Women and Catholicism

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Women and Catholicism

Post by Kensai »

Wow just when I thought Catholicism couldn't get any more hypocritical and backward:

http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/07/09 ... -abuse-of/
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Re: Women and Catholicism

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

I'd love to see the pope in jail, that would pretty much make my life, forget making my day. I really hate that criminal organization disguising itself as a church.
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Re: Women and Catholicism

Post by lotek »

yeah it's really a pain to see those idiots still clinging to the old ways when humanity is ready to evolve beyond them...
that nazi pope is a dick like all the others? I bet he didn't pull any girls when he was younger, so now it's time for payback...
Beats me when people say such stupid stuff and pretend it's quite normal to say to African that condoms spread AIDS, and to abused children they can rest assured, they'll always be abused by men... don't send a woman to do a pedophile's job huh? :puke:

(and because of them I score a Godwin point with pedonazis)
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Re: Women and Catholicism

Post by Freakzilla »

You know how you get a nun pregnant?

Dress her up as an alter boy.
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Re: Women and Catholicism

Post by Eyes High »


I'll never understand the thinking of some. Bishops who allow sex abusers to pass quietly thru the church, no promblem. But God forbid a woman would actually want to do the work of the Lord. :naughty:

No wonder so many people think those who believe in God and Jesus are just plan nutters.
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Re: Women and Catholicism

Post by Kensai »

A Thing of Eternity wrote:I'd love to see the pope in jail, that would pretty much make my life, forget making my day. I really hate that criminal organization disguising itself as a church.
Thats why I am a scientologist :D

(No seriously I'm not!)
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Re: Women and Catholicism

Post by D Pope »

If anyone doubts the motivation behind the RCC, look into the story of St. Stanislaus church here in St. Louis Mo. It only takes a little 'between the lines' to realize the local bishop here has damned devout catholic souls to hell for not making with the cash.

Catholics there wanted to do some charity work so donated money (separate from donations to the church) & a board of directors invested the donations, making a profit that attracted the attention of the bishop. Give it! says the bishop. No! says the board. It's church property! asserts the bishop, Wrong! suggests the board. I'm the bishop, now give!... Or else what?...That's it! I'ma pullin your card! No more parish! Excommunication for the leaders, All else are in sin till they come to me!... Well, we're just gonna continue without you, & appeal to the pope himself... Appeal denied.

The church never had a problem till they started paying off all the boys they raped. Cake or death? Only in the C of E. Cash or Hell! if you're a catholic. Google this stuff, i'm not exagurating that much.

edit; how do you find out if you're going to hell? 3x5 card!
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Re: Women and Catholicism

Post by SandChigger »

I strongly suspect that the stupidity and evil perpetrated in the name and under the auspices of the Church and "Christianity" over the past two millennia FAR OUTWEIGH any good that may have occurred.

Seriously, organized religion is a mental disease and a curse.
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Re: Women and Catholicism

Post by Eyes High »

It's the wing-nuts. People doing what people want to do and using religion as an excuse. Yeah, I know how that sounds coming from me, but to me religion and faith are two different things. So many of the atrocities done in the name of religion went against the very message that Jesus came for all, not a select few. Even today, it's people corrupting the message for their own personal gain, no matter what belief or denomination they claim.

Once again I beg my fellow members to recall the good the few have done. Mother Teresa. Billy Graham, Gandhi. Martin Luther. Those who fought to get the Word of God into the hands of the people so that they would know when the church was lying to them.

In my opinion good has come from Christianity, as well as from some other religions. I know this is where many of my friends and I have agreed to disagree, but I do believe that sometimes even one small deed can erase some of the pain caused by humans. It is those small deeds that we must focus on. Shine the light to erase the darkness of the world.

I'm not a Catholic, but in my opinion these two announcements should not have been made together. Seems like 'the church' is intentionally trying to divert attention from one issue to another. The Catholic church in general has a lot to answer for and while I disagree with many of their doctrines I know not all catholics believe as their "leaders" do. Now why they continue to allow their leaders to do such things is beyond my understanding. But I will not allow the misdeeds of man (or woman) to undermine my Faith in my Lord.

Now what does all that rambling boil down to? Simple. Boo on the Pope, Boo on the people who do things they know they should not do, and Yeah :dance: :clap: for Jesus.
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Re: Women and Catholicism

Post by chanilover »

Don't know what all the fuss is about. No one expected them to allow women priests. At least you know where you stand with the Catholic Church and can take it or leave it. Unlike the Church of England, which is so desperate to be all things to all men (and women) that not many people know where it stands on anything.

Still, it's always refreshing to see people at the grassroots level trying to take the Church back from the iron grip the priesthood has held on it since the 4th century. Like Quest, an organisation here in the UK for gay and lesbian Cathoics. Hats off to them, what an uphill struggle they have lol.
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