Chapter 08

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Chapter 08

Post by Freakzilla »

I tell you this in the hope that it will help you understand why I do as I do in
the full knowledge that great forces accumulate in my Empire with but one wish, the
wish to destroy me. You who read these words may know full well what
actually happened, but I doubt that you understand it.

-The Stolen Journals

Siona is at a rebel meeting in a room below Onn. Topri has brought the former Ixian ambassador, he is being sent back to Ix in disgrace for providing the lasgun to the former Duncan. He's also been given a message for the Ixians from Leto, that he knows of the cooperation between the Guild and Ix to create a machine that mimics the function of a Guild Navigator. They are to continue in their efforts and shall send Leto daily reports. The Bene Gesserit are also cooperating and providing them with spice for comparative testing. He also tells them the old Idaho ghola is presumed dead because a new one has arrived. She gives him the volumns she stole from Leto's Citadel, in hopes that they can decipher them. Siona demands the entire message from Leto; he has requested an extension for his cart and more ridulian crystal paper. Siona figures out that Topri is a spy for the God Emperor. She tells him the message for Ix was obviously for them, too. She tells him to give Moneo a message from her, that she accepts his challenge.
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Re: Chapter 08

Post by Freakzilla »

Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: Chapter 08

Post by georgiedenbro »

The epigraph at the start of the chapter is very informative, as it more or less explicitly says that Leto wanted the journals to be stolen; we might even suppose he wrote in them only and exactly what he wanted to reveal to others at that time. Since Siona stole them we must therefore conclude that it was he who arranged for them to be in the location where he knew she would try to steal the plans for he citadel, which therefore means he also allowed her to know about the plans. Here is some evidence that Leto is the one responsible for Siona's rebellion:
"My agent will continue to watch her [Siona's] new companions, Lord," Moneo said. "I do not like them."
"Her companions? I myself had such companions once long ago."
"Rebellious, Lord? You?" Moneo was genuinely surprised.
"Have I not proved a friend of rebellion?"
Leto is sly enough that I can see him using such a phrase to remind Moneo that he is directly aiding Siona's rebellion and that Moneo doesn't have to be afraid for her safety just because she's rebelling. All of this is amusing to put at the head of a chapter involving a meeting of the rebellion, since we should know at the point that Leto is pulling everyone's strings, including the Ixians. Imagine realizing your rebellion is being run by the target of the rebellion! That fact alone probably amuses Leto, especially knowing that they know it. And then we have this:
"The message was not merely to the Ixians, but to us as well," she said. "The Worm challenges us and tells us the rules of the combat."
Topri tried to wrest his arm from Nayla's grip. "What do you..."
"Topri!" Sonia said. "I, too, can send a message. Tell my father to inform the Worm that we accept."
This reads to me as Siona recognizing that Leto allowed her to know his weakness - that he is susceptible to love. Siona knows Leto will accept a challenge wherein he may actually lose, because through his boredom he will risk defeat if it brings with it surprises; this is his other weakness, and the one which gave the previous Duncan a momentary advantage over him. We don't yet know why, but it seems the challenge to come may involve Hwi Noree, for which Siona intends to 'cultivate' her. Part of the game Leto is playing here involves completely manipulating Siona, but also giving her the tools with which to completely manipulate him, making it something of fair fight. Whatever it is Leto's doing with Siona, it must relate to what he told Moneo about his need to 'cleanse' her for...something.
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