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Posted: 29 Apr 2008 17:09
by Omphalos
Hmmmm. I think Ive seen it written here somewhere before. :wink:

Posted: 29 Apr 2008 22:29
by Rakis
Oh, for Christ's sake...D-O-O-N...

Posted: 30 Apr 2008 13:14
by The Sons of Idaho
orald wrote:I see...So, how about y'all try again to find the answer? It shouldn't be so hard.
A Hint?

Posted: 30 Apr 2008 13:35
by Freakzilla
On their knees?

Posted: 30 Apr 2008 16:22
by orald
Hints...It's an actual place, not a sexual position(jeez, you mention HM and everyone becomes a BDSM perv :roll: ).

By servants, lackies etc I mean everyone who might serve them in any capacity.

And it's not the most pleasent of places to be.

Posted: 01 May 2008 14:18
by chanilover

Posted: 01 May 2008 14:30
by orald

A reminder hint- I mentioned it's said half-jokingly/seriously.

Posted: 04 May 2008 07:41
by loremaster
I wanna second TMB on this thread rapidly losing interest for me.

Posted: 04 May 2008 07:54
by Freakzilla
loremaster wrote:I wanna second TMB on this thread rapidly losing interest for me.
How would you suggest making it more interesting?

Posted: 04 May 2008 09:55
by loremaster
I think TMB said it pretty well that it was becoming a collection of riddles, wise-ass cracks and so on.

In the last 10 pages, we've had a handful of questions. Two thirds to four fifths of posts on this forum (certainly on all the threads i check) are descending into comments about Orald's sexuality, or similar.

Maybe split the "dune trivia" thread into two, one in which PDFs are allowed, one in which they aren't (i don't use them as i check mostly at work).

Or a rule whereby PDFs aren't allowed until a question remains unanswered for one week.

Or a one week expiry of questions?

I dont know, maybe we have asked all the interesting questions.

Posted: 04 May 2008 12:10
by SandChigger
loremaster wrote:Two thirds to four fifths of posts on this forum (certainly on all the threads i check) are descending into comments about Orald's sexuality, or similar.
As one of the offenders in that respect, I'm afraid I have to agree ... the decrease in the proportion of Dune content is creating a sort of Dune Novels feel.

That won't do.

Posted: 04 May 2008 12:14
by Spicelon
Well, this IS a moderated forum. Lord knows I like to post nonsensical, off topic poopy stuff, but...why not just delete the posts that threaten to hijack the thread?

Posted: 04 May 2008 12:31
by Mandy
I don't think the pdf's have anything to do with this thread getting off topic, and you can't enforce a no pdf rule because there's no way to tell if someone uses a pdf or not.

Posted: 04 May 2008 12:46
by Spicelon
Maybe a Trivia Committee should be formed. Any trivia question must be approved by the committee prior to being posted, and the committe can reword or edit the question as needed for clarity and correctness.

EDIT: people can take turns being on the committee, etc.

Posted: 04 May 2008 14:02
by orald
If people have a problem with jokes about my sexuallity, by all means, stop making jokes about my sexuallity. I'm not too happy about them either. :|

A committee for making riddles, Spicelon? Are we in the USSR now?
If the riddle isn't clear enough the riddler can elaborate on the matter.

And the answer is the friggin' sligsty. Jeez, nobody remembers the Rabbi and Rebecca in the no-room anymore?
FH in Ch:D wrote:Rebecca placed her head beside his, studying the diggers -- ten men with that dreaming look in their eyes of those who had been bonded to Honored Matres.
"They only dig at random," Rebecca said, straightening.
"You're sure?" Joshua stood and looked into her face, seeking secret confirmation. Any Bene Gesserit could see it.
"Look for yourself." She gestured at the screen. "They are leaving. They go to the sligsty now."
"Where they belong," the Rabbi muttered.
I told you it's said half-jokingly, but all you can think of is HM=BDSM.

Males, pffft. :roll:

Posted: 04 May 2008 16:08
by Spicelon
orald wrote:A committee for making riddles, Spicelon? Are we in the USSR now?
The current format sucks. And I like the Rooskies, so there!


Posted: 04 May 2008 16:12
by orald
I love Russians too, my ex is one, that doesn't mean I want a revolution.

Long live the God Emperor! 8)

I think requiring a confirmation about a riddle will just delay or put off people whose turn it is to ask. I sure don't want to wait a day or two to ask a riddle.

And bloody figures someone will rant about this thread when it's MY turn to ask. :|

Posted: 04 May 2008 16:56
by chanilover
loremaster wrote:Two thirds to four fifths of posts on this forum (certainly on all the threads i check) are descending into comments about Orald's sexuality, or similar.
No they're not. Every other post Orald makes involves a comment about MY sexuality.

Posted: 04 May 2008 16:59
by chanilover
orald wrote:If people have a problem with jokes about my sexuallity, by all means, stop making jokes about my sexuallity. I'm not too happy about them either. :|
:roll: Shut up, Orald. You're always banging on about me, and you've called me a paedo more than once.

Posted: 04 May 2008 17:00
by Omphalos
All we need to do is to open up a thread in the same topic here called something like "Trivia Diversions" then move any post(s) that is not on topic over to that one. That way everyone can keep discussing the tangents that they go off on without unwanted interference, and the Trivia thread stays clean and on point.

What do you all think? Moderators and Freak can do the job of moving off-topic discussions to the new thread as they pass through during the day.

Posted: 04 May 2008 17:02
by chanilover
As for this thread not being that interesting, maybe everyone's just run out of questions.

I suggested ages ago on Dunenovels that maybe the questions could be graded for beginners, intermediate and advanced. That would make it more interesting. As it is, I have no hope of ever getting any of the answers.

Posted: 04 May 2008 17:51
by orald
chanilover wrote:Shut up, Orald. You're always banging on about me, and you've called me a paedo more than once.
More often than not they're in response to your own accusations.
You know you love me. :wink:
chanilover wrote:As for this thread not being that interesting, maybe everyone's just run out of questions.

Posted: 05 May 2008 05:19
by loremaster
I think the last 24 hours between Oral D (isnt that a toothpaste, by the way?) and CL have just proven my point. :-)

And FWIW - i cant think honestly that we've asked ALL the questions there are to ask in the duniverse. They dont have to be impossible, they dont even have to be significant to the plot. Why not each person set 10 questions, once a week, and everyone can see how many they get (both with and without the PDFs). And i agree 100% with CL that perhaps a lot of the questions are intentionally as difficult as possible, certainly requiring PDFs, rather than just thinking back.

And yes, i know we cant enforce the PDF rule, but i think you have to trust the majority, i mean, why cheat? there's nothing to gain 'cept a days bragging rights.

For instance, here's 9 questions, 3 beginners, 3 intermediates, 3 expert.
off the top of my head (no PDFs). As a guide i`ve put the book i think the answer is in so that you can PDF them after you've had a good go. I think no PDFs is a good rule for setting questions. If you know the answer without a PDF, chances are someone else should to. I think the expert ones are quite hard without a text.



"What was Korba's job before joining the priesthood?" ( D + DM)

"How does Duncan mark himself as different during the tleilaxu attack on the peregrination?" (GEoD)

"What happens to dead reverend mothers on Chapterhouse?" (CH:D)


"How many duncans have died prematurely in the bene gesserit project prior to the beginning of heretics (IOW - how many duncans were there before the one we see in heretics)" (HoD)

"Name the fremen who presents the "matter of the desert" to jessica and alia in CoD, who is shortly nearly assassinated and leads jessica to safety (CoD) - for a bonus point, how many other fedaykin were in the room with him?"

What is the translation of the name "Harq-al-ada" (CoD)

"expert" - they're not as hard as they could be, just questions off the top of my head.

What colour is pauls throne in the time of DM - for a bonus point again, what is it made from? for a second bonus point - what is significant about this colour? (DM)

How many colleagues did Siona have when she set out to steal the journals? For extension: Can you name a)3-4? 5-6? 7+?

What is the word which Paul could utter. which would stop the muscles of Feyd? (Dune)

Posted: 05 May 2008 09:30
by orald
It's "Oral B". >_>

Posted: 05 May 2008 11:52
by Freakzilla
Spicelon wrote:Well, this IS a moderated forum. Lord knows I like to post nonsensical, off topic poopy stuff, but...why not just delete the posts that threaten to hijack the thread?
Good idea.