Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

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Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by SandChigger »

Writer/fathers out there, take note: Be good to your children!

Especially the less intelligent, slightly impaired ones.

Excerpts from Ch. 43 of House Corrino...
"Revenge." Has language ever created a more delicious word? I repeat it to myself when I go to sleep at night, confident it will give me pleasant dreams.
Even after three fucking books they still hadn't got the epigraph thing down. Was this bogus quote supposed to be from something the Baron wrote or something he said to someone. Who knows. Who cares? Either way, the McDune Baron is a miserable little fuck whom FH's Baron would have as a midday snack. :roll:
THE GOVERNMENT OF RICHESE NEEDED A LARGE, but unofficial, influx of Solaris in order to finance redeveloping Chobyn's invisibility field. And Premier Ein Calimar knew where to get all the funds he wanted.

He arrived on Giedi Prime, angry that he had to keep pressing for his long-overdue payment from House Harkonnen. Instead of being taken directly to the looming Keep where he had always met the Baron before, guard Captain Kryubi led Calimar deep into the oppressive heart of Harko City.

A thin man, fastidiously dressed, Calimar steeled himself, trying not to lose his nerve. The Baron always played psychological games. The Premier had to finish these negotiations and survive them. For some unknown reason, the Harkonnen lord had decided to inspect his waste-recycling plants this morning, and the Premier was informed that the meeting must be conducted there, or not at all. Calimar wrinkled his nose at the thought of it.
So the scene is set, a player introduced. Not for the first time do you wonder: Where the fuck do they get these names?! (Which prompts this criticism of FH as well: "Harko" as a city name was not exactly one of his most inspired decisions, seeing how it resulted in McDune nonsense like "Cala City" on Caladan.) OK, grab your nose, we're heading in...
Inside the huge industrial building the air was moist, warm, and redolent with odors that he would have preferred never to experience. Behind his gold-rimmed spectacles, his eyes stung. He could feel the stench permeating his synthetic fabric suit and knew that this outfit would have to be burned once he returned to his plush offices in Triad Center. But he would not return without the money the Baron owed House Richese.

"This way," Kryubi said, his firm lips adorned with a thin mustache. He led Calimar up an endless series of metal steps to a network of catwalks. These high walkways overlooked pungent sewage vats, like sinister aquariums for bottom-feeders. How did a man as fat as the Baron ever get up here himself?
I don't know about you, but I don't read "recycling plant" and think "pastoral" or "agricultural", so "industrial" is kinda unnecessary, no? And why not just say it's "humid". Are thing ever "redolent" with any sense but smell? Is the origin of his suit material significant here? (Ooh, synthetic fabric! This must be SCIENCE FICTION!!!)

Why is the firmness of Kryubi's lips relevant? Is Calimar considering kissing him? (No, that THIN moustache would get in the way!) And isn't "high" implied by the "endless" stairs? And I don't get the aquariums/bottom-feeders bit at all.

Skipping ahead...
The first time fastidious Calimar had come to Giedi Prime, the Baron had calmly allowed him to sit in a room with an unseen dead body nearby. While the Premier had made his embarrassing request for quiet financial assistance, the odor of rot in the air presented an unspoken threat.
Ask yourself: Does that sound like something FH's Baron would do?

There's some nonsense about the Baron's "disease", re-emphasizing the McDune version of the reason for his obesity, mention of Yueh and Ix. Skipping...
Calimar noticed that the Baron wore specially designed nose plugs and filters against the reek of the sewage plants. Without similar protection, the Premier didn't want to know how many toxins he might be inhaling with each breath. He removed his gold-rimmed eyeglasses and wiped the lenses, but an oily, streaky film remained.

"Baron Harkonnen, this is an ... unorthodox place for our meeting."

The Baron looked at the swirling currents of lumpy sludge as if he were peering into a kaleidoscope. "I have business to attend to, Calimar. We will talk here, or nowhere."
Starting to get stinkier... Skipping some boring back-and-forth dialogue (Calimar wants the Baron to pay for Richese having Yueh diagnose his disease; the Baron is refusing, on the basis that Yueh did not cure him; Calimar threatens blackmail).
The Baron's face purpled with rage, but before he could explode, they were interrupted by the arrival of three guards. They escorted a rangy man who wore exquisite, well-tailored clothes and billowing pantaloons.
The Baron not being a baboon, I would not expect the emotional coloration to be affecting his buttocks. Could someone wear exquisite rags? And pantaloons aren't clothes? Anyway, here he is back again, folks! It's...
Mephistis Cru did his best to ignore the alarming odors around him and stepped forward. "You summoned me, my Lord Baron?" He looked from side to side and frowned, then with a disapproving gaze he looked down at the vat.
I can only assume that the choice of these two adjectives is meant to reflect the effete etiquette advisor's viewpoint. How masterful! :roll:
More blah-blah, then:
"Ever since the debacle of my gala banquet, I've been wondering. Would it be polite for me to throw you into this sewage death trap myself, or should I have a guard do it, so that I don't dirty my hands?"

Cru took an alarmed step away as Kryubi gestured for the guards to block off his retreat. "My ... I don't understand, my Lord. I gave you only the best—"

"No clear answer, eh? Very well, I think I'll have the guards do it." The Baron motioned with a pudgy hand. "That's probably the most polite alternative, anyway."

Suddenly the etiquette advisor could think of nothing civil to say. He screamed surprisingly foul words that even the Baron found offensive. Uniformed guards grabbed the rangy man by the arms and in a smooth, mechanical gesture, swung him over the catwalk. Cru's elegant garments fluttered as he fell. He managed to twist himself in the air before splashing into the deep vat of human waste.

As Cru struggled and kicked, trying to stroke his way through the quagmire of sewage, the Baron turned toward his shocked visitor. "Pardon me, Premier. I wish to watch this and enjoy every moment of it."
Is "pudgy" really necessary? We know he's fat already. And did anyone imagine the guards naked? He was described as "rangy" when they first brought him in. We got that his clothes are stylish. And "quagmire of" is simply superfluous.
Coughing, Mephistis Cru somehow made it to the slick, rounded edge of the vat, where he clutched the rim and vomited onto the clean floor, missing the sewage pond entirely. Guards wearing polymer gloves met him there and grasped his arms.

When they hauled Cru up over the rim, he wept with relief and terror. The advisor was sobbing, shaking, covered in brown slime and feces. He wailed up at the high catwalks, begging forgiveness.

The guards attached small weights to his ankles and tossed him back into the stinking muck.

Calimar watched these events with horror, but refused to be intimidated. "I've always found it enlightening to witness the depths of your cruelty, Baron Harkonnen." He forced firmness into his voice as the unfortunate victim continued to thrash below. "Perhaps we can continue with more important matters?"

"Oh, be silent a moment." The Baron pointed down at the flailing figure, surprised that Cru still had enough strength to keep his head out of the goo.
Who cares that it's "rounded"? Or that the floor was "clean"? (And doesn't his vomiting on the floor imply he missed the sewage pond? Huh?) Why is the material of the guards' gloves important? (Oh, right: POLYMER = SCIENCE FICTION!!!) He was "sobbing" and "shaking", in case you missed the implication of "wept with relief and terror". And "brown slime and feces" in case you still don't get exactly what VAT OF SHIT entails. And there has as yet been no mention of any "low" catwalks, has there? :roll: "Unfortunate" is just bizarre. But "goo" is a nice touch, no? ("WORK that thesaurus, my boys!" you can almost hear FH cheering from beyond.)

Here's some more gratuitous reinforcement of the McDune revisionist version of Duniverse history:
Calimar refused to be put off. "Many years ago, Emperor Elrood ousted my master Count Ilban Richese from Arrakis because he appeared weak. When your own half brother Abulurd appeared weak, you removed him and assumed control of spice operations before Elrood could take action himself. The Landsraad and the Emperor have no fondness for impotent leaders. Once they learn of your debilitating disease, and how it was inflicted upon you by a witch, you will become the laughingstock of the Imperium."

The Baron's spider-black eyes turned to sharp obsidian. Below, the etiquette advisor sank beneath the sewage, but somehow emerged again to gasp a breath. He spat and coughed and splashed.
Because all spiders are black. And does "obsidian" really add anything? Thank the Maker Cru didn't choose instead to "sing a song". Or "speak a speech". Or... whatever. :roll:

Skipping some more ho-hum blah-blah, but there's one sentence that deserves note:
Calimar had his rival by the testicles, and both men knew it.
Ignoring the silly bit rephrasing "got 'im by his balls", "rival" is weird here, no? Calimar and the Baron are opponents or adversaries here, but they're not really rivals in any sense. Odd. Wrong.

Blah blah blah...
Calimar shrugged. Mephistis Cru's head was now submerged, but his arms flopped again. Even with the weights on his ankles, he managed to keep himself afloat for a few more agonizing minutes.
Nice. More blah blah, they reach a deal, and Calimar leaves...
Calimar did his best to conceal his nervousness as he negotiated the catwalk and scampered down the stairs....

His insides roiling, the Baron resumed his concentration on Mephistis Cru. This foppish man, so concerned with formalities and fancy perfumes, had surprising strength. It was admirable, in a way. Even with the weights on his ankles, he still hadn't drowned.

Finally, tired of the show, the Baron ordered Captain Kryubi to turn on the vat's chopper blades. As the thick, lumpy liquid began to swirl, Mephistis Cru tried to swim even more frantically.

The Baron only wished he could have added Premier Calimar to the mix.
Yeah, nothing hides fear like scampering. And can a thin liquid be lumpy?

Thoroughly distasteful.

I enjoy a bit of scatological humor and/or gross-out just as much as anybody else, but I don't really want the poopy caca in books associated with Frank Herbert's masterwork. It's DUNE, not DUNG, after all. And the insertion of this kind of crap is even harder to take from a couple of assholes seemingly only capable of taking a shit on genius. :evil:
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by merkin muffley »

Jesus H. Christ. There's SO much shittiness here, it's hard to know where to start.

They come up with the stupidest fucking names ever. Mephistis? Me fist his...? Reminds me of "Iblis Ginjo" which is one of the corniest science fiction names I've ever heard. I bought the audiobook (Machine Crusade? I think) and couldn't listen to it because after five minutes I was thinking, "If I have to hear someone say the name 'Iblis Ginjo' out loud again, I'm going to throw my computer against the wall.'"

Calimar? Calimari? Calimari on Mars? :shock: Does Marilyn Martin know about this!?
like sinister aquariums for bottom-feeders
Calimar had his rival by the testicles, and both men knew it.
For fucksakes... :roll:

There's so much to talk about in this excerpt. It's a great example... FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!*

*Or, as KJA and BH would tell that joke: "And then the talking puppet dog said in a gravelly voice that this section from the book was a good one which he could defecate upon, which was a very funny joke to all of the amused people that were there to experience it."
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by lotek »

holy crap !

Why did I come to this post ?

SC you're an evil man, but from that evil stems the truth and for that I thank you !

Ein Calimar !??! ?! ?!!

'funny I remember using that image from IJ as an avatar here but I'm not sure what the relation was with mcdune anymore(just that there was one)

And this jumped at me too
Chobyn's invisibility field.
It's not an invisibility field, it's a no-field. Invisibility to the eye is just one of the effects of it...(don't tell me these idiots "invented" a different way to produce that effect)

Next they'll use Navigators' farts to propel the Guild Ships into foldspace !

Ok let's see the rest; now my eyes smell I might as well finish ...
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by Freakzilla »

It's amazing how often Temple of Doom gets worked into conversation around here.
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by lotek »

it's KJA's Temple of Poop !
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by Freakzilla »

Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by merkin muffley »

Sandchigger wrote:
"Revenge." Has language ever created a more delicious word? I repeat it to myself when I go to sleep at night, confident it will give me pleasant dreams.

Even after three fucking books they still hadn't got the epigraph thing down. Was this bogus quote supposed to be from something the Baron wrote or something he said to someone. Who knows. Who cares?
Absolutely no context for this stupid quote and it represents such a lack of effort and imagination. It's all so half-assed, how can you not have contempt for this bullshit they've created? Nothing they do has any depth. It doesn't show any thought beyond the dictahiking stage.

People who are incapable and/or unwilling to write with any depth have no business going near the Dune universe.
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by Freakzilla »

Their shallowness is so thorough it's almost like depth.
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by D Pope »

All the mental depth of an inverted saucer.
Leto II is gone for good, except for OM. The "pearl" was just that; a miniscule portion of what Leto was, and not a compressed version of the whole. The pearl that the worms have do not make them Leto, or in any way similar to him.
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by Unfront »

The idea that "Ein Calimar" needs financing for a Richesian project is one thing. But the notion that the Baron would hold a meeting in such a place is completely gratuitous and completely unbelievable. These are leaders of two houses major of the Landsraad and the Baron is so childish that he subjects one of his colleagues to this filth? Not plausible.

Do you think that any world leader, despite any despicable personal traits would conduct a meeting like this in a sewage treatment plant? It would be as if Kim Jong Il held a meeting with the president of Vietnam in a sewage treatment plant that would not happen. (And Kim Jong Il is a despicable person! And even he would not do such a thing).
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by Omphalos »

Freakzilla wrote:Their shallowness is so thorough it's almost like depth.

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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by D Pope »

The idea that "Ein Calimar" needs financing for a Richesian project is one thing. But the notion that the Baron would hold a meeting in such a place is completely gratuitous and completely unbelievable. These are leaders of two houses major of the Landsraad and the Baron is so childish that he subjects one of his colleagues to this filth? Not plausible.
The idea that he would subject himself to such a place is unthinkable.
Leto II is gone for good, except for OM. The "pearl" was just that; a miniscule portion of what Leto was, and not a compressed version of the whole. The pearl that the worms have do not make them Leto, or in any way similar to him.
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by lotek »

why does it have a ring of that scene where Feyd and Rabban meet the Baron in Lynch's Dune ?
You know, like if a child has sneaked a view of it and years and years later tried to remember it, all distorted by the passing of time and his own childhood fears...

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, these two idiots wouldn't know an original idea if it fucked them in the arse ...
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by Hunchback Jack »

Similar thought. The Baron in this episode seems much more like the Baron of Lynch's version than of the books. With a dash of over-the-top Bond-villain.

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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by dunaddict »

KJA/BH's Baron is a caricature of David Lynch's Baron. Read this snippet from 'Hunters of Dune'. The baron ghola, before he got his memories back:
In a state of high agitation, the twelve-year-old boy gazed out on a pristine meadow of colorful flowers. A waterfall cascaded over a rocky precipice and splashed into an icy blue pool. Too much of this so-called "beauty" was painful and unsettling. The air carried no industrial chemicals; he hated even to breathe the stuff into his lungs.
Now why would a twelve year old boy long for industrial chemicals, when he has no memories of polluted air? The whole idea is absurd. NO-one has a genetic need for unbreathable air, it's absolute nonsense.
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

Everything about their ghola Baron was just insanely poor writing.
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by Unfront »

dunaddict wrote:KJA/BH's Baron is a caricature of David Lynch's Baron. Read this snippet from 'Hunters of Dune'. The baron ghola, before he got his memories back:
In a state of high agitation, the twelve-year-old boy gazed out on a pristine meadow of colorful flowers. A waterfall cascaded over a rocky precipice and splashed into an icy blue pool. Too much of this so-called "beauty" was painful and unsettling. The air carried no industrial chemicals; he hated even to breathe the stuff into his lungs.
Now why would a twelve year old boy long for industrial chemicals, when he has no memories of polluted air? The whole idea is absurd. NO-one has a genetic need for unbreathable air, it's absolute nonsense.
Because the Kevin The Kev Kevster is trying to tell the reader that the very essence of the Baron was so pervasive, that it would influence the thougths and feelings of the ghola - even without an awakening! :roll:
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by SadisticCynic »

(Actually, they do. That's how the awakening process works.)
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by Unfront »

SadisticCynic wrote:(Actually, they do. That's how the awakening process works.)

Indeed they do.... sort of, but not in the manner the Kevin writes.
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by MrFlibble »

I remember the episode in question pretty well (it's one of the few scenes from House Corrino that I've read). None the less stupid than the previous meeting with Zwei Mon Calamari described in House Harkonnen, which is referenced here - the one with the rotting corpse. Both struck me not as much as disgusting, but as utterly unimaginative, tasteless and badly written, all of which comprises the McDune trademark style. Some people say that the House series are "bearable" compared to the other books, but actually, the "style" (if this word is appropriate here, even in quotation marks) is all the same: good guys are all goody-good and syrupy, and the baddies do something bad all the time, in addition to being hopelessly idiotic (well, to be fair, all characters are hopelessly idiotic regardless of their alignment on the morality scale). KJA seems to be following the Readers Are Morons principle, emphasizing the goodness/baddiness of a character with the most primitive means at his disposal. The Baron is evil, so he 1) hates everyone, 2) kills people at random, 3) is extremely bad-mannered and, even worse, 4) doesn't want to learn good manners! (He's a bad boy, uh?), 5) finds himself comfortable in places an average reader would find unpleasant, like a sewage recycling plant, etc. etc. A nice touch would also be to have it slipped somewhere that the Baron never washes his hands before meals, or has a habit of throwing precious porcelain plates on the floor, enjoying how they shatter into thousands of pieces, and here we go! A perfect villain's portrait is finished! This jackpot scheme is used all the time, only the details change towards becoming more primitive over the series, so I guess we should be thankful that KJA did not make the Baron take a dump on his etiquette advisor himself, or at least fart in his general direction :puke:

The whole "style" here feels like a sickening parody of those extremely moralizing children's stories that used to be popular in the Victorian era.
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by SandChigger »

MrFlibble wrote:I guess we should be thankful that KJA did not make the Baron take a dump on his etiquette advisor himself
God, I bet KJA still kicks himself that Brian didn't think of that back then. ;)
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by Freakzilla »

What's grosser than gross?
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by Serkanner »

Freakzilla wrote:What's grosser than gross?
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Re: Try our poop soup du jour! (BAD WRITING SERIES)

Post by merkin muffley »

Serkanner wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:What's grosser than gross?
A "quagmire of sewage" is even grosser than Grossest.
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