First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by Jodorowsky's Acolyte »

Lots of good leaders have upset their admirers for caving in, or for being too accommodating to their enemies. Charles II is my favorite example: he was against the Whig party's persecution and execution of innocent Catholics for false conspiracy claims, but he had to support their anti-Papist policies so that they wouldn't have an excuse to overthrow him. He was smart enough to draw them away from London, dissolve Parliament where the Whigs were powerless without their supporters, and stopped the Earl of Shaftsbury and Titus Oates from causing any more trouble (well, it kind of continued into the reign of James II with the Monmouth Rebellion). Considering how EXTREMELY overzealous the Republicans and Conservatives (and to some extent, Liberterians, or self-proclaimed Libertarians) are against Liberals and Democrats, Obama is kind of forced to be a little bit accommodating to the Right-wingers in order to keep things from being TOO crazy. I think his mostly mild approach to the Right-wingers is the result from being overworked and overexposed, relying on advisors who think they understand which is the best way to approach issues, and him trying to make both sides happy. I suspect one of the reasons why he isn't taking advantage more of his political power to override the Right is that he's trying to repair the damage Bush Jr. and Cheney caused by giving the government too much power. Obama's trying to be pragmatic, but pragmatism usually drives impatient people crazy. However, if used effectively, pragmatism can be a pretty potent weapon. I give him credit for ending the Iraq war (although I'm afraid of a scenario occurring there akin to THE WRATH OF KHAN), and for launching the operation against Bin Laden, but I am concerned about how the war is waged in Afghanistan, and the continuation of the Patriot Act. However, I'm scared by how borderline psychotic the Right-wingers are in exterminating the Liberals and Democrats, the Constitutional rights we have accumulated for over two centuries, Gays and Lesbians, and Islam (if Islam was vanished from the face of the Earth, we won't have the Zensunni wanderers existing in our future!). I feel like the U.S. is turning into Medieval Spain, where the people are crying out against Saracen invasion, even though a majority of those who they are crying against are philosophers, doctors, poets, authors, pacifists, and diplomats. I know I'm rambling, so I'll make it quick. Obama is flawed, but I think it is wiser to choose the lesser of two evils rather than not caring at all. Yet, maybe having a overly self-satisfied rodent for President might be just the wakeup call to get Americans to stop voting for idiots out of the promise for tax cuts.
Last edited by Jodorowsky's Acolyte on 26 May 2012 22:36, edited 1 time in total.
'...all those who took part in the rise and fall of the Dune project learned how to fall one and one thousand times with savage obstinacy until learning how to stand. I remember my old father who, while dying happy, said to me: "My son, in my life, I triumphed because I learned how to fail."' -Alejandro Jodorowsky
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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by Serkanner »

Great! I managed not to respond to one lunatic, but before I knew it another one pops up. :crazy:
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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by Jodorowsky's Acolyte »

Serkanner wrote:Great! I managed not to respond to one lunatic, but before I knew it another one pops up. :crazy:
Goddammit. Have I really earned that reputation? I thought I was being temperate while writing this, not shouting and punching like Charlie Bronson (the British prisoner who Tom Hardy played, not the actor). Actually, I didn't think this post came in, because the browser was slowing down when I attempted to post and I thought I cancelled it. Now that I see it's come in, I'm surprised it came in, but I didn't expect that it would break Serkanner's self-restraint. Damn it! I didn't think I was writing anything loony, but I think the last sentence needed work. Come to think of it, the whole paragraph needs work, and I thought I was being in control! Double damn it!

Sorry for weirding your out, my Lord Serkanner. Although I've read much loonier posts by other madman of the matrix, I was trying to avoid the quality which those particular users are infamous for. I failed. I think I'll better leave the deep political analysis to Ming the Merciless and the other experienced masters of the sietch.
'...all those who took part in the rise and fall of the Dune project learned how to fall one and one thousand times with savage obstinacy until learning how to stand. I remember my old father who, while dying happy, said to me: "My son, in my life, I triumphed because I learned how to fail."' -Alejandro Jodorowsky
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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by Serkanner »

Everybody who posts in a topic about politics deserves the stamp "lunatic" on its forehead
"... the mystery of life isn't a problem to solve but a reality to experience."

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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by ULFsurfer »

I guess that makes you one as well, Serkanner?
But lunacy is good; without it we'd still be hanging out in damp caves and bashing each other with sticks.
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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by Serkanner »

ULFsurfer wrote:I guess that makes you one as well, Serkanner?
"... the mystery of life isn't a problem to solve but a reality to experience."

“There is no escape—we pay for the violence of our ancestors.”

Sandrider: "Keith went to Bobo's for a weekend of drinking, watched some DVDs,
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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by trang »

Jodorowsky's Acolyte wrote:Lots of good leaders have upset their admirers for caving in, or for being too accommodating to their enemies. Charles II is my favorite example: he was against the Whig party's persecution and execution of innocent Catholics for false conspiracy claims, but he had to support their anti-Papist policies so that they wouldn't have an excuse to overthrow him. He was smart enough to draw them away from London, dissolve Parliament where the Whigs were powerless without their supporters, and stopped the Earl of Shaftsbury and Titus Oates from causing any more trouble (well, it kind of continued into the reign of James II with the Monmouth Rebellion). Considering how EXTREMELY overzealous the Republicans and Conservatives (and to some extent, Liberterians, or self-proclaimed Libertarians) are against Liberals and Democrats, Obama is kind of forced to be a little bit accommodating to the Right-wingers in order to keep things from being TOO crazy. I think his mostly mild approach to the Right-wingers is the result from being overworked and overexposed, relying on advisors who think they understand which is the best way to approach issues, and him trying to make both sides happy. I suspect one of the reasons why he isn't taking advantage more of his political power to override the Right is that he's trying to repair the damage Bush Jr. and Cheney caused by giving the government too much power. Obama's trying to be pragmatic, but pragmatism usually drives impatient people crazy. However, if used effectively, pragmatism can be a pretty potent weapon. I give him credit for ending the Iraq war (although I'm afraid of a scenario occurring there akin to THE WRATH OF KHAN), and for launching the operation against Bin Laden, but I am concerned about how the war is waged in Afghanistan, and the continuation of the Patriot Act. However, I'm scared by how borderline psychotic the Right-wingers are in exterminating the Liberals and Democrats, the Constitutional rights we have accumulated for over two centuries, Gays and Lesbians, and Islam (if Islam was vanished from the face of the Earth, we won't have the Zensunni wanderers existing in our future!). I feel like the U.S. is turning into Medieval Spain, where the people are crying out against Saracen invasion, even though a majority of those who they are crying against are philosophers, doctors, poets, authors, pacifists, and diplomats. I know I'm rambling, so I'll make it quick. Obama is flawed, but I think it is wiser to choose the lesser of two evils rather than not caring at all. Yet, maybe having a overly self-satisfied rodent for President might be just the wakeup call to get Americans to stop voting for idiots out of the promise for tax cuts.
First, its a Wall of words that is hard to read, spaces would help a lot.

Second, I disagree with most of what your saying, but don't consider what you said to be any loonier(if that's a word) than any other post here.

Third, Not voting is a vote, you can abstain, abstention is a choice. The UN does, parliaments do it, our own congressmen do it, so why cant we as voters choice not to? If I have to go to a voting booth and check a box to say (both these guys are worthless, I choose not) I'd be happy to, but they don't offer that as a choice.

I think Obama has done a horrible job overall.

I think Romney is slightly worse that voting for a cardboard cutout or writing in the dead president of your choice. Sadly the dead president would probably win against Romney.

With all that said, post onward...
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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by Nekhrun »

Some smart guy once wrote:
People don’t vote. Instinct tells them it’s useless. Democracy is demagogue-prone. That’s a disease to which electoral systems are vulnerable. Yet demagogues are easy to identify. They gesture a lot and speak with pulpit rhythms, using words that ring of religious fervor and god-fearing sincerity.

You can detect them by learning the signs: Repetition. Great attempts to keep your attention on words. You must pay no attention to words. Watch what a person does. That way you learn the motives.

The technique to make a democracy do whatever you want is to create a system where most people are dissatisfied, vaguely or deeply. This builds up widespread feelings of vindictive anger. Then you supply targets for that anger as you need them. Don’t give them time to question. Bury your mistakes in more laws you traffic in illusion. Bullring tactics. Wave a pretty cape. They’ll charge it and be confused when there’s no matador behind the thing. That dulls the electorate just as it dulls the bull. Fewer people use their vote intelligently next time.

Then you rail against the apathetic electorate. Make them feel guilty. Keep them dull. Feed them. Amuse them. Don’t overdo it! Let them know hunger awaits them if they don’t fall into line.
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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by lotek »

DuneFishUK wrote:
Nebiros wrote:
Anyway, you're an internet star. I saw that one of your videos actually had 14 views. Nice.
The two videos with the highest views have 77 and 104. I can safely say that a hamlet worth of people have seen those videos.
I'd say that's more than a hamlet - easily getting on for a full ham.
made in the west too ?
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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by ULFsurfer »

C'mon, voting is not pointless! Now I go against Zod's will and would probably get killed for it, but we wouldn't have the modern society today with all the goodies that come with it if it wasn't for the enlightenment and liberation eras 1-2 centuries ago. And it didn't come easy either. I usually say that those who don't like living in a democratic world can be shipped to North Korea or Saudi Arabia where they can finally stop worrying about politics. A bit on the analogue side I typically also push that evolution naysayers should say "no thanks" to modern hospital care and pharmacy.
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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by Jodorowsky's Acolyte »

Yeah, Trang, sorry about that. :oops:. Usually I remember to space out all my points. Its a basic compostion flaw of mine.

By the way, I wasn't trying to force you to vote. I agree, you have the right to abstain in an election, and I don't believe in forcing people to vote, or to vote according to an ideology I agree with. Your rights all all reserved. :wink:

I do want to narrow down what I said before in a sentence or two: Obama's faults stem from a strange sense of being pragmatic or practical politically, if you could call it that. He's starting to defy his political opposition, if albeit moderately and imperfectly, but he's limited by a lot of internal and political factors I don't even understand which prevents him from carrying all his plans out effortlessly.

That's all I can guess. What I really could use in a Secret Report Within the Guild to give me a better idea as to what the current Democratic government staff is undergoing. I'll leave that speculation to you.

P.S. One possibility: The main fault is that they are distracted by the Internet. DAMN YOU INTERNET!
'...all those who took part in the rise and fall of the Dune project learned how to fall one and one thousand times with savage obstinacy until learning how to stand. I remember my old father who, while dying happy, said to me: "My son, in my life, I triumphed because I learned how to fail."' -Alejandro Jodorowsky
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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by gurensan »

trang wrote:
... Sadly the dead president would probably win against Romney.
Would probably govern better, too. A tad more in touch with modern reality as well.
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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Post by Freakzilla »

gurensan wrote:
trang wrote:
... Sadly the dead president would probably win against Romney.
Would probably govern better, too. A tad more in touch with modern reality as well.
I guess you didn't see Obama's economic news conference today. ... 2255.story" onclick=";return false;
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