basically tied for political and military power, except that Atreides only has support of the Houses, and Harkonnen is backed by the Emperor, so I guess the way you have it works because the Harkonnen definitely do have more political power at that time (because of the Emperor's backing though they also have more military than the Atreides).

Fremen should probably be 3 military, they don't trade very much (other than bribing the Guild), and they have zero political power. What they are is the most insane fighting force in the universe.

The Guild I think is fine the way you have it. They DO actually have some political power, they just choose to pretend that they don't. If they think their spice is threatened then they will not hesitate to mess with people (as they mess with the Emperor in Dune).

I would add the Bene Gesserit as a faction though, with starting points of 3 political.
I’d like to be accurate to the books, so that players who have read them can get extra satisfaction, while those who haven’t can get a good idea and perhaps get motivated to read them.

Mind you, there is a board game for Dune already, published in 1979 and soon to be reprinted rethemed:" onclick=";return false;

as well as a Print and Play fan-made simpler version called Dune Express ... ne-express" onclick=";return false;

See how your knowledge is extremely helpful? I was looking at the game from a design perspective and wanted a balanced faction. So the Fremen aren’t that (maybe Corrino could be that). Perhaps have the Fremen as a 2 Military, 1 Economic? As you said they harvest spice and trade with smugglers and bribe. It suits my design better

Bene Gesserit could be a novelty at 3 political, but I’m saving them for the expansion (or at least until a later stage of the design)
A Thing of Eternity wrote:(T)rying to create anything around Dune makes zero sense without reading at least the first book, especially since the movie deviates from it in such crazy ways at certain points.
I have few recollections from the movie (something good, from what I read). I have a general idea about the world (worms, valuable spice, sand people, need for water, other world nobles etc).

Why would I want to make a game based on a world I don’t know? Well, that’s how a game designer’s mind works. All designs start either from the idea of a theme to explore, where the mechanics are created to fit the theme, or from the idea of an original game mechanic, where the theme is derived from something fitting. When you have the second case, sometimes there is a situation where the theme simply doesn’t fit, or the game doesn’t make you feel the theme. It’s what we call a ‘pasted-on’ theme

I created a mechanic where different factions wage war (economic and political besides military) in a planet. I could have themed it after Avatar: the Movie, or Star Wars, or pretty much any sci-fi, but it would feel ‘pasted on’. I could even create a world of my own and avoid possible copyright implications. But even from what little I know of Dune, it was obvious to me that the mechanics are perfect for it. There is room in my design to make each faction unique in abilities, strategy and feel of play, so that when you play Harkonnen you’ll feel like a manipulative sadist and when you play Fremen you’ll feel like an elusive army of survivors
Nekhrun wrote:Anyway, you should really go ask this question over at the official forum. When you're there, ask for Fantomas or arnoldo. They'll be more of a help then we could be.
A Google search showed me this forum as a first choice. It looked as if this forum is filled with huge fans of the world :)

Though I expect that I can get all the help I need from this forum, would you mind giving me the link of the official forum as a backup plan?
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Streaksy »

Er, the response to this thread is more like what I'm used to from forums. Having an interest in boardgame design and then asking experts on something that got his/her attention for ideas doesn't really seem unreasonable to me. Internet experts these days resent being asked by people who don't know about the subject. They love a subject in a way that others don't, and think if someone doesn't love it so intimately then they don't deserve answers. "Hi, I'm doing a school paper on phytonplankton osmosynthesis. Maybe could could tell me how..." "DEVOTE YOUR LIFE TO BIOLOGY OR GET OUT OF MY FACE!!"

Haha. Exagerating. But still. Seems like a reasonable request to me in this case. Asking experts IS sometimes preferable to going deep in to a subject. It's a big commitment. It honestly seems like the poster isn't asking for us to explain everything, but to provide a few usable facts. Even if he/she doesn't know how complex Dune is, most things can be simplified. It's not a big deal.

But this deadlinething. 31st October? Requesting art? This is a professional thing? I was all set to help until I read that. If you're going to represent Dune to a public demographic then all my desire to help just shrank down to "read the book or don't do it." I'm only continuing with an answer because I suspect you're just implying that to get our cooperation, like you have an excuse for not reading the book.

If it's just out of personal interest and you don't want to read the book (I sympathise and it's not my place to tell you what's good for you) then I'm happy to help however I can. If players represent "factions" and there's a cohesive cycle to the game, then I guess it's about competing over tactical assets and income..? I don't think it should be Attriedes vs. Harkonnen vs. Fremen vs. Spacing Guild. It's nowhere near that simple. The best competative peership would simply be Attriedes vs. Harkonnen, and throw in some other houses on their level to make the numbers. Someone can probably name a few. I wouldn't recommend Corino. That's another leauge.

The Emperor, Guild, Fremen, aren't on the level of the competing houses. Having them as competing players just with different stats is like Mexico vs. France vs. Cancer Research vs. The United Nations vs. Capitolism vs. Narwhals. It doesn't make sense. :P They're not mutual contemporaries with variations in a common attribute set, and can't be described as such in any way I can think of, unless you just pretend they're SIMPLY warring peers with the same TYPES of goals and resources.

Army size, the Fremen's compliance, spice reserves, smuggler relations, tactical advantage and territory conquest for spice mining and civic government - those would probably be the competition variables. I'd have thought. Like, it's an open battle for Dune, rather than a vendetta between two families being used to conceal an epic treachery, or whatever. It didn't happen like an open comeptition that but I don't think there's any other way to make a board game about it, unless it's we're talking "Take a Dune Tarot card. Oh, it says I've captured an enemy spy and extracted financial info and have to take 1000 solaris from the player on my left! Yay! Hand it over!". I may just lack imagination, though. If there's a better way, maybe you could find it. If you read the book. :P

If you're talking something more like Risk than Monopoly then I'm clueless. ;/
Last edited by Streaksy on 22 Sep 2011 06:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by inhuien »

There is a world of difference between reading the basic source material and devoting your life to researching a fucking paper. The ops full of it and if this is not a wind-up I'll give Mr General The SandRider a sloppy blowjob.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Moonleaf »

Thank you Streaksy for your answer. Let me answer some of your questions.

1) I create this game in order to give it freely in a print&play format, because it's fun to make cool games. The occasion that caused my inspiration was a fan-made contest in BoardGameGeek, with no money awards at all ... -challenge" onclick=";return false;
Yes, I didn't catch that deadline, but the game applies in another like-minded contest as well, so I'd love to send it in there and 'compete' with other people who create games for fun ... icrogame-i" onclick=";return false;
(actually, Dune Express, another fan-made game for a similar contest, won the 2009 Golden Geek Award for Best PnP game)

2) I was encouraged to continue this particular theme because the original 1979 board game (link above) pits 6 'armies' (Corrino, Harkonnen, Atreides, Fremen, Bene Gesserit, Spacing Guild) in a war for control of Arrakis.
"Players each take the role of one of the factions attempting to control Dune. Each faction has special powers that overlook certain rules in the game. Each turn players move about the map attempting to pick up valuable spice while dealing with giant sandworms, deadly storms, and other players' military forces. A delicate political balance is formed amongst the factions to prevent any one side from becoming too strong. When a challenge is made in a territory, combat takes the form of hidden bids with additional treachery cards to further the uncertainty."
More here:" onclick=";return false;)

I suppose my game is like-minded (but mechanically very different). My basic design: two to four factions send units each turn for control of specific areas of Arrakis, with the winner in each area claiming valuable Spice. At the end of the game (after a specific number of turns) the player who owns more Spice wins the game and control of Arrakis since he has proven to the Emperor that his faction is the most successful in harvesting the needed Spice.

Yes, it deviates from the books’ storyline, so you could consider it a ‘what if’ scenario (much like the original board game). The background and main protagonists are the same. I believe that if the factions are represented well mechanically the feeling of Dune will be preserved and we’ll be close to the original.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Streaksy »

inhuien wrote:There is a world of difference between reading the basic source material and devoting your life to researching a fucking paper. The ops full of it and if this is not a wind-up I'll give Mr General The SandRider a sloppy blowjob.
I used the biology forum thing as an illustration. It's the same situation on a smaller scale. Not everyone can read Dune. Reading anything by a fan demonstrates that to people. Why be so elitist?
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by inhuien »

Elitist my arse.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Streaksy »

Moonleaf wrote:....
Sounds like you have it pretty sewn-up already. It's not the world's biggest book. 31st of Oct is plenty time. It's complex but it unfolds very comfortably. Unless you have specific questions I don't think I can really help. I'd just be throwing Dune facts at you and you'd be deciding what's useful. The model you described is something I wouldn't have thought of and I can't really think of how to build upon it because I don't have your headspace.

Like I said, I can answer specific questions. ;/ Not much else, really.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Moonleaf »

inhuien wrote:There is a world of difference between reading the basic source material and devoting your life to researching a fucking paper. The ops full of it and if this is not a wind-up I'll give Mr General The SandRider a sloppy blowjob.
Well, this is not a prank. If it helps, I'll send in the rules for my game when I'm home.

Personally, if someone came posting in looking for information about games, I'd happily offer to help (and I've done so in several occasions). I imagined that others would think the same way I do when a bewildered n00b asked for some assistance. Unfortunately I often do that mistake, so this is one more proof that not all people think alike.

I could possibly read the first book within a week or two. Even so, my design would still need to be proof-read from experts in order to add more flavor and fix inconsistencies using information from the prequels and the sequels. So I'd still be here, not clueless, but needing the same kind of help.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Streaksy »

inhuien wrote:Elitist my arse.
I've been in his situation. It's frustrating being told to fuck off by cliques because you'd rather ask experts than devote a lot of time to something just to help with a fun diversion. There's no harm in attempting to answer the original question.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by inhuien »

Yeah, and do ppl show up at that board saying they want to design a game but have never played one, and come over all reticent when It's suggested it would be a good idea if they did?
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Streaksy »

He knows it would be a good idea to read Dune but he doesn't want to. We either help him (or her) out or refuse. I'm not so busy I can't help someone out who commited the crime of not caring 100%.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by inhuien »

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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Streaksy »

"I've seen the movies and played the old boardgame, but I haven't read the book. I wouldn't mind making my own version of the boardgame and it would be nice to come up with some new twists as long as they don't rape Dune since it's so respected. Should I spend 2 minutes registering on a forum or a week on the sofa? They can either help me or not. They'll definitely not tell me, an innocent inquirer, to fuck off and find the answers entirely on my own out of sheer disdain. Afterall, forum people are just human beings."

Are they fuck.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Moonleaf »

On a lighter tone, are you often being pranked on this forum? :P All this wariness makes me think it's commonplace for your users to joke on one another :P

By the way, I'm surprised by the amount of profanity. I'm used to BGG forums which are heavily moderated (kids stroll around there). Obviously I write to a mature audience :)
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Moonleaf »

inhuien wrote:Yeah, and do ppl show up at that board saying they want to design a game but have never played one, and come over all reticent when It's suggested it would be a good idea if they did?
Oh, believe me, there are quite a few poor souls who come in BGG and say 'I've played Risk 200 times and I have a great idea for a strategy game!'. It is usually addressed by a suggestion to play a variety of games, in order to be sure that it hasn't been done before, and to be able to have a wider understanding on game design. As for the hideous games that appear from time to time, you can only politely say that they have a long way to go.

If it is annoying or a waste of time for you, mate, I don't want to keep you from doing more interesting things. I hope to find 1-2 people in this forum community to help me out
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Moonleaf »

Streaksy wrote: Sounds like you have it pretty sewn-up already....
Indeed, the core idea is pretty straight-forward, similar to many other games and already successful. I’m here for more details
Streaksy wrote: Like I said, I can answer specific questions. ;/ Not much else, really.
Lets get on with them then :)

As I said, I need more characteristics (adjectives would be perfect) for the different factions.
Moonleaf wrote:
Valuing human life
Noble Blood

Ending of human life
Physical perfection
Unholy alliances

Arrakis lore
Faith in the Messiah
Organization in small communities and groups
Survival with few

Spacing Guild
Financial control
Money create money
Blackmailing (mostly economic)
Deleted: Military elite
The more we add, the more variety there will be in each faction’s mechanics. For example, I noticed that Fremen set up desert ambushes. Mechanically, that can be represented with something like:
If you roll a 2, set the die aside. Before Resolution, roll the die again

The Spacing Guild looks empty and would be boring as is, any help with that is especially appreciated.

On a second issue, I’d like to ask for 10 famous locations in Arrakis. Both dunes with worms and dangers where you can harvest spice, and civilized areas where you can obtain workers, set up political intrigues with the leaders or buy spice from salesmen.

A good example would be a location with smugglers. You can use Military to raid them and steal their spice, Politics to blackmail them for their piece of the profit, or Economics for cutting deals. All these give you Spice in order to win the game. Is there a city or place which can be attributed to smugglers? If not, there can be a location in the middle of a random dune for them in the game map.

I’ll leave my third issue for later, it’s already a lot to work on
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by SandChigger »

Moonleaf wrote:(kids stroll around there)
No one strolls around here. And my kids will have you gutted and drained dry before the deathstill crew can find your husk. :lol:

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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Freakzilla »

Moonleaf wrote:By the way, I'm surprised by the amount of profanity. I'm used to BGG forums which are heavily moderated (kids stroll around there). Obviously I write to a mature audience :)
Freakzilla wrote:Most of my members are here because they were banned from Dunenovels, some banned from Arrakeen before that, and I founded Jacurutu on the premise that people would not be censored.

I do not ban people for calling other members childish names or because someone feels insulted.

We can either have free speech or censorship not both and middle ground makes me a hypocrite.

So, if you're easily insulted or offended, maybe Jacurutu isn't the place for you. If you can take the heat, you're welcome to it.
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Freakzilla wrote:2. Keep the profanity to a minimum.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by JustSomeGuy »

SandChigger wrote:
Moonleaf wrote:(kids stroll around there)
No one strolls around here.
Yeah, I don't see anyone stumbling onto this site by accident and sticking around unless that person happened to be a Dune fan. There's some foul language, but you're bound to come across that just about anywhere. If you're a fan of Dune, then this place is definitely a good find. I sometimes go through old threads looking for information, or just to read whatever catches my eye. Anyway, yeah, kids don't stroll around here.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by JustSomeGuy »

Freakzilla wrote:Strolling attracts the worm.
If you walk without rhythm, you won't attract the worm.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Moonleaf »

Freakzilla wrote:So, if you're easily insulted or offended, maybe Jacurutu isn't the place for you. If you can take the heat, you're welcome to it.
Good think I am not easily offended and can do my share of trashtalk. The transition from one forum to another was somewhat abrupt :P I'm getting accustomed to your ways

Funny thing is, since I'm not an english native speaker, I googled slang phrases twice already :P
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Freakzilla »

Moonleaf wrote:Funny thing is, since I'm not an english native speaker, I googled slang phrases twice already :P
We have a pretty good mix of international members, it happens.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Moonleaf »

Freakzilla wrote:
Moonleaf wrote:Funny thing is, since I'm not an english native speaker, I googled slang phrases twice already :P
We have a pretty good mix of international members, it happens.
Greece here :)

By the way, does anyone have a few dozen billions to save my country? C'mon, check your pockets. No? Was worth trying
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by Freakzilla »

Moonleaf wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:
Moonleaf wrote:Funny thing is, since I'm not an english native speaker, I googled slang phrases twice already :P
We have a pretty good mix of international members, it happens.
Greece here :)

By the way, does anyone have a few dozen billions to save my country? C'mon, check your pockets. No? Was worth trying
Do you have a job?
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: Doing research on Dune, need help!

Post by SandChigger »

Freakzilla wrote:Do you have a job?
You watched Colbert last night, too, huh? :lol:
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