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Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 03:42
by twistedmentat
From the genius that brought you the previous post here's another pearl o' wisdom
liebkraft wrote:

sad to hear.... but maybe they found a new school someday (and using Ponta-Swords instead of Pulse-Swords...)

as for the Great Schools I think a novel about the Tlulaxa/Bene Tleilax could be cool, because they're mentioned quite often but are never really explored.

so to sum it up, BH and KJA please do:
- The Rise of the Bene Tleilax
- The Fall of the Sardaukar
- The Scattering
I believe this speaks for itself, but i encourage/welcome comments from my fellow jacurutians.......

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 04:29
by SandRider
my comment: yeah. we know.

you get stupefied first ... then pissed off & try to talk sense to them ...
you get freakbanned from all Official Corporate Dune websites ...
you get mad again and vent it all out here & @T(A)U ...

you get over it, realize Spanky can't really harm Frank's Literary Legacy,
in fact, will enhance it in the long run as the McDune Fad runs its course
and more serious attention is returned to Frank's work, at which point the
mouth-breathers will lose interest and move on to the Next Thing (Frank's
books are too hard to read ...
) ....

you come here to mock Spanky and the HLP, and document and share the evidence
of their incredible stupidity and general cluelessness ....

you laugh your ass off and snort spicebeer thru your nose and spill bourbon on your keyboard ...

you drive Spanky's Fans to Internet Suicide ....

you discuss Frank Herbert's Dune ....

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 15:00
by TheDukester
SandRider wrote:you drive Spanky's Fans to Internet Suicide ....
I was a friend of James C. Har-

Wait. No, I wasn't.

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 17:16
by Omphalos
I wonder if his miraculous resurrection has happened yet?

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 20:39
by SandChigger
I've been watching for Twits about Norman, Oklahoma. ;)

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 31 Jul 2010 13:11
by Mandy
Aww.. I just took a trip down Harwood memory lane. Found this little nugget o' crazy from a year ago, check the second and third comment ... ident.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 31 Jul 2010 15:21
by Nekhrun
That guy had a serious hard-on for tracking IP addresses like it gave him some kind of proof of something. Poor Slappy from Wayzata has never been the same!

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 01 Aug 2010 03:49
by merkin muffley
James C. Harwood of Norman, Oklahoma, science fiction author has, once again, proved that he is also a prophet with that Heinlein quote... amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything – you can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him
James C. Harwood, straight science fiction author of Norman, Oklahoma has not been conquered. He has become Frank A. Walden of Norman, Oklahoma, straight attorney of blogs, usually blue jeans casual.

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 25 Aug 2010 15:14
by Drunken Idaho
the Dune idiot wrote:God Emperor of Dune says that during Leto II's reign one of the Duncan Idaho gholas led the remnants of the Sardaukar in an unsuccessful revolt. After that, Leto II abolished them. Their replacements were the Fish Speakers.
brown nose 1976 wrote:yes i've just read that part! thank you. it still seems like a very ignominous end to such a proud corps. i take it i was correct about leto II using his fremen to annihilate them after all !? its a shame FH didn't elaborate more on their ending

Please tell me that at least ONE of these guys is a troll.

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 25 Aug 2010 15:43
by Nekhrun
Byron's the biggest troll of them all.

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 25 Aug 2010 16:04
by Drunken Idaho
Oh gods, that was Byron?! *reads further back into the thread and looks at the DN link*

Fucking typical.

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 25 Aug 2010 17:10
by Nekhrun
Drunken Idaho wrote:Oh gods, that was Byron?! *reads further back into the thread and looks at the DN link*

Fucking typical.
Did you catch the part about him denying that he read the DE and then decided to admit that he's read it within the last few years since he made that claim?

Do these guys not know that what they put online stays online and we can easily check the record of such lies?

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 26 Aug 2010 03:23
by TheDukester
Nekhrun wrote:Do these guys not know that what they put online stays online and we can easily check the record of such lies?
I don't think they do. They really seem to not get this whole interwebs thing.

Keith beginning his Twitter career by talking about bathing with his wife and then moving on to mocking his editors is a classic example. It's like, "Yo, Anderjacket! Anyone can read this, moron!"

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 27 Aug 2010 03:17
by SandChigger
Well, BoBo thinks these Interwebs are not all they're cracked up to be.

And since, as one of the most cracked fucks on the planet, he's a bit of an expert, that's good enough for me! :handgestures-thumbsup:

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 27 Aug 2010 14:28
by Eyes High
I think that whole place should be deleted. :twisted:

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 12:39
by merkin muffley
I can't believe I got banned just before this got posted...
newfacedancer wrote: Joined: 03 Jun 2006
Posts: 133
Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:11 pm

I think Leto II is really F.H. unconscious memory. I think he came out of Frank's past lives.

According to Lynn Royal Holt who channels human from the Pleiades the Orions or Greys lived in a society a thousand times worse than a communist dictatoryship. They are a confused type of species like gets orders. In their society they created a device which kept souls imprisoned on their planets, forced them to keep reincarnationg as Orions. I believe Fitt in a past life. He talks about Leto II 35,000 years of history. I think it was a memory from his past of being an Orion trapped to keep on reincarnating on their worlds. I think they were very dark and war like. According to Lyssa Royal Holt they were at war with the Pleiadians thousands of years ago. Some of the Orions formed a resistance group trying to overthrow the leaders of their repressive existence. Because of losing the war with the Pleiadians and the efforts of the resistance group many souls were able to break free and incarnated as other species on different worlds. I think Fitt was one of these souls.

I think Theilaxu were inspired by his unconscious memories of being an Orion. They are corrupted all the masters here she skin and keep being reborn as sharks. Plus they are very dark and use their women as incubators.

Leto II experienced himself as a cerebral being by held together by an ancient Egyptian pharoh. In the Book, The Ona Mystery, by Robert David and Adrian Gilbert the authors have discovered that the pyramid of Giza and other pyramids are laid out in a plan to reproduce the pattern of the stars in the constellation of Orion. It also associated with the Egyptian gods Osiris and Horiz. I think F.H. unconsciously knew there was a connect between Orion and ancient Egypt.

Thru reading Dreamer of Dune I sensed Frank had a few issues to work through in his life. Maybe some of his issues were caused by his past lives as an Orion. It must have been very traumatic to have been an Orion and try to break free from their nnightmare civiliation.

My own experience of the Orions or Grey has been mixed. In the eighties and early nineties my experiences of them were very dark. Many people had been abducted by them and were very traumatized. I had one experience where one was lying in bed next to me. I started lifting it and start squealing. This was in half awake and dreaming state of consciousness. Back then many people were battling them psychically. In the past few years I have had experiences of another type of Orion. The ones that are of the light. Some of them by experiencing that the dark pole for so long have used those experiences to grow spiritually. I feel they are helping the human race through this difficult times.

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 13:20
by inhuien
I can't read that guys shite any more, he makes me go all cross eyed. :shock:

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 13:23
by A Thing of Eternity
If we didn't know for sure he was over-seas I would swear that he's my old best-friend/singer.

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 14:28
by SandRider
who the fuck is "Fitt" ?

and it's been determined this guy is ESL, yeah ?

he might've been a lumberjack, too,
or lost a few fingers by trying to fish
a fork out of the garbage disposal ...

@merkin - I can't believe you haven't gotten behind >9000 proxies
and smothered Merritt with sockpuppets ...

which reminds me:
Today, 1:28 PM
CONWAYTWITT3R: Whoo-ee, it's hotter'n two rabbits making babies in a wool sock ! Put s'more ice in this here bourbon, willya Loretta ?

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 30 Aug 2010 14:30
by merkin muffley
SandRider wrote: @merkin - I can't believe you haven't gotten behind >9000 proxies
and smothered Merritt with sockpuppets ...

I'm still learning.

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 12 Sep 2010 21:41
by SandChigger
Well, it was only a matter of time until it happened again:

Nicodemus has suffered a major brain fart over on Dune Novels and IT REALLY SMELLS BAD: ... 2247#72247" onclick=";return false;


Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 13 Sep 2010 05:46
by Tleszer
I'm... speechless... :doh:

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 13 Sep 2010 08:15
by Freakzilla
I think he's bipolar: ... 2337#72337" onclick=";return false;

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 13 Sep 2010 09:38
by SandChigger
Freakzilla wrote:I think he's bipolar: ... 2337#72337" onclick=";return false;

The topic or post you requested does not exist
Has the crackdown come down, then? :?

No, looks like he's still posting.

What was it about? One of his speculative, philosophical threads? :roll: (The "Words, words, words" one was amusing, what I read of it.)

Re: posts that I think should be deleted at DN

Posted: 13 Sep 2010 13:25
by Freakzilla
SandChigger wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:I think he's bipolar: ... 2337#72337" onclick=";return false;

The topic or post you requested does not exist
Has the crackdown come down, then? :?

No, looks like he's still posting.

What was it about? One of his speculative, philosophical threads? :roll: (The "Words, words, words" one was amusing, what I read of it.)
It was a post on how the more he reads from KJA & BH the more he doubts the existance of the notes.