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Posted: 14 Dec 2008 13:29
by TheDukester
And SR is right: quit being pussies, you pussies.

We have four entries; I'd like to double that. It's free and it takes three minutes, you big girl's blouses. Most noticeably, I'm still missing an entry from the Beehive State. :shock:

Here's the link again:

Click me, Nancy

C'mon: let's do this thing!

Posted: 14 Dec 2008 14:06
by SandRider
Duke wrote:I don't mind the "five-minute rule." It allows for changes if the quarterback gets hurt or whatever.
good point, sort of. But remember I'm coming from the Vegas sportsbet
old school, and construction site pools (waaay before this computer stuff -
pools were written in Stone, I tell you, Stone.)

But, like the BCS, I signed up, I plays by the rules ! :D

Posted: 14 Dec 2008 18:10
by Crysknife
Ok,ok, I'm in! :twisted:

Good luck to all, but I'm telling everyone right now that the Hippo love fest isn't going to happen if I lose. I'm up for anything else.

Posted: 14 Dec 2008 19:04
by TheDukester
Side-bet for you, Sand-man:

We'll compare our scores when it's all over, and ...

* If I win, you purchase a USC T-shirt or sweatshirt (say, something in the $18 to $25 range) and wear it for a week. One picture of the wearing of said garment must be posted here. When asked by any of your homies just what in the world you're wearing, you must say something like, "You know, I think the Pac-10 is criminally under-rated."

* If you win, I must purchase a Texas^^ item ... same deal ... post a picture and say something like, "You know, the Big 12 is clearly the best conference in the nation" if I'm asked about it.

The garment can, of course, be exchanged for real clothes for going out to eat, job interviews, doctor's visits, or other real-world stuff. This would be a fun bet, not 1930s Germany.

What do you say, o follower of six-man football? Got the chops to hang with The Dukester? :)


^^Or insert another school here. I used Texas there because I've seen you mention UT a few times, along with dissing A&M. But I'll do Baylor, LSU, Florida, Arkansas, West Texas State, or whoever you want. Not that I'm going to lose ... :wink:

Posted: 14 Dec 2008 19:53
by SandRider
I don't know. I'd like to come up with something with a little more bite, but I'm not sure what.
I'd post the pic in a USC shirt for you, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings none. And all my friends think I'm
out of my fucking mind anyway - saying something like "I just loves me some PAC-10" might be the
sanest thing they've heard from me in awhile.

I know Crys will be against it, but I'd still like to get some Hyppo love in there - isn't she still active on one
of the Dr. Who sites ? Picked that up somewhere - I think a fawning sockpuppet and reposting here
would be fun. But she may in fact be dead, so....

Or a sockpuppet Over There, sucking up to Merritt & Fantomas, and telling Arnoldo how smart and
thoughtful he is, clearly the best Dune Scholar on the net. You know, something that would really burn
to have to do it, and possibly endanger your immortal soul.....

Posted: 14 Dec 2008 22:30
by TheDukester
SandRider wrote:Or a sockpuppet Over There, sucking up to Merritt & Fantomas, and telling Arnoldo how smart and
thoughtful he is, clearly the best Dune Scholar on the net. You know, something that would really burn
to have to do it, and possibly endanger your immortal soul.....
Ouch. That is some fierce shit. :)

I'm not sure I could do it. Seriously, I have such a low tolerance for idiots who are living proof that the internet should be regulated ... and that place is full of them. And it's worse than ever, as has been pointed out in other threads. I don't think I'd make it more than 48 hours before I finally just said, "Oh, bite me, Byron, you no-Dune-reading, dead-relative-glomming, messageboard-destroying homunculus. Oh, and shut up."

And then I'd feel bad ... for not paying off the bet, that is.

Posted: 14 Dec 2008 22:42
by SandRider
Ohhhh, there'd have to be a "Blaze of Glory" out !
Build up their ego, let them think they have a friend,
then stab them in the back and laugh & laugh & laugh .....
:twisted: :lol: :twisted:

Posted: 14 Dec 2008 22:54
by SandChigger
Hyppo's not dead; she logged in on her Dr Who site again just the other day.

Unless the cats have learned how to log in and all...maybe they absorbed her genetic memories when they ate her brain? :roll:

I was going to do the ultra-Preeq thing when I finally got in over there as Talos.

Couldn't do it though.

To thine own self be true.

Posted: 15 Dec 2008 00:24
by TheDukester
SandRider wrote:Ohhhh, there'd have to be a "Blaze of Glory" out !
Build up their ego, let them think they have a friend,
then stab them in the back and laugh & laugh & laugh.
A practical problem: they'd see us coming. Not only does Byron lurk here and receive PMs from his spies, there's the spies themselves. Anyone who signs up over at DN within a week of the BCS title game and starts kissing ass is going to flagged pretty quickly.

I'm sticking with the sweatshirt idea ... maybe we could add in singing the school fight song or something? :)

Posted: 15 Dec 2008 03:48
by SandRider
I started to say something like that, like we ought to take this discussion
to the secret clubhouse or something, then thought I save it 'til now.

Merrit's a fucking idiot. Based on the minimal time he's spending on his OWN board,
I don't think he's looking real close over here anymore. And he's a fucking idiot. I
think it would take quite awhile for him to smell something funny, if ever. And I've
got several activated accounts Over There that have not posted, so there's not an IP
trail yet. I'm betting he's just that stupid. I think we could discuss it right out here
in the open and even if he did stumble across the plot, when it finally came down, he'd be clueless.

Of course, that would depend on the skill and cunning of the poster, I suppose.
(nuduneman was banned THREE times, and clever email lies got him reactivated twice-
the third time, I just flamed out three dozen threads, to make him have to actually do
some work){he's just that stupid.}

(I'm still hot on the Hyppo cyber-sex thing, tho)

maybe we just need to come up with something for the winner ?

Posted: 15 Dec 2008 04:13
by chanilover
Crysknife wrote:
Secher_Nbiw wrote:You all need to stop playing a pansy's game, take off the pads and get into rugby. That'll teach y'all what a man's game is! 8)
Please :roll:

You try running into a 220 lb. running back at full speed while he's also running at full speed and lowering his shoulder to knock your ass out.

Football is even more violent BECAUSE of the pads.

Yawn. EVERYONE knows American football is a nancy's game, apart from Americans, for some reason.

American football players usually end up crying when they play rugby. :lol:

Posted: 15 Dec 2008 04:35
by SandRider
yeah, yeah, yeah whatever. That's another thread/argument.

c'mon and play with us, luv !
I swear to g-d, if you just pick randomly, you'll do as well as I will. :D

Posted: 15 Dec 2008 09:23
by Spicelon
chanilover wrote:American football players usually end up crying when they play rugby. :lol:
That is a trick statement as even the lowest dreg on a 45 man roster will
probably make more money than some rugby player. Football players don't
play rugby. ;)

Posted: 15 Dec 2008 11:40
by TheDukester
I'm out on the DN idea ... it's a funny idea, and a good side-bet, but I just don't want to join that place, even on a losing bet. It makes me sick to think about it. Growing up in Nevada taught me a thing or two about recognizing dangerous bets ... :wink:

Posted: 15 Dec 2008 15:56
by SandRider
awright, then. (again, now, you don't have to join, you just
have to type, but okay)

and we can work out sidebets, but what about something for the
overall winner ? how do you do something like that over the net
with people all over the world ?

Posted: 15 Dec 2008 17:53
by TheDukester
Zero idea ... other than money. I'm in a money pool, too, but we all know each other.

Posted: 16 Dec 2008 11:27
by Crysknife
I'll put up 5 bucks from my paypal account.

Posted: 16 Dec 2008 13:08
by TheDukester
I'd be up for that.

(and PayPal is the way to go for this sort of thing ... and, believe me, I have experience. I'm about to have to cough up a lot more than $5 for losing this weekend in my group's NFL fantasy football pool).

Re: [more football] Okay, NOW I'm riled up!

Posted: 18 Dec 2008 13:10
by TheDukester
TheDukester wrote:Anyway, here's the details:

Game page:

Group name: KJA: Penis-less Hack Douchebag

Group ID: 32375

Password: kjasucks

You'll need the password to get in, as the group is set to "private." That will ensure the preeks can't join.

How it works: pick all 34 bowl games (no point spread, just winners), then rank them by "confidence." The game you're absolutely dead-sure of would be your 34-point pick ... the game you haven't the slightest clue about would be your 1-point pick, etc., etc. It's easy, and many of you have probably done a bowl pool before.
First bowl is Saturday morning ... I'd love to see maybe one or two more entries. If this has been on your "get-to-it-in-a-minute" list, keep that Saturday deadline in mind, yo.

Posted: 19 Dec 2008 00:23
by SandRider
To those of you who responded to the drunken "blantant begging" PM campaign today,

Thankee ! Thankee Kindly !

to all others I say : Meh.
Meh, I say.

Posted: 19 Dec 2008 00:25
by TheDukester
Sweet! Eight in the group and still a full day to sign up. Not too bad for a Dune-lovin', KJA-hatin' non-sports site.

Posted: 19 Dec 2008 00:51
by SandRider
they can still sign up right before the Championship game on the 7th,
but that's Yahoo's rules. I'll be in favor of getting anybody who wants
to to sign up whenever, tho. I don't understand how the point system
works, 'cause I didn't read all that stuff, but just because you didn't sign
up today or tomorrow, don't think I won't be PMing you about it for the
next two weeks.

Posted: 19 Dec 2008 00:55
by TheDukester
Well, the problem is anyone who signs up late will be leaving all those points on the table, so it's kind of pointless (so to speak).

The system couldn't be easier:

1. Pick all 34 games;

2. Rank them from 34 to 1, in descending order of confidence. A correct pick in your 34-point game is worth ... wait for it ... 34 points; a correct pick in the 20-point game is worth 20 ... and so on and etcetera, all the way down to 1 point.

Posted: 19 Dec 2008 01:07
by SandRider
okay, and like I said before, I'm used to Paper Pools written in Stone.
Stone I tell you !

But given the recalcitrant motherfuckers around here ...

wait, did that make any sense ? whatever, damnit, you know what i mean..

Since the yahoo stuff is set up that way, i say anybody joins in whenever.
they'd have to have hella picks to win, but that ain't the point, to me.

the point is participation. and I WILL NOT REST until Chaniluv has signed
up and picked ..... sooo ....

Posted: 19 Dec 2008 12:58
by GamePlayer
Just what the hell is going on in this thread?

*sees BB posting*

Oh. Obviously can't be worth a damn then

:P :twisted: :lol: