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Posted: 14 Apr 2008 01:27
by Omphalos
Well, that is not really what you said. What you said was that they would not get a role other than symbolic. What I said was that there was a danger that they would.
GamePlayer wrote:And whatever you do, don't listen to any of the BS chest beating and back slapping that these two (KJA/BH) are going to be posting on their blogs or quoted as saying in the many promotional circuit publications yet to come. They are only merely involved in a long process, but they'll talk it up like they're hitting on a super model way out of their league at a celebrity party that they just happened to be invited to as a courtesy
Bang! Dead solid perfect! And what do we have but that blow-hard KJA talking up his BS in an interview, just like I said would.
Ha! Im going to call you ostrich boy from now on. Just stick your head in the sand and ignore what is going on around you. :P

Posted: 14 Apr 2008 05:00
by inhuien
Now this may (?) be old news but it has pasted me by, in the first line of that interview he states that the Heros trilogy is "It's actually four books -- Paul, Jessica, Irulan, and Leto"

Posted: 14 Apr 2008 05:46
by orald
I can't wait for it to come out so I can hear the Matrix fanboys say how much this ripped off their trilogy. Unfortunately, they'll actually be right. :cry:

Posted: 14 Apr 2008 10:30
by GamePlayer
Omphalos wrote:Well, that is not really what you said. What you said was that they would not get a role other than symbolic. What I said was that there was a danger that they would.

Ha! Im going to call you ostrich boy from now on. Just stick your head in the sand and ignore what is going on around you. :P
No, it's exactly what I said, ten different times in ten different ways in a futile attempt to offer you perspective. Obviously you'll have none of that and it's all about "I'm right, you're wrong." So how is it hanging on KJA's every word? Didn't you say something about never trusting anything the HLP says? :roll:

As for the rest, the debate is pointless. If the new Dune film sucks hard, the dreaded fanboy nightmare "Norma" is uttered and all the worst OH predictions of doom come to pass, you'll go to your grave screaming curses at KJA/BH as public enemy number one.

Meanwhile, the real reasons why the new Dune film will fail is...
Because Paramount exploited the environmental subtext of Dune for a buck at the expense of everything else...
Because Paramount assigned to Dune a studio yes-man director with no real talent, knowledge or passion for the project...
Because Misher doesn't know the first thing about adapting a multi-layered story like Dune to film and won't even try...
Because the script chosen for the project (critically important but totally ignored thus far!) is written by McG hacks...
Because, because, because...
And at the very bottom of the list, because someone took KJA's advice and decided "Norma" would be a good script change.

But by all means, blame me for being ignorant of the real reasons why the Dune movie will suck. Because you know, "Norma" is gonna make or break this entire film. I can already hear the Lucas-esque cries of "KJA raped my childhood!" :P :lol:

Posted: 14 Apr 2008 11:54
by A Thing of Eternity
Norma? Norma might to be in the new Dune? WTF? Is this just paranoid speculation, or is there a source? If not don't scare me like that, I'll have a freaken stroke.

Posted: 14 Apr 2008 12:25
by Freakzilla
It's paranoia, but I wouldn't put it past Pinky & The Brian.

Posted: 14 Apr 2008 14:48
by orald
It's no paranoia, lad! God has told me this in a dream just this, umm, afternoon, truly! :shock:

Posted: 14 Apr 2008 15:02
by A Thing of Eternity
Jebus! Don't scare me like that.

Posted: 14 Apr 2008 16:18
by orald
Nah, JK, me and God, we're not on speaking terms after that whole mess in the Napoleonic wars. He's got no sense of humor I say. :roll:

Posted: 14 Apr 2008 23:09
by Rakis
inhuien wrote:Now this may (?) be old news but it has pasted me by, in the first line of that interview he states that the Heros trilogy is "It's actually four books -- Paul, Jessica, Irulan, and Leto"
Yep...i'm still in shock and that little guy :arrow: :shock: does not even describes it... :cry:

Posted: 15 Apr 2008 01:47
by Simon
Rakis wrote:
inhuien wrote:Now this may (?) be old news but it has pasted me by, in the first line of that interview he states that the Heros trilogy is "It's actually four books -- Paul, Jessica, Irulan, and Leto"
Yep...i'm still in shock and that little guy :arrow: :shock: does not even describes it... :cry:
I'm pretty excited. (as always :P )

Leto of Dune has a lot of possibility, I was always interested in the early years of his reign, plus the fact that their would undoubtedly have been more "action" at the beginning of his rule will play on the pair's strengths, though I hope it feature some of the "heady" qualities of GEOD.

Posted: 15 Apr 2008 01:48
by Omphalos
"Possibility" is not the word I would have chosen.

You mark my words, Simon. That one in particular is going to suck so badly, and change the story so remarkably, that even you will come over the light of OH'dom.

Posted: 15 Apr 2008 03:45
by SandChigger
Simon wrote:Leto of Dune has a lot of possibility, I was always interested in the early years of his reign, plus the fact that their would undoubtedly have been more "action" at the beginning of his rule will play on the pair's strengths, though I hope it feature some of the "heady" qualities of GEOD.
Yeah, everyone would like to know more about what happens after Children ends. And what happens during those 3000+ years up to the beginning of God Emperor.

And if Frank Herbert actually wrote anything about those many years, his notes and scribblings should be presented as is for fans to see for themselves.


Forget it, kiddo, it ain't going to happen.

(And if by some chance something "heady" does show up, rest assured that it will be something written by Frank that they slipped in. ;) )

Posted: 15 Apr 2008 04:16
by Freakzilla
Blasphemy! :x They must have balls the size of church bells. :shock:

Posted: 15 Apr 2008 04:44
by Serkanner
The one word that convinces me that these ( now ) four extra books are unnecessary milk cows is: GAPS!

Asshole KJA states there are GAPS! in the storyline of the Chronicles. Is he out of his mind? This is the storyline as Frank wrote them and he has the audacity to say there are GAPS! in the storyline.

I remember vividly reading God-Emperor for the very first time. I started reading Siona running and fleeing from the D-Wolves. So many questions popped-up in my mind after reading that first chapter that I was completely sucked into the Duniverse again.

I had to keep reading to find answers to those questions and to this very day not all of them have been answered. That is they way Frank envisioned his series. He needed the GAP of 3500 years to make the God-Emperor succeed as a character. When you read GEOD you "feel" his age.

I am afraid the end of the Ortho's ordeal is far from over.

Posted: 15 Apr 2008 11:02
by Omphalos
deja vu!

Posted: 15 Apr 2008 19:35
by Alia
Is it just me, or did I read Serkanners post somewhere else? :shock:

Posted: 15 Apr 2008 19:40
by Omphalos
Alia wrote:Is it just me, or did I read Serkanners post somewhere else? :shock:
That is what I meant by deja vu. I had just seen it elsewhere too. :wink:

Posted: 17 Apr 2008 19:29
by Tleszer
OMG Alia and Omph must have prescience! May Dur save us all!

Posted: 18 Apr 2008 04:49
by SandChigger
Should we assume, Omph, that there will be no reply? :?

Posted: 18 Apr 2008 16:48
by Ampoliros
pfft what are you guys worried about? they are making a movie called "Dune" So far i have seen nothing that relates this film and its production staff to Dune by Frank Herbert.

but in all seriousness, haven't any of you read "Civil Disobedience". If you want to see it, buy a ticket for another film then sneak in to "DOONZOMG"
Bring Barf bags and a quart of Scotch.

That or its worth prison to refuse to pay for this and just download it.
"Your Honor, how am i stealing from the 'authors' when they themselves raped a corpse and then fraudulently led on their own fanbase with a steaming pile o' dung. Personally i'd like protection under freedom of speech and religion ( I stand in the sacred human presence ) from these bigots who are attempting to use something sacred to me for personal profit"

sweet then i could subpoena the notes and disks!

to be honest, are any of you suprised at this move by KJA/HLP. I saw it coming a mile away.

Posted: 22 Apr 2008 22:49
by Simon
Ampoliros wrote:Bring Barf bags and a quart of Scotch.

Oh did Nicholas Cage decide to do Ghost Rider 2? :P

Posted: 23 Apr 2008 02:40
by SandChigger
Would not know. I haven't even seen the first one.

(It's basically kinda like Spawn without the neat cape and chains, right? :roll: )

If I recall correctly from the DN "Blog" entries when I was looking for Pail of Dung info recently, EVEN Kevin and Brian didn't like the first one.

(I believe it was one of the movies they watched "to unwind" one night during the week Kevin was in Seattle brianstorming...I mean, brainstorming Pail and the Gyros of Dumb series.)

Posted: 23 Apr 2008 05:56
by orald
SandChigger wrote:(I believe it was one of the movies they watched "to unwind" one night during the week Kevin was in Seattle brianstorming
They jerk off to THAT?! :shock: :?

Posted: 23 Apr 2008 23:44
by Robspierre
orald wrote:
SandChigger wrote:(I believe it was one of the movies they watched "to unwind" one night during the week Kevin was in Seattle brianstorming
They jerk off to THAT?! :shock: :?
Eva Mendes is hawt!
