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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 16:55
by SandChigger
So what's Perry been sucking down, to be so happy? :lol:

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 17:46
by Freakzilla
He's been drinking the cool-aid.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 19:50
by Nekhrun
Freakzilla wrote:Supporting Cain, GOP base evokes Thomas hearings

Funny how the sexual harassment accusations didn't come out until after he took the lead. :roll:
It would've been an attempt on anyone in front of Romney I'm sure. Also, does anyone really think that a sexual harassment allegation is really going to hurt him? Look at Schwarzenegger. It makes me think that a Democrat dug this up and not Rove.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 20:06
by Freakzilla
I think Republicans/Conservative will vote for anyone over Obama.

He'd have to be a child molester or something worse... can't think of anything.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 20:24
by Hunchback Jack
Old news, but did you all see the Cain campaign ad with his political adviser smoking at the end? Flat out hilarious. And Cain's slow, knowing grin at the end was priceless.

If I agreed with his policies, I'd be tempted to vote for him on that ad alone.


Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 01 Nov 2011 20:57
by Freakzilla
Yeah, but I don't see what the big deal is. I know smokers are second class citizens now but come on, it's not like it's a secret that people smoke.

Obama was a smoker when he got elected.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 03:23
by Hunchback Jack
The big deal wasn't that the guy smoked, the big deal was that he did so in a campaign ad. :)

IMHO, that was pretty ballsy. And Cain's smile at the end spoke volumes.


Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 08:08
by Nekhrun
Hunchback Jack wrote:The big deal wasn't that the guy smoked, the big deal was that he did so in a campaign ad. :)

IMHO, that was pretty ballsy. And Cain's smile at the end spoke volumes.
Also, the whole thing was just so fucking strange.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 08:11
by Freakzilla
What can I say, he's not a politician.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 12:24
by Freakzilla
Poll Shows Cain with Big Lead in the GOP Field

By Erik Hayden | The Atlantic Wire – 3 hrs ago

A new poll is out showing Herman Cain, whose campaign is battling off reports of sexual harassment claims, still with a commanding lead in the Republican party, but could this just be the candidate's high water mark? Quinnipiac's latest election survey, shows Cain with a commanding lead over his Republican rivals for the party's presidential nomination, with 30 percent support, 7 points better than second-place Romney. Their release sums up the findings:

Former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain leads the Republican presidential primary field with 30 percent, followed by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney with 23 percent, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich with 10 percent and Texas Gov. Rick Perry with 8 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds. No other candidate tops 7 percent.

Some may point to this data as backing up the counter-intuitive notion that the story of Cain's resurfaced sexual harassment accusations from his time as head of the National Restaurant Association. As The Atlantic's Wire Elspeth Reeve noted: conservatives who've ditched other candidates may not be quick to abandon Herman Cain. But if the scandal continues, this could also mark the peak of Cain's meteoric rise in the primary campaign: most of this survey was done before the story broke on late on Sunday night, Oct. 30. Quinnipiac says its survey was conducted between Oct. 25 and 31.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 12:41
by Crysknife
The guy is toast. Stick a fork in him. It's not like he ever had a chance anyway. That's just my opinion of course.

I don't have any issue with a man in power trying to get some skirt, but when everytime they speak they preach about marriage and God and morals.....that's where I draw the line.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 12:44
by Freakzilla
I've listened to him on the radio for years and never heard him talk about those things.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 12:45
by Freakzilla
“our [conservative] blacks are so much better better than their blacks.”
~Ann Coulter

Shut up Ann, you're not helping. :doh:

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 13:07
by Crysknife
Freakzilla wrote:I've listened to him on the radio for years and never heard him talk about those things.
Ok true, I haven't heard him say much about marriage and stuff but he does sing hymns and it's obvious he's a total social conservative.....maybe I just get the feeling that he will start talking about those things if he were handed the nomination.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 17:50
by A Thing of Eternity
Freakzilla wrote:“our [conservative] blacks are so much better better than their blacks.”
~Ann Coulter

Shut up Ann, you're not helping. :doh:
I don't say this often about people, but if someone could just SHOOT HER the world would instantly be improved.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 18:13
by Freakzilla
A Thing of Eternity wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:“our [conservative] blacks are so much better better than their blacks.”
~Ann Coulter

Shut up Ann, you're not helping. :doh:
I don't say this often about people, but if someone could just SHOOT HER the world would instantly be improved.
I find her really annoying, too. She seems to say things like that just to get attention.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 18:30
by A Thing of Eternity
Freakzilla wrote:
A Thing of Eternity wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:“our [conservative] blacks are so much better better than their blacks.”
~Ann Coulter

Shut up Ann, you're not helping. :doh:
I don't say this often about people, but if someone could just SHOOT HER the world would instantly be improved.
I find her really annoying, too. She seems to say things like that just to get attention.
Oh yeah, I don't think any thought has gone into 90% of the words out of her mouth, she's just a worthless human being thann incites a lot of hatred. If it was legal to shoot people I'd shoot her tomorrow probably, just to try and keep her out of the gene pool. :wink:

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 19:39
by D Pope

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 20:08
by Freakzilla
That's pretty good flute playing considering she's not using the keys.

(I played the flute in elementary and middle school band, wasn't my first choice but we already had one my step-sister played. Go ahead, make fun, but it taught me how to read music.)

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 21:19
by Nietzsche's mustache
Herman Cain didn't even know that China ALREADY has nuclear weapons (their nuclear program is about 40 years old). The guy is clueless. He may or may not be a decent human being (the sexual harassment accusation is still unclear), but his ignorance on certain subjects renders him incapable of projecting himself as a credible candidate.

I've disliked him since I heard his version of John Lennon's Imagine.

"Imagine there's no pizza..." :angry-screaming:

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 07:54
by Freakzilla
Nietzsche's mustache wrote:Herman Cain didn't even know that China ALREADY has nuclear weapons (their nuclear program is about 40 years old). The guy is clueless. He may or may not be a decent human being (the sexual harassment accusation is still unclear), but his ignorance on certain subjects renders him incapable of projecting himself as a credible candidate.

I've disliked him since I heard his version of John Lennon's Imagine.

"Imagine there's no pizza..." :angry-screaming:
Still better than Obama. :snooty:

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 08:07
by Freakzilla

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 08:57
by Freakzilla
Maybe I'm niave but it's hard for me to believe someone would run for public office with such skeletons in their closet.

But hell, Obama was associated with radicals and extremists, even a convicted terrorist bomber and he got elected.

But thank GOD he didn't make passes at any women!


Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 09:50
by Nietzsche's mustache
Freakzilla wrote:Maybe I'm niave but it's hard for me to believe someone would run for public office with such skeletons in their closet.

But hell, Obama was associated with radicals and extremists, even a convicted terrorist bomber and he got elected.

But thank GOD he didn't make passes at any women!

Politicians do it all the time. They are fucking shameless. Remember John Edwards? It wasn't sexual harassment but still... They believe that they are untouchable. It's common knowledge that when you run for public office you WILL BE scrutinized fairly and unfairly. Suddenly, they're surprised and outraged when this happens.

I agree with you on that people are extra sensitive on anything that has to do with infidelity and/or sexual harassment. The media's and society's reactions to sexual scandals are blown way out of proportion.

Electoral campaigns are a fucking joke. :handgestures-thumbdown:

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Nov 2011 14:18
by SandRider
02 November 1991
Saturday Night Live
Campaign '92: The Race To Avoid Being The Guy Who Loses To Bush

Moderator.....Julia Sweeney
Sen. Bill Bradley.....Kevin Nealon
Congressman Dick Gephardt.....Dana Carvey
Sen. Lloyd Bentsen.....Keifer Sutherland
Tipper Gore.....Victoria Jackson
Gov. Mario Cuomo.....Phil Hartman

Moderator: Good evening. I'm Fay Sullivan, of the League of Women Voters. Welcome to this, the first in a series of debates among the five leading Democrats who are trying to avoid being forced by their party into a hopeless race against President George Bush. Most of them have already announced that they're not interested in the nomination. But each, of course, is under enormous pressure to be the "chump" who will take on the futile task of running against this very, very popular incumbent. They are.. Sen. Bill Bradley of New Jersey..

Sen. Bill Bradley: I am not a candidate for President in 1992.

Moderator: House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt of Missouri..

Congressman Dick Gephardt: I do not seek my party's nomination.

Moderator: Sen. Lloyd Bentsen of Texas..

Sen. Lloyd Bentsen: I do not wish to be my party's nominee in the next election.

Moderator: Here for her husband, Sen. Al Gore of Tennessee, Tipper Gore..

Tipper Gore: He's not interested.

Moderator: And Gov. Mario Cuomo, of New York.

Gov. Mario Cuomo: No way!

Moderator: Gov. Cuomo, let's begin with you. In a way, one might say there's no reason for any of you to be forced into this race. After all, there are already several announced candidates for the Democratic nomination - Sen. Kerrey, Sen. Harkin, fomer Gov. Brown, and so on. Why is your party beggin you, or any of you, to enter the race?

Gov. Mario Cuomo: Fay, I don't know. But I'll tell you something - if the Democratic Party were to make me its candidate in 1992, it would go down as its worse defeat in history.

Sen. Bill Bradley: Oh, come on, Mario! You're probably the best candidate we've got!

Everyone: Cuomo! Cuomo! Cuomo! Cuomo!

Gov. Mario Cuomo: Please, please! Bill! Now, I resent the implication that I'm the strongest candidate here. Let's be frank - you're far better than any of us, or have you forgotten your brilliant play as you led the New York Knicks to victory in the 1973 NBA Finals?

Everyone: Bradley! Bradley! Bradley! Bradley!

Gov. Mario Cuomo: Now, Bill, you could show me polls that have me losing to Bush by 7 points, and I can show you polls that have me losing to Bush by 40 points - that's not the issue! The issue is my record. After eight years of my mismanagement as governor, the economy of New York State is in a shambles! Now, I don't think anyone here can point to a record like that.

Congressman Dick Gephardt: Now, wait a minute..

Moderator: Congressman Gephardt?

Everyone: Gephardt! Gephardt! Gephardt! Gephardt!

Congressman Dick Gephardt: Well, hold on! Now, if you wanna talk about shambles, let's talk about the U.S. House of Representatives, of which I am the Majority Leader. You know, the real enemy facing this country isn't the Soviets, it isn't the Japanese - it's people like me! And the American people know it. The fact is, I couldn't beat David Duke in Harlem! What this party needs is someone with the vision, the integrity, and the guts of an Al Gore.

Everyone: Gore! Gore! Gore! Gore!

Tipper Gore: That isn't fair! My husband isn't here tonight to answer to that kind of smear!

Congressman Dick Gephardt: Then, I have to ask you, if your husband doesn't think he should be this party's nominee, why didn't he bother to show up here tonight?

Tipper Gore: My husband is with our kids at a gay porno theater.

Everyone: Oh, come on! Come on!

Moderator: Gentlemen, please! Sen. Bentsen, we haven't heard from you yet.

Everyone: Bentsen! Bentsen! Bentsen! Bentsen!

Moderator: Please.. please.. Senator, tell us why Lloyd Bentsen should not be President.

Sen. Lloyd Bentsen: Oh, Fay, there are so many reasons. But, ultimately, it comes down to one - this election is about ideas. And the fact is, I have none. Nothing, covers empty, nada, not a one! You know, I remind myself of that commercial, "Where's The Beef?" And that's the problem with Lloyd Bentsen - where's the beef?

Sen. Bill Bradley: Uh, may I?

Moderator: Sen. Bradley?

Sen. Bill Bradley: What about me? If Lloyd wants to talk about lack of substance, I say what about me? I'm an ex-jock. End of story. The fact is, Lloyd is one of the finest minds in the Senate! In fact, he reminds many of us of another great democrat - John F. Kennedy.

Sen. Lloyd Bentsen: Sen Bradley, I knew Jack Kennedy.. I worked with Jack Kennedy.. I am no Jack Kennedy.

Sen. Bill Bradley: Senator, that was uncalled for.

Sen. Lloyd Bentsen: The fact is, when most people hear the name Lloyd Bentsen, they don't think of Jack Kennedy; they think of two other fellows - Michael Dukakis and Willie Horton.

Tipper Gore: Lloyd, that is shameless!

Gov. Mario Cuomo: Sen. Bentsen, I resent the suggestion that you are somehow more the candidate of Willie Horton than anyone else here! The fact is, as governor of New York, I have pardoned criminals far worse than Willie Horton! Including key figures in organized crime, who happen top be close friends of mine! Yes! I'm talking about the mob!

Moderator: Well.. gentlemen, Mrs. Gore.. we've reached the end of our alotted time. Each of you is now allowed a brief closing statement. Let's begin with Tipper Gore.

Tipper Gore: Thank you, Fay. I'm a mother of three children, and, like any mother, I want the best possible future for my kids. When I think of a future with my husband as President, frankly, I'm scared. Thank you.

Moderator: Congressman Gephardt?

Congressman Dick Gephardt: There's a feeling abroad in this land. You can sense it from the textile workers in South Carolina, from machinists in Detroit, and ranchers in Wyoming. The feeling that Dick Gephardt repreents everything that's wrong with this country. You don't want me as your president, and neither do I. I want to remain in Congress. After all, that's where the money is - your money. Thank you.

Moderator: Sen. Bradley?

Sen. Bill Bradley: Well, there are people that will tell you that I can beat George Bush. Why? Because I'm a sports celebrity. But I think you, the American people, are smarter than that. You want a leader you can defend against terrorism, not jump shots; who can make a foreign policy, not an inbound pass; a leader who can run an economy, not a three-man weave. If America ever needs a man in a low post.. perhaps I'm the guy.. but, when it comes to our nation's highest post, I just don't cut it. Thank you.

Moderator: And now, Sen. Bentsen.

Sen. Lloyd Bentsen: I'm old.. and I'm only gonna be getting older. Older and more confused. Hell, I can't tell you all the names of the people that are standing right here. One thing I can tell you, is that George Bush would beat the living bejebus out of me. He's done it before, just ask a couple friends of mine - Michael Dukakis and Willie Horton.

Moderator: And, finally, Gov. Cuomo.

Gov. Mario Cuomo: Thank you, Fay. Tonight, we've heard a lot about images of perception, about what poll shows what candidate losing by the least to whom at any given time.. Now, I could stand here and talk about the inaccuracy of polling, or the subjective nature of the process - but that's not the real issue here! The real issue is simple - I.. have.. mob ties!

Moderator: Well, that brings to a close, the first in a series of Democratic Presidential debates. Thank you, all of you, for your participation here tonight. And I'd also like to take this opportunity to remind our viewers at home that democracy works only when you vote. When you don't take the time to vote for the candidate you find the least offensive, you run the risk of electing the candidate you find the most offensive. Good night.