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Posted: 23 Mar 2009 09:55
by SandChigger
So is her big toe's knowledge of ... well, you get the picture. ;)

Posted: 23 Mar 2009 10:07
by Seraphan
SandChigger wrote:So is her big toe's knowledge of ... well, you get the picture. ;)
Unfortunately i do :x
Oh the horror...

Posted: 23 Mar 2009 17:07
by Hunchback Jack
SandChigger wrote:
Abstinence-only education: It's like saying we can get rid of all cops if we just teach people not to break any laws.
about 17 hours ago from web
Hmm. Odd simile to use, equating (presumably) premarital sex with criminal activity, but okay ....
SandChigger wrote:
re Abstinence-only education: why not solve the obesity epidemic by just telling people not to eat junk food, no matter how good it tastes?
about 15 hours ago from web
Hey, yeah, why not?! That's a great idea! I'm sure that'll work! After all, look what it's done for your fat ass.
Well, given the previous post, I think he was being sarcastic. Still not a great deal of thought involved, though.

Weird that he's suddenly making social commentary. Easy target though; what next, TV evangelists? Octomom? Those darn gas prices? And kids these days? :roll:

Better than regaling us with Tales from the Bathroom, though. *Shudder*


Posted: 23 Mar 2009 19:08
by Nekhrun
SandChigger wrote:Oh shit. Now he's suddenly socially conscious. ("HOLY FUCK! YOU MEAN ... I'M NOT THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD?!")

Or is he?
Abstinence-only education: It's like saying we can get rid of all cops if we just teach people not to break any laws.
about 17 hours ago from web

re Abstinence-only education: why not solve the obesity epidemic by just telling people not to eat junk food, no matter how good it tastes?
about 15 hours ago from web
Hey, yeah, why not?! That's a great idea! I'm sure that'll work! After all, look what it's done for your fat ass.

Philistine ... heal thyself! :P
It should have read:
Abstinence-only education: It's like saying if we can make books shitty enough people will finally stop reading.
about 17 hours ago from web

Posted: 23 Mar 2009 19:15
by SandChigger

I figure he has bought stock in all the audio-book companies and wants people to switch to "reading books" that way.

After all, that's the medium where an oral storyteller like him really shines.

At least a knob or two.

Posted: 23 Mar 2009 19:43
by Ampoliros
Oh goody, more audio 'readers' who don't know what the fuck a C-H is.

Posted: 23 Mar 2009 19:50
by SandChigger

I STILL get a good chuckle from that one. :lol:

Posted: 23 Mar 2009 20:49
by Ampoliros
Is it me, or is Twitter like throwing gas on the fire for egomaniacs. "Guess what I'm doing now! I looking at all the people looking at what I'm doing! I am awesome!"

Posted: 23 Mar 2009 21:18
by GamePlayer

Posted: 23 Mar 2009 23:59
by trang
cant we have Ron Moore from BSG just come and kick the living crap out of KJA for saying anything about BSG. Then he could twit from hospital:)

Speaking of twitter( dont use Facebook and myspace are enough for me) Steven Colbert was on the Today show being interviewed by Merideth and she asked if he was caught up in the Twitter craze? His response, and I quote:

" yes merideth I have Twatted"

About fell off the couch laughing.


Posted: 24 Mar 2009 00:51
by SandChigger
Ampoliros wrote:Is it me, or is Twitter like throwing gas on the fire for egomaniacs. "Guess what I'm doing now! I looking at all the people looking at what I'm doing! I am awesome!"
I see absolutely no point in it at all.

Who wants people to be able to know what they're doing so ... immediately that much? (Besides egomaniacs, as you say.)

More importantly, who wants to know that much?

A culture of idiots. :roll:

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 05:57
by SandChigger
Mammoth army attacks the mines. Mer-people take over a sailing ship. Just another day in the Terra Incognita universe. Almost to the finale.
about 13 hours ago from web
Just another Twitter Twit from a Hack. :roll:

Do you see what's especially stupid about this one?

OK ... the dipshit is currently "working" on his second Terrah Incontinent book. The first one still won't come out for another three months.

NO ONE has any fucking idea where or what "the mines" are. (Unless he mentioned it in the background posts for the CD shit.) Gah. :roll:

And an army of ... mammoths?! :shock:

:P (That one's for Redstar. ;) )

But mer-people taking over a ship? OK, I guess these are the magical variety of mer-people who can transform at will between scaly fishbutts and hairy human butts with legs? Yeah ... that's the ticket. Otherwise there's gonna be a whole lotta slimy floppin' about goin' on! :roll:

Remember ... he shits this stuff out so his head don't explode! :lol:

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 16:20
by Nekhrun
SandChigger wrote:
Mammoth army attacks the mines. Mer-people take over a sailing ship. Just another day in the Terra Incognita universe. Almost to the finale.
about 13 hours ago from web
Just another Twitter Twit from a Hack. :roll:

Do you see what's especially stupid about this one?

OK ... the dipshit is currently "working" on his second Terrah Incontinent book. The first one still won't come out for another three months.

NO ONE has any fucking idea where or what "the mines" are. (Unless he mentioned it in the background posts for the CD shit.) Gah. :roll:

And an army of ... mammoths?! :shock:

:P (That one's for Redstar. ;) )

But mer-people taking over a ship? OK, I guess these are the magical variety of mer-people who can transform at will between scaly fishbutts and hairy human butts with legs? Yeah ... that's the ticket. Otherwise there's gonna be a whole lotta slimy floppin' about goin' on! :roll:

Remember ... he shits this stuff out so his head don't explode! :lol:
It seems like he's trying to reference his work as Neil Gaiman does on his blog (which is actually a blog) occasionally. kja just looks like a stupid little kid when he does it.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 16:42
by TheDukester
Talent-Free Hack wrote:Mammoth army attacks the mines. Mer-people take over a sailing ship. Just another day in the Terra Incognita universe.
No, Kevin, it's just another day of writing meaningless scenes.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 16:44
by Ampoliros
Its time for another episode of Deconstruct KJA's Idiocy.

Today's Subject: Mammoth Army Attacks Mines.

How big are these mines? Do you mean Mammoth as in huge or Mammoth as in:

Why do the mammoth's have an army? Why do Mammoths want the mines? Are they mad because they can't fit in the mines? Or that the only Mammoths you find in caves happen to be dead and fused with rock and/or Ice?

And if you just mean large army, why use a large army to take over mines? Did you read that cool scene in Dune where they use artillery to close the caverns and trap everyone inside, and don't have to fight? No? Good, I'd hate it if you started stealing from Dune.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 16:58
by TheDukester
Ampoliros wrote:Mammoth Army Attacks Mines.
Swear to God, my first thought was "I thought this was a book about sea monsters? Where do mammoths fit in?"

Keith's never let the actual order of the words — or their meanings — get in the way, though. Slows down the hiking/dictation/transcription/check-cashing process and all that.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 17:23
by guild navigator
I think it probably means big. If it really is an army of mastodons, well... ... umakil.jpg


Posted: 25 Mar 2009 17:51
by SandChigger
Why it's doubly funny to me:

(1) The (sentence) context allows "mammoth" to be taken as a noun modifying a noun (mammoth army = army of mammoths); and

(2) "Mammoth" has 7 letters and every letter counts on Twitter. ;)

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 19:25
by SandChigger
Just when I was getting ready to despair of Kevin for the day, both he and 'Becca come through!
My son & his GF foster preg cats who'd otherwise be put down. They're away on Spring Break, so KJA & I are kitten-sitting 8 wee ones now.
3:28 AM Mar 25th from web
OK, place your bets: how many of them will she dip in chocolate before she eats them?
Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #writer #author #music
about 7 hours ago from WeFollow
OK ... who still says he was being sarcastic the other day about putting "record producer" on his resume? ;)
Off to write today's big sea battle. Cannons blazing!
about 7 hours ago from web
OK. Yesterday it was a land battle over mines (but not land mines!) and today he's back at sea. Typical KJA roller coaster chapter progression. :roll:

Or is it?

Actually, I think this one's a coded message to KJA health watchers!

The water conflict reference obviously means he's still having "plumbing" problems. The last means he's still stiff from last night's Viagra and experiencing cloudy urine and burning discharges from that bladder infection.


Posted: 25 Mar 2009 19:42
by Redstar
SandChigger wrote:(1) The (sentence) context allows "mammoth" to be taken as a noun modifying a noun (mammoth army = army of mammoths); and
At times I thought it was an army of mammoths attacking landmines, only to die in small explosions. His wording could really be better.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 19:46
by GamePlayer
Ampoliros wrote:Its time for another episode of Deconstruct KJA's Idiocy.

Today's Subject: Mammoth Army Attacks Mines.

How big are these mines? Do you mean Mammoth as in huge or Mammoth as in:

Why do the mammoth's have an army? Why do Mammoths want the mines? Are they mad because they can't fit in the mines? Or that the only Mammoths you find in caves happen to be dead and fused with rock and/or Ice?

And if you just mean large army, why use a large army to take over mines? Did you read that cool scene in Dune where they use artillery to close the caverns and trap everyone inside, and don't have to fight? No? Good, I'd hate it if you started stealing from Dune.
LOL! Perhaps he meant to say "Mammoth-sized Army", you know, like "Mammoth-sized Hack" :)

Posted: 26 Mar 2009 04:39
by Hunchback Jack
SandChigger wrote:
Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #writer #author #music
about 7 hours ago from WeFollow
OK ... who still says he was being sarcastic the other day about putting "record producer" on his resume? ;)
Fuck me, but he's such a tool.
SandChigger wrote:
Off to write today's big sea battle. Cannons blazing!
about 7 hours ago from web
OK. Yesterday it was a land battle over mines (but not land mines!) and today he's back at sea. Typical KJA roller coaster chapter progression. :roll:
Yawn. And doubtless not nearly enough explanation about *why* these different armies/factions/whatever might be fighting. Other than that they're *enemies*, of course. :roll:


Posted: 26 Mar 2009 09:36
by Ampoliros
Duh, you only need 2 sides, maybe 3. Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Guys who might be bad or good, and take a side at the last minute, kicking ass and winning the fight in less space than it took me to write this.

Off to write today's big sea battle. Cannons blazing!
about 7 hours ago from web
Why are the seas fighting? Isn't a Big Sea called an Ocean? Why would the sea's have cannons? and if they do, wouldn't they be made of coral and fire giant crabs, which, while being cooler than usual for KJA, would also be pointless, as crabs don't really damage something as big as a Sea?

I must say, I'm rather shocked that there has yet to be even a hint at what super-weapon will be featured in Terrible Incognition.

Oh yeah, I forgot, it's Rock Music.

Posted: 26 Mar 2009 17:33
by SandChigger
Just brainstormed w/my DC editor for follow-up to ENEMIES & ALLIES. What to do after Batman/Superman first meeting? Ooh boy, just wait!
about 2 hours ago from web
Ooh boy, I can't!

Hmm ... how about dinner and a movie? Or a bit of dancing at a trendy club? Then they go back to the Bat Cave and, well....

Which one's the top again? The MAN of Steel?

Posted: 26 Mar 2009 17:49
by Hunchback Jack
Reality show. Whether they compete in some ridiculous competition, redecorate someone's house, or stay cooped up together in the same house for months at a time, you *know* it would be a ratings smash.