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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 00:04
by Freakzilla

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 09:17
by Nekhrun
I know, can you believe how racist that radio ad was? It makes me sick that someone would spend the money to make something like that. Considering that ad must've gone through several reviews before being aired, I think it's safe to say that racism is alive and well in every faction of those groups.

Also, I'd go out on a limb and say that other guy in that ad with Cain was a white guy.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 15:31
by SandRider
I wouldn't call the Tea-Baggers classically racist - they're sorta post-progressive racist ...
(Daddy was classically racists in his youth - he protested desegregation at Central High School
on the belief that Negros were not equal to whites in any way; he became progressively racist
later on, I've told this story - he had black men on his crew and they were his friends of a type ...
he would drink a beer with them after work, go hunting & fishing with them - but they never
set foot in the house, and certainly would not have been invited for supper ...)

as long as a person publicly gives support to the TeaBag Agenda, I don't think they care about
race - but they are also pandering-racists ... Mike Steele on the RNC Chair and now this guy ...
they seem racially tone-deaf ... the Average Black Dude, esp. the young ones, saw Steele as
a Tom, and this guy, too ... it's like the Log Cabin Republicans, rich people who have vested
interests in business and want leniency from the Federal Government on taxes and regulations
get behind the GOP for those reasons, and try to play down or overlook the party's Facist,
Sexist, Racist, and Wingnut Religious base ... keeping control of their personal wealth is much
more important to them than social and legal equality ....

the problem with the GOP, in terms of campaigning and electable candidates, is that Lee Atwater
is dead ... simple as that; he would never have allowed John McCain to toss away the Federal
Presidency by pandering to the Extreme Right-wingnuts, and certainly would not have allowed such
a campaign-killing move as bringing Palin onto the bus ... he would not have been opposed to allowing
a Black Man to sit in the RNC Chair, but he for damn sure would've found a smarter, better person
than Steele ... (altho, on pure pragmatic terms, Atwater would've most likely laughed-down the idea
of "finding a Black Guy for the Chair" - one: specifically searching for a "Black" is a "Quota", based
solely on race and not merit, the foundation of the Reagan-era opposition to "Affirmative Action" type
actions, and two: he would've known the Opposition would've immediately called them on this,
pointing out the hypocrisy of the GOP's position in attempting to "prove they aren't racist" by putting
a Black Man in the top seat after the election of a Black Man to the Federal Presidency ... which is what
happened ...

while I hated the man personally, you have to recognize Atwater's genius if not respect his tactics -
he had the Long-Vision, the ability to look around the corner and correctly anticipate the consequences ...
above all, he was most concerned about keeping the GOP candidates from stepping on their own peckers
and making everyone look foolish ...

all the GOP has today is Newt and Karl Rove - Newt occasionally farts out a good idea, and was a great
Party Whip in the House; you can't give him credit for GOP gains when he was Speaker, tho - in 1994,
the mule from Shrek could've forced anything thru the Federal Congress ... Newt's main failure, and why
they wouldn't let him be President and won't now, is that he can only function in a "Bi-partisan" manner when
his side has the vast majority and all the power ... then, he can glad-hand scared-shitless Democrats and
act magnanimous ... if he has a slight majority, or god-forbid, a minority, his only strategy is Mule-headed
Opposition and Being An Asshole on TeeVee ...

Rove learned all the Dirty Tricks from Atwater, but is nowhere near as smart; and as to Foreseeing
Consequences, the man's as blind as an outhouse mole .... and as my friend Jimmy Carville found out,
campaigning and governing are two very different things ... Jimmy was smart enough to realize that an
Advisory role on policy in the Clinton Administration was waaayyyy over his head ... Rove had such a
twisted view of himself, of the Triumvirate of Evil, of the actual job of the Federal Presidency, he thought
he could just move right into the West Wing and Set the World Right .... in reality, as we all saw, he just
Set the World on Fire ...

of course, you can't start making serious predictions until a week or two after Thanksgiving, but
right now, it looks like the RNC finally got a leash on Trump (they wanted Summer Crazy, but not that
fucking crazy) and they've got Palin on a FoxNEWS-finaced tour bus to stir up the Baggers between now
and Labor Day ... this gives Cain some breathing space to appear "moderate", and he might end up being
the best choice for Rick Perry's running mate - during the rest of the Summer, I'll be looking for "mainstream"
media to call Palin & Cain the "frontrunners", and pit them head-to-head as much as possible ... Cain will
have to drop out by October and not run in the Primary if he is, in fact, intended to run with Perry ...

.... again, tho ... I used to be very good at predicting GOP strategy (Democratic strategy is formed by the
same South Park guys who cut the head off a chicken and toss it onto the Wheel of Fortune) ... during the
"Regan-era", which actually began with Nixon's re-election in 72 ... Lee Atwater was the Frankenstein-Creature
perfected by those folks, and I understood that fucker perfectly ... during the 94 Federal Campaign, it
was painfully obvious where the Brains had been kept ... while I had little personal investment in the Campaign,
and had also correctly predicted Bill's Anointment, and loathed Herbert Walker almost as much as I loathed his
daddy & grandaddy, I still cringed on several occasions at the inept stumblings, the easy-to-fix gaffes, &etc.

Lee got sick and swelled up like the StayPuff Marshmellow Man in 1990, and sincerely Found Jesus ... the
Catholic Jesus, tho, not the Good One, but that still disqualified him from any type of Advisory role to the
Poppy Bush Administration; another reason for the horseshit the Federal Union is in today ... even dying
from Brain Cancer, Atwater would've dealt with Saddam differently ... there would have been no Iraqi
"invasion" of the 19th Province, a deal would've been worked out, 500K Federal Troops would not have
been sent to Saudi, Osama would not have gotten pissed, they could've turned the Muslims against the
Godless Red Chinese, and the original fucking goal of invading and occupying Columbia would have
gone ahead, and today the Federal Military would have all their bases in Occupied Mexico, the National
Guard units would be holding down the Venezuelan oil fields, and the 10th Mountain would be somewhere
in Peru, searching for the International Drug Cartel Boss that blew up the World Trade Center ...

>> I could not recall the exact month Atwater died, I would've said in the early fall or late summer,
but it actually in March 1991, a year after he first got sick ... doing the wiki-thing, tho, I was actually
fucking shocked to find this at the top of his page :" onclick=";return false;

Atwater on the Southern Strategy

As a member of the Reagan administration in 1981, Atwater gave an anonymous interview to political scientist Alexander P. Lamis. Part of this interview was printed in Lamis' book The Two-Party South, then reprinted in Southern Politics in the 1990s with Atwater's name revealed. Bob Herbert reported on the interview in the 6 October 2005 edition of the New York Times. Atwater talked about the GOP's Southern Strategy and Ronald Reagan's version of it:

Atwater: As to the whole Southern strategy that Harry S. Dent, Sr. and others put together in 1968, opposition to the Voting Rights Act would have been a central part of keeping the South. Now [the new Southern Strategy of Ronald Reagan] doesn’t have to do that. All you have to do to keep the South is for Reagan to run in place on the issues he's campaigned on since 1964 and that's fiscal conservatism, balancing the budget, cut taxes, you know, the whole cluster.

Questioner: But the fact is, isn't it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps?

Atwater: You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it isgetting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 18:42
by Robspierre
Sarah Palin fucks up American history. This time it is Paul Revere.
[youtube] ... r_embedded[/youtube]



Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 19:20
by Nekhrun
SandRider: As a young Socialist, I appreciate your take on the history of political movements in this country. I haven't always paid as close attention to these kinds of things in my life. I actually voted Republican once when I was 18. I was one of those white college kids who didn't really understand the world around me.
Robspierre wrote:Sarah Palin fucks up American history. This time it is Paul Revere.
It's a fucking shame. I loved it when that high schooler challenged Bachmann to a debate. Looks like she can target Palin as well.

I loved the facepalm pic :lol:

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 21:23
by Freakzilla
So, what was racist about it?

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 04 Jun 2011 09:02
by Nekhrun
Freakzilla wrote:So, what was racist about it?
Of all the people I've heard react to that add, that's not something I've heard yet.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 04 Jun 2011 13:48
by trang
its all a push really, 12212012...tick tok..tic..tok. :dance:

Palin and Paul Revere...why does she do this? Does she not realize whats she saying? Lords of Time, spin back a few years
and give her a few notes, like dont answer anything more complicated than How are you. I like her (not in any governmental sense nor presidential hopeful sense that is), but dam. :doh:

Hermain Cain: Business man with no governmental experience, or backing, he is at yard 22 of his 100 yard dash that will end six months from now.

I am an independent conservative. Who do I see even on the radar from any party? No one at this point.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 04 Jun 2011 16:08
by Nekhrun
trang wrote:I am an independent conservative. Who do I see even on the radar from any party? No one at this point.
Even though I am about as far away from conservative as one can get, I think it's a shame what has happened to that party with all of the pandering to the religious right and the fearful. Hell, I'd even take a whole team of zombie Reagans at this point. He'd be run right out of the party if he was around today.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 04 Jun 2011 18:56
by Robspierre
The republicans have gone full bore class warfare. Look at Wisconsin and Ohio, fuck and rape the workers to give the corporate masters even more. No more is there lip service about equality in America, it is bow down to the rich and the corporations they control.

Reagan Advisor calls bullshit of Rethugs tax stance: ... out-taxes/

12 Corporations paying a combined tax rate of -1.5%, yes, negative, in other words, they paid no taxes and got money back on top of that from the government. ... -no-taxes/

Teabaggers not wanting to spend any federal funds to help rebuild areas destroyed by Tornado's. ... -ideology/

More on the class warfare being engaged. ... spondents/

Michigan martial law. ... ion-yawns/

Creating an American aristocracy. ... s-dollars/

As Sand Rider points out, Frank showed us there are only Masters, slaves, and soldiers.


Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 05 Jun 2011 09:51
by Freakzilla
and the democrats are trying to end class warfare how?

Oh, yeah, by perpetuating the welfare state.

But y'all won't have to worry about that, we'll all be penniless soon, then there will only be the aristocrats and the people who keep voting for them so their government check doesn't stop coming.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 05 Jun 2011 15:22
by JustSomeGuy
Government checks, y'all! :D

Woot, woot! :dance:

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 05 Jun 2011 22:19
by Omphalos
Ah! Ditto-head-like anger. Alwawy stiffles the nay sayers, no? :roll:

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 15:14
by Freakzilla
Who's angry?

I'm calmer than you are, Dude.


Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 17:21
by Omphalos
Most people are calmer then me. Guess I'm just used to hearing those words spoken with Repbulican-rage.

How could this BE?!?!

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 14 Jun 2011 11:57
by Freakzilla
Michele Bachmann Grabs GOP Presidential Debate Spotlight

Howard Kurtz Howard Kurtz – Tue Jun 14, 12:35 am ET
NEW YORK – The congresswoman used her bluntness and charm to overshadow the men at the GOP debate—announcing her presidential bid and passionately defending the Tea Party. Howard Kurtz on why she shouldn’t be underestimated.Plus: More Daily Beast contributors on the GOP debate

Michele Bachmann all but stole the show at the Republican presidential debate.

The only woman on the New Hampshire stage deftly utilized the CNN spotlight Monday night to announce that she filed her papers to officially run for president, setting off a flood of breaking-news alerts in the event’s opening moments. But she accomplished far more than that.

The Minnesota congresswoman got the first audience roar of the night, promising that Barack Obama would be a one-term president.

She offered a passionate and inclusive defense of the Tea Party, saying that unlike the distorted picture painted by the media, the movement includes “disaffected Democrats,” “independents,” “libertarians” and “people who have never been political a day in their lives.” That, she declares, “is why the left fears it so much.”

She even positioned herself as a truth-teller, saying she “fought against my own party” behind closed doors by opposing the Bush administration’s much-reviled TARP bailout plan.

Not bad for a rookie who kept smiling as she reeled off her best lines.

In fact, Bachmann equivocated only once, when she couldn’t choose between Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash. Go figure.

Bachmann is relatively new to the national stage, but as anyone who has watched her in action understands, she knows how to play this game.

Many people think of Bachmann and Sarah Palin as cut from the same cloth, but beyond their obvious similarities as outspoken conservative women, they are distinctly different. Bachmann, a decade older at 55, had a career as a tax lawyer and is well versed in the finer points of legislation. She is not only a third-term House member but spent a half-dozen years before that in the Minnesota Senate.

“I will not rest until Obamacare is repealed…It’s a promise, take it to the bank, cash the check.”

And as she reminded the audience at St. Anselm College several times, once in touting her pro-life stance, she has five children and is the “proud foster parent of 23 great children.â€

Bachmann is no stranger to Washington television studios; rather than denounce the lamestream media, she engages, and is well practiced in the art of the cable interview, even on such contentious forums as Hardball.

Bachmann also doesn’t have to explain, as Palin does, why she walked away from her biggest job in the middle of her term.

Like Palin, Bachmann generates headlines for saying flamboyant things, such as once suggesting that members of Congress be investigated for anti-American tendencies. But she did none of that Monday night.

Among the seven contenders, the focus was on Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty as the most likely nominees on the stage. Newt Gingrich seemed more of a sideshow because his campaign had just imploded, and Herman Cain seemed less of a novelty than during the first debate, carried on Fox. Bachmann was the fresh face.

She may take garden-variety conservative positions at times, but Bachmann sells them with crowd-pleasing language. She pivoted from a question about job-training programs to vow “the mother of all repeal bills” against liberal overspending, targeting the “job-killing” Environmental Protection Agency in particular.

And there was this: “I will not rest until Obamacare is repealed…It’s a promise, take it to the bank, cash the check.”

The congresswoman also positioned herself as a player, noting she introduced one of the first bills to invalidate Obama’s health-care law. She introduced another measure to kill the “over-the-top” Dodd-Frank banking regulation law. Of course, both laws still stand, but Bachmann, the only one on the stage currently employed, made herself seem like a player, not an observer. In opposing U.S. intervention in Libya—which puts her at odds with the GOP’s McCain wing—Bachmann said she sits on the House intelligence committee and still doesn’t know “who the rebel forces are.”

She was at her most passionate on abortion, defending the “sanctity of human life.” But her toughest moment came when a questioner asked how she would balance her opposition to gay marriage with her advocacy of states’ rights.

Bachmann ducked at first, saying she believes in the 10th Amendment and also believes that marriage is between a man and a woman. When pressed, she said that as president she would not campaign to overturn state laws she didn’t like. But she softened her hard-line image by noting that she was raised by a single mother after her parents’ divorce.

Bachmann’s advantage during the two-hour session is that as an unofficial candidate until now she’s had very little scrutiny. She hasn’t had to explain difficult votes or apparent contradictions between her rhetoric and her record. That will change before long.

The conventional wisdom is that as a social conservative who was born in the state, Bachmann could well win the Iowa caucuses—though she is likely to falter after that. But the enormous media attention she would attract in the process could make her a wild card, and her gender and sharp tongue virtually guarantee she will stand out in a sea of blandness.

We don’t yet know how Michele Bachmann will fare under the grinding pressure of a national campaign. But if her maiden debate was any indication, she shouldn’t be underestimated.

Howard Kurtz is The Daily Beast and Newsweek's Washington bureau chief, and writes the Spin Cycle blog. He also hosts CNN's weekly media program Reliable Sources on Sundays at 11 a.m. ET. The longtime media reporter and columnist for The Washington Post, Kurtz is the author of five books. ... espotlight" onclick=";return false;

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 14 Jun 2011 15:15
by Eyes High
I keep telling y'all to just elect me as president.

One day y'all will learn to listen to me. :roll:

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 19:43
by Freakzilla
Check out where Cain is in the latest Gallup poll:" onclick=";return false;

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 23:35
by Freakzilla
Herman will be on the Colbert Report July 28th ... rt_report/" onclick=";return false;

Herman Cain: GOP presidential candidate says he'd attack Ira

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 10:28
by Freakzilla
Herman Cain: GOP presidential candidate says he'd attack Iran if they strike at Israel

By Associated Press / July 19, 2011

Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain says he wouldn't hesitate to attack Iran if it attacks Israel first.

Cain told The Washington Times that if Israel is ever attacked first by Iran, he would "make it crystal clear (that) if you mess with Israel, you're messing with the United States of America."

Cain stressed that his policy would not be a "blank check" for Israeli military action. Cain is a former CEO of Godfather's Pizza who has also hosted a radio talk show in Atlanta.

He was interviewed by the newspaper after he met Monday with Israel's ambassador to U.S., Michael Oren.

Cain's spokesperson could not immediately be reached for comment Monday night.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 11:22
by Ampoliros
It all makes perfect sense when you apply hydraulic despotism to the money pool. As long as money is worth more sitting 'static' in a digital account gaining interest than it is as a fluid unit of exchange the economy will stay where it is.

I still hope Bachmann gets the GOP nomination, but she'll get little more than a pat on the head.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 12:01
by JustSomeGuy
Freakzilla wrote:
Herman Cain: GOP presidential candidate says he'd attack Iran if they strike at Israel

By Associated Press / July 19, 2011

Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain says he wouldn't hesitate to attack Iran if it attacks Israel first.

Cain told The Washington Times that if Israel is ever attacked first by Iran, he would "make it crystal clear (that) if you mess with Israel, you're messing with the United States of America."

Cain stressed that his policy would not be a "blank check" for Israeli military action. Cain is a former CEO of Godfather's Pizza who has also hosted a radio talk show in Atlanta.

He was interviewed by the newspaper after he met Monday with Israel's ambassador to U.S., Michael Oren.

Cain's spokesperson could not immediately be reached for comment Monday night.
How does this guy expect to win if he speaks plainly about what he will or will not do (in a given situation) if he becomes President? Others say what they will do, but it's more along the lines of "When I'm President, I'll let you eat all the candy you want, and you won't ever have to brush your teeth. I'll tuck you in at night and read you a bedtime story and tomorrow will be so awesome! Just you wait."

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 13:14
by Nekhrun
Herman Cain sings I Must Tell Jesus.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 13:52
by Freakzilla
JustSomeGuy wrote:How does this guy expect to win if he speaks plainly about what he will or will not do (in a given situation) if he becomes President? Others say what they will do, but it's more along the lines of "When I'm President, I'll let you eat all the candy you want, and you won't ever have to brush your teeth. I'll tuck you in at night and read you a bedtime story and tomorrow will be so awesome! Just you wait."
Kinda like the same thing Obama and every other politician do? :P

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 20:30
by merkin muffley
Nekhrun wrote:Herman Cain sings I Must Tell Jesus.
:puke: :lol:
I'm puking and laughing.