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Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 15:48
by Tleszer
Nekhrun wrote:
Ampoliros I'll have to come up with a particularly nasty demotivator to be come one of the Jacarutu 5?
Just use 5 pics of SandChigger.
Don't forget the one with the pink shirt.

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 18:14
by Tleszer
:doh: Of course! How could I have forgotten his American Beauty pic? :mrgreen:

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 18:38
by SandChigger
:ugeek: I could do pretty woman....

You guys do know that I have those pic URLs pretty much memorized and could post any one (or even ALL) of them in any comment in any thread at any time, right?

And yet you insist on playing with fire.... :twisted:

(What was it TAZ used to say? Tsk, tsk....)

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 16 Jun 2009 19:03
by Tleszer
Fire BAD!

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 13:17
by GamePlayer
So, do we know who is counted among the J-5 as yet?

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 13:24
by Freakzilla
GamePlayer wrote:So, do we know who is counted among the J-5 as yet?
It is an enigma wrapped in a mystery and smothered in secret sauce. :?

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 13:53
by chanilover
SandChigger wrote:Yep. Even set up a whole n'other tasteless website to make him seem realer. :P

So, what do you think, does this put Junior on the collateral damageable list with Momma Reb? :twisted:


(Whoa ... who KNEW being the stepson of a best-selling hack could make you such a babe magnet?! Or is the attraction purely gravitational? :? )
Is that really The KJA's stepson?

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 14:39
by Ampoliros
Personality goes a long way

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 14:49
by Freakzilla
Ampoliros wrote:Personality goes a long way
That'd have to be one charming mothafuckin pig. He'd have to be ten times more charming than Arnold on Green Acres.

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 21:08
by TheDukester
Freakzilla wrote:That'd have to be one charming mothafuckin pig. He'd have to be ten times more charming than Arnold on Green Acres.
"Say 'what' again, motherfucker."

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 22:37
by SandChigger
chanilover wrote:Is that really The KJA's stepson?
Probably not. But I can't prove it and neither can you. :P

Looking at the objects on his Amazon WishList page, I see a lot of video games and movies, which could indicate a sedentary lifestyle of the sort conducive to the development of an outstanding physique like that of the young man pictured.

But among the newer items there is also a foosball table and some camping gear, so maybe not?

There's also "Percogesic Aspirin-Free Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer, Original, Easy to Swallow Coated Tablets, 90 coated tablets (Pack of 2)".

Hmm ... maybe he got his willy caught in the Hoovah? He has a new one of those listed, too. :shock:

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 22 Jun 2009 10:52
by Mandy
Just a little more info on people getting paid for 5 star reviews. This was in last Sunday's Parade Magazine. ... e-web.html" onclick=";return false;
Can You Believe What You Read on the Web?
Recently, a man identifying himself as a representative of Belkin, a major technology company, offered to pay people to post five-star reviews of its products on When the incident was discovered, Belkin President Mark Reynoso expressed “surprise and dismay” over “unethical practices like this,” and the company took steps to have any tainted reviews removed from the site. Yet businesses do spend about $1.6 billion a year on “word-of-mouth” advertising, promoting their goods to bloggers and to people who use social-media websites like Facebook, according to the research firm PQ Media.

Now the U.S. government is considering requiring people who write about products or services on the Internet to inform readers if they received compensation.The Federal Trade Commission expects to vote on new marketing rules this summer, which would be the first revision to its endorsement guidelines since 1980. “When you’re being paid to promote a product, you usually have to disclose the relationship between you and the advertiser,” says Richard Cleland, an FTC assistant director.

But even if the FTC tightens its rules, experts encourage people to remain skeptical when reading opinions posted on the Web. “Go and talk to other people you trust,” says Paul Rand, president-elect of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association. “Google the authors and see what else they’ve written.” If you discover that a writer only posts glowing reviews about one company’s products, look for other sources of advice.

— Katherine Reynolds Lewis

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 22 Jun 2009 11:26
by SandChigger
Thanks, Mandy. :D

I think I know a thread or two over on Amazon where that could be reposted. ;)

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 22 Jun 2009 11:37
by Omphalos
Let's try to turn the FTC into OH'ers!

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 22 Jun 2009 19:48
by Mr. Teg
Aaaahhhh...they're just kids, be nice to Kevin's special little troopers.


Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 00:23
by Robspierre
For so called Specials Forces they sure haven't done a fucking thing so far. :crazy:


Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 05:34
by SandChigger
Yeah ... I'm actually a bit concerned about that, to be honest.

I mean, only seven reviews have been posted on KJA's Terror of Incontinence book on Amazon, and five on the companion CD. Enemas and Analities has 69 reviews (Isn't that significant, for a book about Batman meating Superman? :P ), but the Amazon Vine-ites started posting reviews on it back in March, two months before it was released. (I'm waiting for something similar to happen with WoD—suck-ups like Conway were sent ARCs, after all—but who knows?)

I'm sure we haven't heard the last of them. There's a disturbance in the Force, but the oracles are clouded.... ;)

They must be doing something on their site, of course. I would think cyberfluffing KJA would get old after a while, but since it's virtual, maybe not.

Unless of course it's like when they read and move their lips? :lol:

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 09:15
by GamePlayer
I'm not surprised. Fans are quick to say they want to help, but when it comes time to do the actual work, there are few left standing. I got all kinds of offers to help build my website, but when it came time to do work and put in effort, everyone was surprisingly absent. It fell to me to do 99% of the work. If KJA figured he was going to get a bunch of his fans to do his work for him, he picked the wrong genre in which to recruit help. Especially since laziness is his bread and butter, he'll simply attract like-minded readers who appreciate his "virtues."

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 11:05
by SandChigger
Well, then, thank GOD for Brian Conway and the ... "KJASF Ten"! :laughing:

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 11:18
by GamePlayer
LOL :)

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 18:43
by SandChigger
He must have taken the repeated mentions of his name as an invitation.

Is that how it went, 'Pest?

Now that you're here, maybe you'd care to give us the inside poop on the KJA Special Forces?

And, again, allow me to say, go fuck yourself.

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 19:03
by redbugpest
Actually, it was Sandrider who specificly invited me here in a post on Amazon.

"and hey, Conway, since you're already lurking on Jacurutu, why don't you join & post there ? It's an open forum, you might spend some time reading past discussion and get a clue. I'd just LOVE to hear what you have to say and be able to respond in a more open and honest manner that is allowed on these public, "civilized" forums. "

I have decided to take him up on it. :D

So look for me when you see me... I'll be reading through some of the threads as time permits, and making my own observations.

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 19:31
by GamePlayer
Oh, is this the troll that arbitrarily declared the "Jacurutu 5"? Okay, now I get who this is :)

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 19:35
by redbugpest
GamePlayer wrote:Oh, is this the troll that arbitrarily declared the "Jacurutu 5"? Okay, now I get who this is :)
What gave it away? The "Fuck You" from Chiggie?

He hurt my Feeeeelings! :tissue2: NOT!

Re: Wanna go commando with KJA?

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 21:36
by Tleszer
Just for clarification: who are the "Jacurutu 5?" The growing consensus is that we're just splinters of Chig's disturbed personality. Also, do you like my Propaganda Video? I think it's pretty catchy.