The Fremen Prophecy

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The Fremen Prophecy

Post by MrFlibble »

It appears to be an established fact that the prophecy of the Lisan Al-Gaib was planted by the Missionaria Protectiva for potential use should a member of the Bene Gesserit require the support of the natives on Arrakis.

However, my thoughts keep returning to the details of the prophecy as noted from Kynes' POV, especially in these passages:
"My Lord, the Duke, and I have other plans for our conservatory," Jessica said. She smiled at Leto. "We intend to keep it, certainly, but only to hold it in trust for the people of Arrakis. It is our dream that someday the climate of Arrakis may be changed sufficiently to grow such plants anywhere in the open."
Bless her! Leto thought. Let our water-shipper chew on that.
"Your interest in water and weather control is obvious," the Duke said. "I'd advise you to diversify your holdings. One day, water will not be a precious commodity on Arrakis."
And he thought: Hawat must redouble his efforts at infiltrating this Bewt's organization. And we must start on stand-by water facilities at once. No man is going to hold a club over my head!
Bewt nodded, the smile still on his face. "A commendable dream, my Lord." He withdrew a pace.
Leto's attention was caught by the expression on Kynes' face. The man was staring at Jessica. He appeared transfigured--like a man in love . . . or caught in a religious trance.
Kynes' thoughts were overwhelmed at last by the words of prophecy: "And they shall share your most precious dream. "He spoke directly to Jessica: "Do you bring the shortening of the way?"
"Ah, Dr. Kynes," the water-shipper said. "You've come in from tramping around with your mobs of Fremen. How gracious of you."
Kynes passed an unreadable glance across Bewt, said: "It is said in the desert that possession of water in great amount can inflict a man with fatal carelessness."
"They have many strange sayings in the desert," Bewt said, but his voice betrayed uneasiness.
Jessica crossed to Leto, slipped her hand under his arm to gain a moment in which to calm herself. Kynes had said: " . . . the shortening of the way." In the old tongue, the phrase translated as "Kwisatz Haderach." The planetologist's odd question seemed to have gone unnoticed by the others, and now Kynes was bending over one of the consort women, listening to a low-voiced coquetry.
Kwisatz Haderach, Jessica thought. Did our Missionaria Protectiva plant that legend here, too? The thought fanned her secret hope for Paul. He could be the Kwisatz Haderach. He could be.
"We are indebted to you, Dr. Kynes," Leto said. "These suits and the consideration for our welfare will be remembered."
On impulse, Paul called to mind a quotation from the O.C. Bible, said: " 'The gift is the blessing of the river.' "
The words rang out overloud in the still air. The Fremen escort Kynes had left in the shade of the administration building leaped up from their squatting repose, muttering in open agitation. One cried out: "Lisan al-Gaib!"

Kynes whirled, gave a curt, chopping signal with a hand, waved the guard away. They fell back, grumbling among themselves, trailed away around the building.
"Most interesting," Leto said.
Kynes passed a hard glare over the Duke and Paul, said: "Most of the desert natives here are a superstitious lot. Pay no attention to them. They mean no harm." But he thought of the words of the legend: "They will greet you with Holy Words and your gifts will be a blessing."
Leto's assessment of Kynes--based partly on Hawat's brief verbal report (guarded and full of suspicions)--suddenly crystallized: the man was Fremen. Kynes had come with a Fremen escort, which could mean simply that the Fremen were testing their new freedom to enter urban areas--but it had seemed an honor guard. And by his manner, Kynes was a proud man, accustomed to freedom, his tongue and his manner guarded only by his own suspicions. Paul's question had been direct and pertinent.
Kynes had gone native.
"Shouldn't we be going, Sire?" Halleck asked.
The Duke nodded. "I'll fly my own 'thopter. Kynes can sit up front with me to direct me. You and Paul take the rear seats."
"One moment, please," Kynes said. "With your permission, Sire, I must check the security of your suits."
The Duke started to speak, but Kynes pressed on: "I have concern for my own flesh as well as yours . . . my Lord. I'm well aware of whose throat would be slit should harm befall you two while you're in my care."
The Duke frowned, thinking: How delicate this moment! If I refuse, it may offend him. And this could be a man whose value to me is beyond measure. Yet . . . to let him inside my shield, touching my person when I know so little about him?
The thoughts flicked through his mind with decision hard on their heels. "We're in your hands," the Duke said. He stepped forward, opening his robe, saw Halleck come up on the balls of his feet, poised and alert, but remaining where he was. "And, if you'd be so kind," the Duke said, "I'd appreciate an explanation of the suit from one who lives so intimately with it."
"Certainly," Kynes said. He felt up under the robe for the shoulder seals, speaking as he examined the suit. "It's basically a micro-sandwich--a high-efficiency filter and heat-exchange system." He adjusted the shoulder seals. "The skin-contact layer's porous. Perspiration passes through it, having cooled the body . . . near-normal evaporation process. The next two layers . . . " Kynes tightened the chest fit. ". . . include heat exchange filaments and salt precipitators. Salt's reclaimed."
The Duke lifted his arms at a gesture, said: "Most interesting."
"Breathe deeply," Kynes said.
The Duke obeyed.
Kynes studied the underarm seals, adjusted one. "Motions of the body, especially breathing," he said, "and some osmotic action provide the pumping force." He loosened the chest fit slightly. "Reclaimed water circulates to catchpockets from which you draw it through this tube in the clip at your neck."
The Duke twisted his chin in and down to look at the end of the tube. "Efficient and convenient," he said. "Good engineering."
Kynes knelt, examined the leg seals. "Urine and feces are processed in the thigh pads," he said, and stood up, felt the neck fitting, lifted a sectioned flap there. "In the open desert, you wear this filter across your face, this tube in the nostrils with these plugs to insure a tight fit. Breathe in through the mouth filter, out through the nose tube. With a Fremen suit in good working order, you won't lose more than a thimbleful of moisture a day--even if you're caught in the Great Erg."
"A thimbleful a day," the Duke said.
Kynes pressed a finger against the suit's forehead pad, said: "This may rub a little. It if irritates you, please tell me. I could slit-patch it a bit tighter."
"My thanks," the Duke said. He moved his shoulders in the suit as Kynes stepped back, realizing that it did feel better now--tighter and less irritating.
Kynes turned to Paul. "Now, let's have a look at you, lad."
A good man but he'll have to learn to address us properly, the Duke thought.
Paul stood passively as Kynes inspected the suit. It had been an odd sensation putting on the crinkling, slick-surfaced garment. In his foreconsciousness had been the absolute knowledge that he had never before worn a stillsuit. Yet, each motion of adjusting the adhesion tabs under Gurney's inexpert guidance had seemed natural, instinctive. When he had tightened the chest to gain maximum pumping action from the motion of breathing, he had known what he did and why. When he had fitted the neck and forehead tabs tightly, he had known it was to prevent friction blisters.
Kynes straightened, stepped back with a puzzled expression. "You've worn a stillsuit before?" he asked.
"This is the first time."
"Then someone adjusted it for you?"
"Your desert boots are fitted slip-fashion at the ankles. Who told you to do that?"
"It . . . seemed the right way."
"That it most certainly is."
And Kynes rubbed his cheek, thinking of the legend: "He shall know your ways as though born to them."
(emphasis added)

In all of these passages there's this uncanny feeling of something extraordinary going on. We can suppose that Paul's actions were unconsciously guided by his prescient abilities, but this does not explain why his, and Jessica's, actions fit into the prophesy. Now, I'm not sure if this wasn't discussed before (forgive me if it was), but all of a sudden I had the idea that maybe the person who formulated the prophecy was prescient as well? Have you guys discussed this possibility? What do you think of it? (Or is it something rather obvious and it's just that I had failed to grasp that idea? :))
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by Freakzilla »

Jessica was a Missionaria Prophetica adept.
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by Not_Your_Friend »

I think what he means is that while Jessica is an adept in the MP, it certainly doesn’t appear as though Jessica had pulled Paul aside (as an example) and told him how to wear a stillsuit, knowing that it would play into the MP. Most of the time Jessica had no clue what exactly the MP had planted or how it had evolved, but she was masterful in going with the flow.

The point seems to be that the prophecies often appeared to be coming true of their own, regardless of Jessica manipulating them. But what does this mean? Prescient design? Massive amounts of vague enough prophecies that they will see them being confirmed simply because they want them to be?
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by Freakzilla »

Jessica had given Paul the "Deep Training", he was being trained as a mentat and he was naturally prescient. Figuring out how to put on a stillsuit was probably not difficult for him.
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by MrFlibble »

Not_Your_Friend wrote:The point seems to be that the prophecies often appeared to be coming true of their own, regardless of Jessica manipulating them. But what does this mean? Prescient design? Massive amounts of vague enough prophecies that they will see them being confirmed simply because they want them to be?
Yep, that pretty much sums up what I was thinking :) The theme of the fulfilling prophecies is quite persistent in this part of the text, and I believe FH might have been trying to get a certain point across. I think that this might actually be a quite an interesting avenue of thought to pursue, since the prescient powers in the world of Dune seem to have been latently present in many individuals across a great span of time, and at the time of the first novel, humanity had only begun to tap into those powers that became more controllable (meaning that they could be purposefully increased) through the use of the spice.

But then again, many of these coincidences might be attributed to Paul's intuitive guessing of things due to his own prescience.
Freakzilla wrote:Jessica had given Paul the "Deep Training", he was being trained as a mentat and he was naturally prescient. Figuring out how to put on a stillsuit was probably not difficult for him.
It's not Paul's ability that is bewildering here (it's stated rather clearly in the text that his prescient powers allowed him to do so), but the fact that his actions were "kind of" predicted by the prophecy. It is either that 1) the author of the prophecy was prescient, or 2) those were "just" coincidences and the Fremen were eager to accept anything that even remotely fit their dreams, or 3) Paul not only "guessed" how to properly put on a stillsuit, but also "guessed" that he should say things and act in accord with a prophecy that he had never heard (or in accord with what other people expected him to do).

I also think that because it is Kynes' POV from which these events are told (with Kynes thinking himself to be a rational person with a scientific mindset), the option (2) is somewhat unlikely (although these motivations among the Fremen had played a great role in Paul's ascension as the Mahdi of the Fremen).
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by Freakzilla »

I believe Jessica taught Paul the Cantu and Respondu.
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by MrFlibble »

Freakzilla wrote:I believe Jessica taught Paul the Cantu and Respondu.
True, but both the episodes where Jessica says it is the Atreides dream to change Arrakis and when Paul quotes the OC Bible at the first meeting with Kynes can hardly be explained this way.

There's also the scene with Paul reading from the OC Bible that Yueh gave to him as a present. It certainly works as an excellent means of foreshadowing the prescience plot, but as an in-universe event, it brings a lot of questions. Was it a coincidence that Wanna's favourite passage happened to be relevant to Paul's destiny? Was it a coincidence that he opened and read that very passage?

I believe FH hints here, as well as in other parts of the hexalogy, that there are many forces at work in the universe, and even the more knowledgeable characters (with Leto II being probably a sole exception) have little or no understanding of those forces.

It might also be a way of maintaining the mystery, as a stylistic device. FH likes to bring up a lot of questions and leave them unanswered. Uproot your questions from their ground and the dangling roots will be seen. More questions! - this is as much a part of his writer's credo as it is a philosophical statement :)
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by Apjak »

The Fremen as a people have some experiences with prescience in their spice orgies. I think whatever the MP planted would have to comport with what they already had some awareness of.
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by Serkanner »

Apjak wrote:The Fremen as a people have some experiences with prescience in their spice orgies. I think whatever the MP planted would have to comport with what they already had some awareness of.
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by georgiedenbro »

Here is a good example of the prophecies appearing to come true:
Dune wrote:And Jessica thought: There was an edge to that question. Here's the reason
this Fremen has taken service with me, to ask that one question. My answer could
precipitate violence or . . . what? She seeks an answer from me: the meaning of
a knife. She's called the Shadow in the Chakobsa tongue. Knife, that's "Death
Maker" in Chakobsa. She's getting restive. I must answer now. Delay is as
dangerous as the wrong answer.
Jessica said: "It's a maker --"
"Eighe-e-e-e-e-e!" Mapes wailed. It was a sound of both grief and elation.
She trembled so hard the knife blade sent glittering shards of reflection
shooting around the room.
Jessica waited, poised. She had intended to say the knife was a maker of
death and then add the ancient word, but every sense warned her now, all the
deep training of alertness that exposed meaning in the most casual muscle
The key word was . . . maker.
Maker? Maker.
The person who actively listens for prophecy will accept any kind of evidence that it's happening. Jessica was skilled at taking advantage of the predisposition of others to learn what to do, and even got lucky from time to time like here.

Now check this out:
Dune wrote:Stilgar cleared his throat.
She sensed his impatience, knew that the day moved ahead and men waited to
seal off this opening. This was a time for boldness on her part, and she
realized what she needed: some dar al-hikman, some school of translation that
would give her . . .
"Adab," she whispered.
Her mind felt as though it had rolled over within her.She recognized the
sensation with a quickening of pulse. Nothing in all the Bene Gesserit training
carried such a signal of recognition.
It could be only the adab, the demanding
memory that comes upon you of itself.
She gave herself up to it, allowing the
words to flow from her.
"Ibn qirtaiba," she said, "as far as the spot where the dust ends." She
stretched out an arm from her robe, seeing Stilgar's eyes go wide. She heard a
rustling of many robes in the background. "I see a . . . Fremen with the book of
examples," she intoned. "He reads to al-Lat, the sun whom he defied and
subjugated. He reads to the Sadus of the Trial and this is what he reads;
"Mine enemies are like green blades eaten down
That did stand in the path of the tempest.
Hast thou not seen what our Lord did?
He sent the pestilence among them
That did lay schemes against us.
They are like birds scattered by the huntsman.
Their schemes are like pellets of poison
That every mouth rejects."
A trembling passed through her. She dropped her arm.
Back to her from the inner cave's shadows came a whispered response of many
voices: "Their works have been overturned."
"The fire of God mount over thy heart," she said. And she thought: Now, it
goes in the proper channel.
"The fire of God set alight," came the response.
She nodded. "Thine enemies shall fall," she said.
"Bi-la kaifa," they answered.
In the sudden hush, Stilgar bowed to her. "Sayyadina," he said. "If the
Shai-hulud grant, then you may yet pass within to become a Reverend Mother."
Pass within, she thought. An odd way of putting it.
This passage is very important and easily neglected. Even though she had not yet changed the poison in the agony, Jessica here has a moment of heightened awareness where a memory from OM comes forth to help her. Irulan in one of the chapter headings mentions vaguely how Jessica had been underestimated by the BG prior to the events on Arrakis. Here we see her have such a connection to herself and to the reality of her situation that she has brief access to her OM as if she was a RM.

Between the Fremen looking for signs and finding them wherever they could, and Jessica being guided by her BG knowledge and the work done by the MP, it's easy to see how she and Paul could fit the prophecy pretty well. The Fremen weren't exactly cynical scholars studying them for inaccuracy, after all. And now we see that Jessica even had instincts originating from her OM that helped guide her as well. Maybe such instincts were behind her comments at the dinner party about making Arrakis habitable? And now think of Paul, who had even more potential than Jessica in terms of prescience and improvisation. And now think that he, too, might have had inspiration from time to time as a result of his OM calling out to him, since he had as much potential as any BG to become a 'RM'. With BG training and past RM's giving a little help through OM it's no wonder that Paul and Jessica could make them believe just about anything.

I don't think we need to conclude that any prescient in the past had made a 'true prophecy' that Paul and Jessica couldn't help but fulfill. We are told countless times how the MP set everything up for them, and how Jessica even felt a little bad manipulating the Fremen like that. What's more, Paul was an oracle and so no other oracle could have foreseen him or predicted his actions or words. We know that each oracle has a sphere of influence in which he covers the area from prescient detection, and as a powerful oracle we can be sure that not only Paul but the Fremen immediately around him (i.e. those that heard him speak and saw signs in him) would be shielded as well.
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by Naïve mind »

georgiedenbro wrote:This passage is very important and easily neglected. Even though she had not yet changed the poison in the agony, Jessica here has a moment of heightened awareness where a memory from OM comes forth to help her.
Are you sure? While I think your interpretation of that passage is legitimate, I don't think it's the only possible one.

We're told the BG have a number of 'standard patterns' for the religions they implant on worlds. She may just have been reciting lines she learned in school.
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by Freakzilla »

I disagree that adab is Other Memory.

ADAB: the demanding memory that comes upon you of itself.
~Terminology of the Imperium

Paul experiences it in Dune Messaiah and it is a personal memory:

Paul, caught by wonder at the persistent Fremen mythos, felt a heart
constriction, a thing inflicted upon his lifeline: adab, the demanding memory.
He recalled his childhood room on Caladan then . . . dark night in the stone
chamber . . . a vision! It'd been one of his earliest prescient moments. He felt
his mind dive into the vision, saw through a veiled cloud-memory (vision-withinvision)
a line of Fremen, their robes trimmed with dust. They paraded past a gap
in tall rocks. They carried a long, cloth-wrapped burden.

I think the example you gave may very well have been a MP lesson she had been taught but had forgotten.
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by georgiedenbro »

I think you might be right that adab may not necessarily have to mean OM, but in Jessica's case there is some evidence that the particular adab she experiences is from OM. The line about nothing in her BG training feeling like that is telling, because you'd think the BG would be able to study adab at school if it was just a method of memory recall from forgotten memories. More telling, for me, is that here she isn't just speaking a short religious phrase that the Fremen can recognize. This part is striking to me:
Dune wrote:"Ibn qirtaiba," she said, "as far as the spot where the dust ends." She
stretched out an arm from her robe, seeing Stilgar's eyes go wide. She heard a
rustling of many robes in the background. "I see a . . . Fremen with the book of
examples," she intoned. "He reads to al-Lat, the sun whom he defied and
subjugated. He reads to the Sadus of the Trial and this is what he reads;
In other cases where Jessica manipulated the Fremen we are usually let in on her cunning and the danger of running afoul of an error. But here she not only alludes to some Fremen with a book she'd have no way to know for sure existed (i.e. even if the Fremen had a book of examples if she called it by the wrong name the game would be over). This passage always struck me as being more certain than Jessica was before, almost too precise to be just an educated guess based on what the MP might have set up on Arrakis. In the scene before this she's barely put together that the Fremen speak Chakobsa, and now suddenly she knows the specifics of their stories?

And then this line:
Dune wrote:A trembling passed through her. She dropped her arm.
I don't get the sense that she was putting on a show; the text seems to indicate that something profound happened to Jessica.

I agree that we can't be 100% sure either way whether this encounter with adab was OM or just a remembered lesson, but I don't see why Jessica would be so overcome but simply recollecting a lesson she thought she'd forgotten. Just my opinion, maybe, but it seems like a glimpse at OM to me.
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by Freakzilla »

I thought she was referring to the signal, not the memory itself. She obviously know about adab, maybe this one was just particularly strong. Jessica wasn't just familiar with the Missionaria Protectiva, she was an adept. This was her specialty...

With the Lady Jessica and Arrakis, the Bene Gesserit system of sowing implantlegends
through the Missionaria Protectiva came to its full fruition. The wisdom
of seeding the known universe with a prophecy pattern for the protection of B.G.
personnel has long been appreciated, but never have we seen a condition-utextremis
with more ideal mating of person and preparation. The prophetic legends
had taken on Arrakis even to the extent of adopted labels (including Reverend
Mother, canto and respondu, and most of the Shari-a panoplia propheticus). And
it is generally accepted now that the Lady Jessica's latent abilities were
grossly underestimated.

~Dune: -from "Analysis: The Arrakeen Crisis" by the Princess Irulan [Private
circulation: B.G. file number AR-81088587]

"Matters cannot be allowed to continue in this way," the leader of the Bene
Gesserit delegation had argued. "Surely the signs of decay have not escaped you
-- you of all people! We know why you left us, but we know also how you were
trained. Nothing was stinted in your education. You are an adept of the Panoplia
Prophetica and you must know when the souring of a powerful religion threatens
us all."

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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by lotek »

And there is also the fact that someone might have tampered with the MP's religious work on Arrakis, making Jessica very aware she and her son are walking a fine line between life and death.
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by Freakzilla »

lotek wrote:And there is also the fact that someone might have tampered with the MP's religious work on Arrakis, making Jessica very aware she and her son are walking a fine line between life and death.
She was certain that someone did, I think I started a topic on that somewhere...
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by georgiedenbro »

I'll try and find that thread, I have a suspicion about that myself. On the topic of this thread I was just trying to suggest that Jessica and Paul had more than enough at their disposal to do what they did without needing to suppose that there had been a 'true prophecy' predicting their actions.

For now we can agree to disagree about the adab, but I'll keep thinking it over.
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by Freakzilla »

georgiedenbro wrote:I'll try and find that thread, I have a suspicion about that myself. On the topic of this thread I was just trying to suggest that Jessica and Paul had more than enough at their disposal to do what they did without needing to suppose that there had been a 'true prophecy' predicting their actions.

For now we can agree to disagree about the adab, but I'll keep thinking it over.
Maybe it was called "the other lisan al gaib"?
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by georgiedenbro »

Ok, I see what you mean now. Here's a good passage:
Dune wrote:Jessica turned her head, stared down into the basin at the golden shadows,
the purple shadows, the vibrations of dust-mote air across the lip of their
cave. Her mind was filled suddenly with feline prudence. She knew the cant of
the Missionaria Protectiva, knew how to adapt the techniques of legend and fear
and hope to her emergency needs, but she sensed wild changes here . . . as
though someone had been in among these Fremen and capitalized on the Missionaria
Protectiva's imprint.
[emphases mine]

I see a few clear possibilities:

1) This 'someone' is Pardot Kynes. He came in and out of nowhere converted the entire population of Fremen into following his dream. The reason he succeeded was certainly not known to him, but the MP preparations had made the Fremen ready to be united and lead by a visionary. Since Jessica and Paul hadn't yet been briefed on Pardot's plan for Arrakis his influence would be felt by her but she wouldn't know who had interfered yet.

2) This refers to some other BG who was on Arrakis even after the original MP came and spread the beliefs. Margot Fenring? Could the BG have been planning to use the Fremen as an army to support their KH once he was born, in order to have a threat with which to force Shaddam to keep his side of the deal and put 'a BG' (i.e. the KH) on the throne?

3) This one is more involved. The normal scenario we envision is a planet-bound people, a worker or serf class, who have their own beliefs and background. A BG from the MP comes to them and helps to modify their beliefs to come in line with what the BG want them to believe. But the Zensunni are not historically a planet-bound people - they have migrated from planet to planet. What if the MP came to the Zensunni while they were on some other planet, such as Bela Tegeuse or Salusa Secundus, and did their work there. Then, after the Zensunni arrived on Arrakis and became the Fremen, another BG from the MP, who didn't realize that this was the same people already influenced on some other planet, came to Arrakis to do her work on the local people. Realizing that they had already been conditioned, maybe this BG would have decided to go further with the work, making it even deeper and more specific. After all, Jessica marvels at how fully and even literally the Fremen had adopted BG beliefs, even to the point of calling their priestesses Reverend Mothers. But more - they actually were Reverend Mothers, which means that in a way the MP never left the Fremen and kept working on them over time.
Dune wrote:Now. . . I must play the part of Auliya, the Friend of God . . . Sayyadina to rogue
peoples who've been so heavily imprinted with our Bene Gesserit soothsay they
even call their chief priestesses Reverend Mothers.
Was it normal BG practice to have RM's live among native peoples under the mantle of "Priestess", and was Jessica surprised here merely by the fact that they called their own Priestess by the name Reverend Mother? Or was it not normal for the BG to leave RM's to live amongst native peoples, and is this text implying that Jessica though their local shaman or whatever happened to be called by a BG name but wasn't really an actual RM? Jessica later sees that it's a real RM, an initial meeting which occurs 'off-screen' so we don't see Jessica's reaction to her being a real RM. But at this point it might be the case that Jessica doesn't know the Fremen have actual RM's living amongst them.

Either way, my option #3 involves the BG having done more work on the Fremen than the MP typically did on a local people. Jessica's training would allow her to know the standard approach, but if a modified or extreme approach had been done on the Fremen (after all, it was on the Spice producing planet) then Jessica would be surprised.

I tend at the moment to feel option #1 is the case, but I can't be sure.
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Re: The Fremen Prophecy

Post by Freakzilla »

Kynes makes the most sense to me, too.
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
~Pink Snowman
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