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Posted: 30 Oct 2008 21:50
by Tyrant
GamePlayer wrote:We desperately need a reset button :)

sign me up...i'd love a reset button...the problem with the rich is that they breed more rich...their kids can get into college no matter wouldve had to get straight A's to get into college cause my family has always been lower to lower middle class .... we could never afford college for me, my siblings, or my cousins ..... and i've always been a really fast learner...i've always had talent for just about everything... but i was a kid...i smoked pot, jerked off, and partied...then i got older and its too late .... i can only hope i raise my kids to care about responsibilty more than i did at that age .... hopefully if they can get my ability to be good at anything ... mix in responsibility ....maybe theres a chance... cause my kids wont have the options wealthier kids take for granted .... i cant afford college for my kids...i live pay check to pay check.... i hate how all these so called "professionals" get great jobs cause they earned a piece of paper at a university...then you realize they're really dumbasses with no talent what so ever (but they have their piece of paper!!!) ...but over on the other side is someone who's a much harder worker with way more digging a ditch .... the system definately needs a reset button... the ability to do school work does not prove one has wisdom or work ethic ...only the ability to do school work

Posted: 30 Oct 2008 22:30
by SandChigger
GamePlayer wrote:...honestly, there has to be a reward for getting ahead. Otherwise, what's the point?
Way to go, my GamePlayah! :D

(Seriously. Now pop over to FED2K and tell it to the Young Commies over there. :roll: )

As for reset buttons, we need to do the same thing our ancestors did: abandon the old and move someplace new.

The only way left is UP! :D

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 08:42
by Freakzilla
Tyrant wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:I'd still rather have a job than a tax cut.
employers will still need their employees....cause without them....whos gonna make them all their money?...not their lazy rich asses...thats for sure
Those emplyees going to work for free when the employer can't afford to pay them because of taxes?

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 08:58
by Freakzilla
Tyrant wrote:
GamePlayer wrote:We desperately need a reset button :)

sign me up...i'd love a reset button...the problem with the rich is that they breed more rich...their kids can get into college no matter wouldve had to get straight A's to get into college cause my family has always been lower to lower middle class .... we could never afford college for me, my siblings, or my cousins ..... and i've always been a really fast learner...i've always had talent for just about everything... but i was a kid...i smoked pot, jerked off, and partied...then i got older and its too late .... i can only hope i raise my kids to care about responsibilty more than i did at that age .... hopefully if they can get my ability to be good at anything ... mix in responsibility ....maybe theres a chance... cause my kids wont have the options wealthier kids take for granted .... i cant afford college for my kids...i live pay check to pay check.... i hate how all these so called "professionals" get great jobs cause they earned a piece of paper at a university...then you realize they're really dumbasses with no talent what so ever (but they have their piece of paper!!!) ...but over on the other side is someone who's a much harder worker with way more digging a ditch .... the system definately needs a reset button... the ability to do school work does not prove one has wisdom or work ethic ...only the ability to do school work
I hear ya! I see it every day when I deal with "professional" engineers who don't know shit.

I'm thankfull though for programs like NICET that award national certifications based on job experience and testing.

There should be something like that for more professions.

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 12:34
by GamePlayer
SandChigger wrote:
GamePlayer wrote:...honestly, there has to be a reward for getting ahead. Otherwise, what's the point?
Way to go, my GamePlayah! :D

(Seriously. Now pop over to FED2K and tell it to the Young Commies over there. :roll: )

As for reset buttons, we need to do the same thing our ancestors did: abandon the old and move someplace new.

The only way left is UP! :D
I'm not sure where the anti-capitalism came from in modern society, but I assume it's linked to the perception that evil corporations are raping our planet. Business is not the problem, it's our industry and policy. If we make the rules and enforce them, business will follow. Business is very capable of adapting and prospering in a fair system, we just have to make sure the system is built correctly and we just can't change the rules on business every 3-4 years. They need stability to grow and prosper.

I don't know if I can be much help at your other place, but you can quote my posts if you like.

As for moving on, I am right there with you. The first chance someone offers pioneers the chance to go on a perilous colonization program, I'm there. I want off this fucking rock as soon as possible and I want it nuked once we leave. A nice fresh start for humanity :)

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 13:06
by A Thing of Eternity
GamePlayer wrote:The tragedy is that it's not all one-sided either. I believe both the government and the taxpayers play a key role in the worsening tax burden. I know in my own country the problematic tax system is both the result of corruption/bureaucratic inefficiencies and the result of people demanding the government maintain their their increasingly high needs.

I really do believe that social programs have their place, but they also must be managed by the strictest of standards and curtailed by funding caps. Otherwise they get way out of control. A sad reality of social programs is they also serve as political blackmail. Every time a politician is elected into office and suggests cutbacks to curtail government spending and reduce debt, the public outcry is almost deafening. People want their government out of debt and want their taxes reduced, but they are not willing to sacrifice to dig ourselves out from under the truly dire situation that previous generations have created.

Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better.

What's truly frightening is municipal, provincial and federal debt burdens are now so high that the fiscal situation cannot be solved in a 4 year term. The province of Alberta, as an example, took 11 years to eliminate the provincial debt, a debt which it had lived with for over 35 years. Even if the people are willing to suffer cutbacks for 4 years, what are the odds that they will have the will to do so for another 7 years? They'll likely vilify the government and vote in another government that will give them their social programs back. :(

That's why I place such a high priority on debt elimination in government. If our government is in a strong fiscal state, they can cope with the ups and downs of the market far easier than under a debt burden. Imagine if we were out of debt. If Canada was hit by a recession, the government could kickstart the economy with tax breaks and even run spending deficits, knowing that they'd recover in a few years. We could even loan money to other countries in times of economic crisis if we were flush. But what can we do under the burden of a $650 billion debt?

We need to get our house in order before we can truly move forward and I suspect the US is in a very similar state.
I don't believe it's right to demonize the rich. I know they make good villains for the everyman, but honestly, there has to be a reward for getting ahead. Otherwise, what's the point?
Word again. I personally don't have a problem with those who make more having to support more of the burdon (who ends up with exactly what % is an agrument of degrees and cricumstance and I don't see the point of getting into it) but I really don't think it's necessary or intelligent to automatically insult those who have done well just because they have. People need to learn to sort out the evil ass companies (Shell, Coca-Cola) from the ones who've honestly never been out to hurt anyone and have just done well.
I'm not sure where the anti-capitalism came from in modern society, but I assume it's linked to the perception that evil corporations are raping our planet. Business is not the problem, it's our industry and policy. If we make the rules and enforce them, business will follow. Business is very capable of adapting and prospering in a fair system, we just have to make sure the system is built correctly and we just can't change the rules on business every 3-4 years. They need stability to grow and prosper.
Word again.
As for moving on, I am right there with you. The first chance someone offers pioneers the chance to go on a perilous colonization program, I'm there. I want off this fucking rock as soon as possible and I want it nuked once we leave. A nice fresh start for humanity
Word yet again, but I think we should skip the nukes and go for a viral wipeout. No need to drag the rest of the life on the planet down with us. :wink:

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 14:24
by Freakzilla
My wife voted today. There's a referendum on the ballot to allow the sale of alcohol on Sundays!


Posted: 31 Oct 2008 14:27
by TheDukester
In the SOUTH?!?!?

No effing way! Good lord, it really is the End Times. :)

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 14:28
by A Thing of Eternity
Freakzilla wrote:My wife voted today. There's a referendum on the ballot to allow the sale of alcohol on Sundays!

You folks can't sell booze on Sundays? :shock: Where do you get your sunday booze then?!

What about steak on fridays? :lol:

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 14:29
by Freakzilla
A Thing of Eternity wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:My wife voted today. There's a referendum on the ballot to allow the sale of alcohol on Sundays!

You folks can't sell booze on Sundays? :shock: Where do you get your sunday booze then?!

What about steak on fridays? :lol:
We stock up on booze Saturday night. If you forget you have to go to a bar and drive home drunk. Then there is bail and fines, etc...

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 14:33
by A Thing of Eternity
Freakzilla wrote:
A Thing of Eternity wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:My wife voted today. There's a referendum on the ballot to allow the sale of alcohol on Sundays!

You folks can't sell booze on Sundays? :shock: Where do you get your sunday booze then?!

What about steak on fridays? :lol:
We stock up on booze Saturday night. If you forget you have to go to a bar and drive home drunk. Then there is bail and fines, etc...
Ah, I see. You have to use planning skills... that's very inconvenient!

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 14:35
by Omphalos
I think quite a few jurisdictions have repeal of the final blue laws on teh ballot this year. Now we can all get toasted on Sunday!

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 15:29
by Freakzilla
Pot is still illegal every day, yeah! :cry:

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 15:56
by Freakzilla
After you morons elect Barak "The Antichrist" Obama, we are going to change the official USA symbol to a condom because it more accurately reflects our political stance:

A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks and gives you a sense of security while you're getting fucked.


Posted: 31 Oct 2008 16:03
by SandRider
Dr. Freaknfurter wrote:After you morons elect Barak "The Antichrist" Obama
Glad you're accepting the inevitable ....

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 16:06
by Freakzilla
SandRider wrote:
Dr. Freaknfurter wrote:After you morons elect Barak "The Antichrist" Obama
Glad you're accepting the inevitable ....
The fat lady hasn't sung yet! But I can't ignore what the polls say. I'll still be standing in line to throw away my vote next week.

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 16:06
by SandChigger
Well, Freak, y'all down there could try seceding from the Union again in protest. It worked SO WELL the first time, no? :roll:

(Dayum! I hadn't even read this yet! :lol:
Freakzilla wrote:The Civil War ain't over, it's just halftime!

Looks like Granma C's second sight gonna be a'twitchin' a-day. ;) )

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 16:11
by SandRider
Awright now ! Them's absolutely fightin' words !!

Freak wrote: But I can't ignore what the polls say
Why not ? Fox News is ....

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 16:13
by Freakzilla
SandChigger wrote:Well, Freak, y'all down there could try seceding from the Union again in protest. It worked SO WELL the first time, no? :roll:
The Confederacy killed more Union soldiers and won more battles than the Union with far fewer men.

One Southerner can lick a dozen Yankees!

If Gen. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia has gone guerilla after Gettysburg things may have ended differently.

But that's another topic...

He won't be president for long.

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 16:15
by SandChigger
(That's kinda sorta a dumb thing to be saying, don't you think?)

Anyway, see my edit above. I just read the other thread. :lol:

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 16:15
by SandRider

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 16:31
by Robspierre
Dunno why conservatives are going on about Obama being a socialist, Alaska is run as the most socialist state in the union :D, redistributing the wealth to the population from corporations... And I do not get why corporate welfare/socialism is good yet the cutting of programs that are designed to help people get back on their feet as opposed to handouts are bad? What fucking bullshit. Fuck the upper classes and their hand outs, get back ot what we had in the 90's where the programs were designed to help the people not simply hand outs, get back to fiscal responsibility, reduce the tax burden on the american tax payer and shift more towards the corporations like it use to be, get back to a progressive tax system, get back to regulation, four of the companies requiring the largest bailouts in 2004 were exempted from all regulations by the SEC and they operated with zero oversight, which made the credit crisis worse, democrats did not force companies to have debt/to fund ratios of 30/1 and even 40/1 when the federal regualtions only allowed a max of 12/1. In 2002 the Bush administration expanded and pursued even more aggressively an initiative the Clinton administration started to increase home ownership among low income families. Finally, under Republicans i was not elegible for a lot of federal financial aid but the Democrats added funds specifically for those pursuing a degree in education. My Pell Grant pays all but $13 of my tuition each semester, my out of pocket costs for tuition for one year (two semesters) is $26 as opposed to $4758 for two semesters I would of been without the grant. Obama wants to fund scholarships ot cover costs for education majors and he supports making the parents and students accountable, not just the teachers and school systems.


Posted: 31 Oct 2008 16:41
by SandRider
yeah, yeah, yeah

say, Rob, you got those nude pics of Keira with the short-hair,
gettin' done up by the scruffy guy on the beach ?

I mean, do you have good ones ? The ones I have
are kinda blurry, like a bad screenshot from Mr. Skin ....

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 17:15
by Robspierre
SandRider wrote:yeah, yeah, yeah

say, Rob, you got those nude pics of Keira with the short-hair,
gettin' done up by the scruffy guy on the beach ?

I mean, do you have good ones ? The ones I have
are kinda blurry, like a bad screenshot from Mr. Skin .... ... ?album=375


Posted: 31 Oct 2008 17:27
by SandRider