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Posted: 12 Nov 2008 09:53
by SandRider
another gold scammer:


Posted: 12 Nov 2008 18:53
by SandChigger
Oh, I bet that Susie Wong. She clever as that. She know her Inernet shit sure thing.

Shu Fei, maybe that her code name. Yeah, that make sence.

Posted: 03 Dec 2008 08:31
by SandRider

here to sell internet geeks online gold

Posted: 03 Dec 2008 08:56
by Freakzilla

on Asian women

Posted: 03 Dec 2008 16:13
by Sole Man
SandChigger wrote:Oh, I bet that Susie Wong. She clever as that. She know her Inernet shit sure thing.

Shu Fei, maybe that her code name. Yeah, that make sence.

She Love you lon time.

Posted: 03 Dec 2008 19:02
by SandChigger
Roun-eye boy, you no know! She no juss love me lon, but many time! :D

(You know, what's really sad is this is how my Chinese [and French and ...] probably sounds to native speakers of that language! :lol: )

Posted: 05 Dec 2008 23:04
by SandChigger
friendship is a gold spammer.


Posted: 05 Dec 2008 23:11
by Rakis
SandChigger wrote:friendship is a gold spammer.

I had so much hope for him, with a name like that...he would have brought a new era of civility to this board... :(

I want you to get this fuck where he breathes! I want you to find this nancy-boy friendship, I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON HIS ASHES! :x

Posted: 05 Dec 2008 23:15
by SandChigger
Gee, Rakis, calm down.

What'd the guy do, misconjugate a French verb? :P

Posted: 05 Dec 2008 23:19
by Rakis yam soooo soriz Mr. Wrath of Khan... :)

But seriously, friendship is a dipshit...i can smell him... :twisted:

Posted: 05 Dec 2008 23:21
by TheDukester
Lawl ... Untouchables ... DeNiro in fine form. :wink:

Posted: 06 Dec 2008 00:26
by GamePlayer
Great quote.

Kill friendship.

End of line.

Posted: 08 Dec 2008 22:05
by Rakis
Baraka Bryan wrote:
SandChigger wrote:Gee, Rakis, calm down.

What'd the guy do, misconjugate a French verb? :P
lol :lol:
Laugh it up, fuzzball !!! :twisted:

Posted: 09 Dec 2008 00:56
by SandChigger
He's a fuzzball? :shock:

Posted: 09 Dec 2008 11:37
by Freakzilla
I will be enforcing a zero tollerance for spam in the Reading Group chapter summaries, this includes comments from members.

If your comment is not on-topic it will be deleted.


Posted: 09 Dec 2008 12:20
by GamePlayer
That's reasonable. The board is run fast and loose, but those sections should be strictly on topic. They are reference sections, meant to be specific discussions of the various chapters of the books.

Posted: 09 Dec 2008 12:36
by Freakzilla
They represent a lot of time I spent reading FH's Dune series and work writing them. My hope is that as people read the series they will comment on my summaries and point out anything I missed or that they dissagree with. With this input and upon further readings I intend to "polish" them up. Maybe one day I'll write general book summary introductions and a overall cunclusion of themes running thrughout.

It's my little contribution to preserving FH's legacy and I think it would be a great resource to new readers. Maybe one day I could get it published in some form.

Then, dare I say... a cabinet post!

Posted: 09 Dec 2008 12:37
by Omphalos
Good I say too.

Posted: 09 Dec 2008 12:52
by TheDukester
Is that ... Yoda-speak? :)

Posted: 09 Dec 2008 13:27
by Freakzilla
Baraka Bryan wrote:unfortunately, there's an entire group of people that would have to get whacked before you would ever get the publishing rights :(
Even if published as a review or literary criticism?

Posted: 09 Dec 2008 14:49
by SandRider
"McDune for Dummies" ?

Posted: 09 Dec 2008 15:39
by Omphalos
TheDukester wrote:Is that ... Yoda-speak? :)
Pre-coffee "dont bother me" speak. :)

I think Freak could eventually publish. He would have to take the epigraphs out. He could identify with a bit of text, but probably not the entirety of all epigraphs.

Posted: 09 Dec 2008 15:48
by Freakzilla
The epigraphs are mainly just for ID since there are no chapter numbers.

One thing that concerns me though is I would like to one day discuss how the epigraph relates to the chapter, or if it does. Sometimes I think they fit better with the previous chapter and sometime they seem totally unconnected.


Posted: 09 Dec 2008 16:06
by TheDukester
Freakzilla wrote:Even if published as a review or literary criticism?
You'd have clear sailing to publish something of this nature. The HLP could do nothing about it ... well, they could pound salt up their asses, and that's about it.

Just as an example, I can name five legitimate books right now off the top of my head that deal with critical looks at Stephen King. All are careful to emphasize that they are "unauthorized," but all are perfectly fine books.

No author or rights-holder is immune from review and critique.

Posted: 09 Dec 2008 19:10
by SandRider
Freakzilla wrote:One thing that concerns me though is I would like to one day discuss how the epigraph relates to the chapter, or if it does. Sometimes I think they fit better with the previous chapter and sometime they seem totally unconnected.
Seems like your chapter discussion forums here would be a good place for that....

Which reminded me of something I'd been meaning to say ever since Trang said something
somewhere about how densely packed with ideas Frank's writing was.

In the late 70s, before God Emperor was published, one of my favorite ways to unwind was
to get real stoned, grab whichever of the three books I laid hands on, open to a random page,
read about a paragraph (sometimes less) and just trip for a good long time on the implications
of what Frank wrote. That so many ideas could be expressed, or just alluded to, in a few words
was what convinced me at that time that this was not an ordinary set of books. (I used to describe
it as an opening flower of ideas within ideas)(Yeah, I was a hippie. So what ?)

And, while doing that wholesome and productive activity, one of the other games was to read just
the epigraphs and try to figure out what messages were there as related to the text. Sometimes I
thought it was a commentary on the chapter, sometimes a prophecy. The ones I couldn't see a
direct relation to the chapter's material were the ones I loved the most - made me sit on the floor
for hours, my mind spinning with ideas. (Can you imagine doing the same with KJA ?)

Wow. We hijacked the shit out of the spam thread.