Orthodox Herbertarian Ethics

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Naïve mind
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Orthodox Herbertarian Ethics

Post by Naïve mind »

I am looking to purchase some of Frank Herbert's other novels, but I'm dubious as to the right course of action.

I can buy them from second-hand booksellers; for some novels it seems to be the only option. But then no money flows back to the publishers, or the Herbert estate.

On the other hand, if I buy these new, then such a purchase might be taken as a vote of support for the Franchise, or even count as a statistic in the clock ticking towards titles such as "The Santaroga Standoff" or "The Dosadi Gambit" by our favourite pair of authors.

I strongly support the publisher and author's rights to be rewarded for their efforts and risk-taking; and I would not mind sponsoring the Herbert Estate were its beneficiaries to limit themselves to collecting the royalties. Matters are more complex though, and I wondered if anyone here would be willing to chime in.
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Re: Orthodox Herbertarian Ethics

Post by inhuien »

Get them used, you might even bag a nice contemporist printing.
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Re: Orthodox Herbertarian Ethics

Post by ᴶᵛᵀᴬ »

Naïve mind wrote: I strongly support the publisher and author's rights to be rewarded for their efforts and risk-taking; and I would not mind sponsoring the Herbert Estate were its beneficiaries to limit themselves to collecting the royalties. Matters are more complex though, and I wondered if anyone here would be willing to chime in.
Bill Ransom is still alive.

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      Naïve mind
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      Re: Orthodox Herbertarian Ethics

      Post by Naïve mind »

      ^ Elegant argument. That seals it.
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      Re: Orthodox Herbertarian Ethics

      Post by SandRider »

      do what I do ... steal them from your local public library ...
      ................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

      I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
      how to fully interact with people.
      ~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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      Re: Orthodox Herbertarian Ethics

      Post by distrans »

      im a big fan of steal this book,
      but from the library?

      about the last place anyone on the public dime is actually fighting against the excesses of an intrusive state...

      you wouldnt by any chance happen to hate the post office as well would you?

      if you sent a buck to the estate for the used book you bought somewhere
      they would get more than they would from the publisher slinging a hundred copies through their channels
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      Re: Orthodox Herbertarian Ethics

      Post by SandRider »

      meh ... I'm not a big supporter of Laws in general ....

      & the USPS is mostly irrelevant in my life ...

      kinda like the Federal Government as a whole .....
      ................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

      I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
      how to fully interact with people.
      ~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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      Re: Orthodox Herbertarian Ethics

      Post by distrans »

      the transfer of wealth from public coffers to private investors
      which the gutting of the post is being done for
      will certainly happen in your lifetime

      i get the revolt at law,

      but id think given youd never let yourself be seen in the company of what passes today as libetarians
      youd be more careful with the phrases your associated with these days

      the aholes next door
      have workbooks for the kiddies
      that show susan b anthony and hellen killer
      marching forth to battle abortion providers

      sick shit
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      Re: Orthodox Herbertarian Ethics

      Post by distrans »

      the poor who surround us
      dont find the post or the fed [ or the library] irrelevant

      the further their interests are plowed under
      the less secure our middle class hidey holes become
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