Hello from the Pacific Northwest

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Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by Olympos »

I was in the midst of re-reading God Emperor for the umpteenth time and ran into some news about the Paramount remake of Dune (I'll save any comments about my trepidation on that for later) and followed some links and ... voila, here I am. Nice to see an active and functioning Herbert forum.

Disclosure .... hm, I'm old enough to have met Herbert, and lucky enough to have done so on a few occasions because I grew up in Port Townsend, WA, where Herbert settled after Dune unexpectedly found commercial success. I had the dubious honor of having Frank rip apart my short fiction in a 1-on-1 meeting at a sci-fi writer's workshop hosted in our town, an experience I would compare somewhat to Paul having his hand stuck in that damned Bene Gesserit box! My other tenuous link to Dune would be one of my best friends in grad school having gone to high school with Kyle MacLachlan ... he's got some stories.

I say all that only in the interests of full disclosure, as having met Frank when I was a kid gives me no special insight into his work or puts me above anyone else here in discussing that work. I couldn't even get the guy to tell me how to pronounce Bene Gesserit, he wanted you to work it out for yourself!

So, I hope to drop in occasionally and offer a comment here or there. Glad to see interest in the genuine Herbert works so alive and well.
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by Nekhrun »

"If he was here to discuss Dune, he sure as hell picked a dumb way to do it." -Omphalos :character-cookiemonster:

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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by SandChigger »

Achlan wasachlan! :)
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by reverendmotherQ. »

Glad you found us.
And you met Mr. Herbert?
I like you already.
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by TheDukester »

Olympos wrote:... I'm old enough to have met Herbert ...
Which forever puts you one up on Kevin J. Anderson. He never met the man, if you can believe it.

Welcome. I'm sure we'll be bombarding you soon for more "tales of Frank."
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by Eyes High »

Welcome mighty Olympos. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

These guys and gals know their Dune. You can gain much from their knowledge.

Hang on tight and enjoy the ride. :dance:
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by Hunchback Jack »

Welcome, brother! Ditto what Eyes said; this is a great place to discuss Herbert's work.

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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by Omphalos »


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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by nampigai »

welcome mate
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by inhuien »

hihihi Olympos :)
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by lotek »

Olympos wrote: I couldn't even get the guy to tell me how to pronounce Bene Gesserit, he wanted you to work it out for yourself!
flamin' awesome!

Isn't that just typical?? (of the witches lol)

And also welcome twice welcome!!
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by MrFlibble »

Hi! :)
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by trang »

Well Met and Welcome!!!! grab a spice beer and join in the conversation!!
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by Tleszer »

Welcome! :orcs-buttshake:
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by Seraphan »

Welcome, twice welcome. Enjoy this place, there's no other like it. :P
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by Futar »

Welcome :D
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by DuneFishUK »

Welcome! :)
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

Welcome, from reading a post or two of yours already it looks like you'll be a great addition to our tribe!
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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by Sandwurm88 »

You met Frank!? Awesome!!! I wish I'd have had the privilege of having Frank read one of my short stories!! Oh well, I'd settle for Kevin through email...:(. Welcome to the forums!!!

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Re: Hello from the Pacific Northwest

Post by chanilover »

Olympos wrote:I had the dubious honor of having Frank rip apart my short fiction in a 1-on-1 meeting at a sci-fi writer's workshop hosted in our town
Shame he isn't around to do the same to Combover's output.
,one of my best friends in grad school having gone to high school with Kyle MacLachlan ... he's got some stories.
Oh yeah?
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