Character Names

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Mr. Melange
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Character Names

Post by Mr. Melange »

As of today I became quite interested as to the thought process behind the names of characters throughout the series, and I mean that in three ways.

1)The actual linguistics behind particular names.
2)What Herbert was showing by using modern day names. (Paul, Jessica, Rebecca, ect...)
3)What the meaning behind certain character's names has to do with that character's person, applying 1 and 2.

Now I know little of linguistics so there is little for me to move there, but for #2 it is actually quite noticeable. After GEoD, modern names cease to exist aside from Duncan, Miles, and Rebecca. (As far as I remember) I believe this represents the dramatic change in the universe, in which case, FH probably used modern names just to take them away.

It seems like fact (I hate saying things are fact) Frank put deep thought into the naming of his characters not only so that they sounded good, but to express that character in the name as well. I feel with linguistic understanding of character names, it will certainly only liven the character. I want to do research on this, but I honestly do not know where to begin exactly.

Here are some names I am curious of:
Taraza (I could see that having no origin)
"Imagine being told that the forging of the ring was really not a plan of Saurons, he just helped - and it was really for the good, because it was needed to defeat these mega-spiders which were somehow related to Shelob (in a way inconsistent with the Silmarillion)...
Meanwhile, a hobbit named Norma becomes a valar because she dies horribly due to a spider-bite, returns to Middle Earth and walks around a bit, inventing everything interesting you ever hear of in LoTR."
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Mr. Melange
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Re: Character Names

Post by Mr. Melange »

I guess Hwi sounds adorable. I want a Hwi. You should want the God Emporer's lady.
"Imagine being told that the forging of the ring was really not a plan of Saurons, he just helped - and it was really for the good, because it was needed to defeat these mega-spiders which were somehow related to Shelob (in a way inconsistent with the Silmarillion)...
Meanwhile, a hobbit named Norma becomes a valar because she dies horribly due to a spider-bite, returns to Middle Earth and walks around a bit, inventing everything interesting you ever hear of in LoTR."
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Re: Character Names

Post by Apjak »

Frank told McNelly that he named Hwi to get the "Wee" sound, and rhymed it to redouble the effect. Hwi Noree. He said he wanted to name her Joy without saying "Joy".
I don't think the author should make the reader do that much work - Kevin J. Anderson
We think we've updated 'Dune' for a modern readership without dumbing it down.- Brian Herbert
There’s an unwritten compact between you and the reader. If someone enters a bookstore and sets down hard earned money(energy) for your book, you owe that person some entertainment and as much more as you can give. - Frank Herbert
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Cpt. Aramsham
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Re: Character Names

Post by Cpt. Aramsham »

Odrade is explained within the books as an alteration of "Atreides".
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Mr. Melange
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Re: Character Names

Post by Mr. Melange »

Ah yes, I do not exactly remember that, but Odrade is her lastname so that would make sense.
"Imagine being told that the forging of the ring was really not a plan of Saurons, he just helped - and it was really for the good, because it was needed to defeat these mega-spiders which were somehow related to Shelob (in a way inconsistent with the Silmarillion)...
Meanwhile, a hobbit named Norma becomes a valar because she dies horribly due to a spider-bite, returns to Middle Earth and walks around a bit, inventing everything interesting you ever hear of in LoTR."
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