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Re: How do Tolkien readers receive news of "new" books?

Posted: 08 May 2009 01:42
by SandChigger

Now THAT was both clever and funny. :)

Re: How do Tolkien readers receive news of "new" books?

Posted: 08 May 2009 09:59
by inhuien
Freakzilla wrote:
inhuien wrote:Let us not forget that Tolkien left a huge archive of notes and world history for his son to utilise, a mountain compaired to want Frank left, iirc.
Please, there's tons of stuff at Fullerton and they claim to have found boxes with reams of notes in Brian's garage (even if it's a lie).

If they were truthfull they could have given FH's legacy the C. Tolkien treatment.
Are you saying the comparison is incorrect?

Re: How do Tolkien readers receive news of "new" books?

Posted: 08 May 2009 11:19
by Hunchback Jack
I'll resist the opportunity to gush (again) about Christopher Tolkien and his work. But yes, his greatest concern is respect for his father's work.

The trouble is, doing a "History of Dune" would require an immense amount of work, a high degree of scholarly skill, and putting the work itself above your own ego. Neither of the current Dune authors are capable of it.

Edited to add:

Excerpted from the excellent Tolkien article:
``Fans get quite exercised on the subject because Christopher is the keeper of the flame and has been responsible for 20 books since his father's death,'' Brawn says. ``But Christopher has never compromised.''

With The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun, important questions had to be answered. ``Is it complete? Is it coherent? Is it good enough? He doesn't publish books for commercial reasons. It's all about adding to the reputation of his father.''

Finally, Brawn received delivery of the manuscript, complete with comprehensive notes and introduction, in November.
This describes exactly how CRT is different from KJA. "Never compromised". "It's all about adding to the reputation of his father."

And the mention of "comprehensive notes and introduction" is significant. CRT *works* to prepare his father's work for publication. He puts in a lot of effort to clarify the meaning of the texts, and tries to explain his father's intentions. He doesn't just compile a bunch of manuscripts together and publish them to make a buck.

Hmm. Okay, maybe I will gush a little :).


Re: How do Tolkien readers receive news of "new" books?

Posted: 08 May 2009 11:20
by SandRider
most of my opinions on this have already been stated.
(you kids are just so smart. I'm proud.)

on a gut-level reaction, I'm against "new" Middle-earth books.

on the other hand, given the control the Tolkien Estate has over the
"trademark", and the care they've displayed over the years, I'm
inclined to benefit of the doubt.

in the same way Christopher Tolkien showed the correct way to respect
and further a father's literary legacy, perhaps the "new" books will show
how to expand a work of fiction after the author's death that actually adds
to the tale ....

it's all about track-record & previous performance ....

like the morons @the Amazon review pages who bleat
"how can you hate a book that hasn't even been written yet ?"

well, the past thousand "books" TheKeith has "written" sucked,
so why so I expect different ?

Christoper Tolkien has done everything right since the moment his
father passed on. I hope this will continue, even tho I'm apprehensive
about "new" stories by another author ... I have faith (and trust) that
the Tolkien Estate is smart enough to do it right ....

}re: "Keith"

I'll take credit for the resurgence of this misnomer.
I saw it on an Amazon review page, in the title of the thread,
"Brian & Keith ...something,something" - the responses were
great. I don't remember if that post was by Martian Bob or not,
most likely was, but from that moment on, I've referred to him as
"Keith". It is disrespect and an ego-leveling. He's not even important
enough to get his name right. "Keith and that Other Guy .... and Merritt."

Also, in my mind, "Merritt" is always said with a sneer, like "Newman" ....

Re: How do Tolkien readers receive news of "new" books?

Posted: 08 May 2009 11:41
by Hunchback Jack
SR, I don't think anyone's planning on new Middle-Earth books by a different author. I don't think the Tolkien Estate would permit that at all - at least I hope they resist that temptation.

This new book contains non-Middle-Earth poems by Tolkien, with commentary and minimal editing by CRT.

The closest thing to a "new Middle Earth story" was "The Children of Hurin", which was a single narrative compiled by CRT from various sources of his father's work. But although the end product was constructed by the son, the content was all his father's.

Just allaying any fears you might have.


Re: How do Tolkien readers receive news of "new" books?

Posted: 08 May 2009 12:11
by SandRider
ok, I guess I got confused.

somewhere I thought I saw something about "new" books,
maybe a different thread ... and I just ain't had time to
read thru all the stuff you people post.

so anyway, archive that post, and when they do announce
"new" books, re-post ....

SandRider speaks : :character-oldtimer:

Re: How do Tolkien readers receive news of "new" books?

Posted: 08 May 2009 14:07
by inhuien
OK, where's the real Sand Rider. This one's being far to self deprecating. :think:

Re: How do Tolkien readers receive news of "new" books?

Posted: 08 May 2009 15:40
by SandRider
I like peaches .....


Re: How do Tolkien readers receive news of "new" books?

Posted: 08 May 2009 17:36
by SandChigger
Do I dare eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.

I do not think that they will sing to me....

Re: How do Tolkien readers receive news of "new" books?

Posted: 08 May 2009 18:54
by SandRider
We are the hollow men.
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas !
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quite and meaningless
As wind in dry glass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Mistah Kurtz - he dead.
A penny for the Old Guy .....