JFK 50

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Re: JFK 50

Post by SandRider »

I agree ... unless you personally spend years & years examining & comparing
the extant films & photos yourself, you have to rely on the integrity of the
presenter .... and some of them sumbitches got BIG agendas ....

f'instance, the NatGeo special which had an extremely elaborate & convincing
animated 3D model first shows JFK & the Governor in their "correct" positions
in a wire framed limo .... but when the limo is fully rendered for the animation
of the "single bullet" shot, the Governor is slid back 6 inches, damn near into
JFK's lap, with his knees up around his ears .... to facilitate the TSBD trajectory.

the absolute critical data-piece for the Dal-tex shot is the comparison of the
limo's left front wheel in relation to the white side-stripe on Elm street ... it's
apparent that the limo had "drifted" some three feet to the left after completing
the turn onto Elm ... I can dig-up some more diagrams on that issue; it's of
interest because the Warren Commission's diagrams of the relative positions
of the limo & follow-up car don't match the photographic evidence ...

in fact, I've seen some diagrams that show that the "head-shot" @ Zapruder
Frame 313, if taken from the 6th Floor, would've actually had to pass thru the
head of the Secret Service Agent on the running board of the follow-up car to
reach JFK .... whereas, the lower, more straight-on angle from the 3rd Floor
of the Dal-tex is a clean shot ....

in a nutshell, tho .... I believe it is entirely possible that, however many shots
were fired, only two shots (from behind) are required to account for all the
wounds inflicted ... if those two shots came from the 3rd Floor of the Dal-tex ...
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: JFK 50

Post by Hunchback Jack »

Fair enough. You've obviously looked into this a lot more than I have, and been convinced by what you've read.

I guess I'm less convinced by the minutae of this kind of analysis, since the whole enterprise of reconstructing the trajectory seems to involve a lot if unknown variables - the exact position if the car, the exact position and orientation of the men's bodies, the exact time of impact, the exact path the bullet must have taken.

Doing this at a crime scene shortly after the event, where people were standing still or moving slowly, and were just a few feet apart from each other, may be routine. But trying to reconstruct the trajectory of bullets shot at a moving car dozens of feet away, based on very limited shaky and grainy film footage and photographs, 30-40 years after the fact? An error of 12 degrees seems realistic.

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Re: JFK 50

Post by SandRider »

I agree with all this, too ... but, as many years later with the 9/11 Commission,
the "problem" arises with government agencies seeking to "fit the facts" to a
pre-conceived scenario .... within two hours of Oswald's arrest, he was presented
to the press as the "sole suspect" ... the "sniper's nest" had been discovered, a
rifle produced ... before the dust settled, the press was sold on Osama Bin Laden ...

in both cases, honest, open & probing investigations were not conducted, & the
investigations that were conducted attempted not to discover the facts of the
event, but fit the facts to a specific agenda ... the Secret Service & FBI re-
enactments of the assassination in 1964, used as primary exhibits by the
Warren Commission, did not attempt to observe the eyewitness accounts,
photographic evidence or the victims' wounds to determine the origin of the
shots, but started with the premise that the shots came from the 6th Floor
alone ... anything that did not fit that premise was not considered ...

you're certainly correct that the "margin of error" is fucking HUGE in trying
to analyze & determine the actual facts of the events ... that's why all ideas
about "what really happened in Dealy Plaza" can only be theories ...

however, there also is a HUGE database of information now readily available,
and the passage of time brings in "fresh eyes" all the time ... after the 1992
release of the CIA files on Oswald, even tho heavily-redacted, it can no longer
be argued that Oswald was not a CIA asset of some sort ... after the 1977
House Select Committee on Assassinations hearing, it was proven beyond any
doubt that Oswald and Ruby were both paid FBI informants ... before the
release & close public scrutiny of all the documents, these claims could be
dismissed as "conspiracy theories" ....

the "complete" CIA file on Oswald can be found here:
https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/arch ... SetId=1095" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: JFK 50

Post by inhuien »

As a side note I knew John Peel who witnessed Oswald's murder. Small World.
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Re: JFK 50

Post by Freakzilla »

inhuien wrote:Small World.
Yeah, but I wouldn't want to paint it.
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Re: JFK 50

Post by leagued »

http://www.theatlanticwire.com/national ... try/63799/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Thought this seemed a reasonable place to share this. What is most amusing to me is that there is actually an overlap between the group: Believes Obama is the antichrist and the group: Supported Obama in 2012. That's some ballsy voting.
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