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Posted: 06 Mar 2009 16:35
by GamePlayer
Rap is just music. I don't agree with half the heavy handed messages Bono pushes in his lyrics, but I still love U2.

Besides, don't be hating The Roots or Jay-Z. Dey owns choo! :)

Posted: 06 Mar 2009 16:49
by A Thing of Eternity
I'm not slagging the intelligent stuff, or the originals like Public Enemy. It's the retarded stuff that's nothing but slang and talking about how great and violent the artist is and that his women are whores. That definitly contributes to negative perceptions of black americans.

Posted: 06 Mar 2009 18:49
by SwordMaster
A Thing of Eternity wrote:I'm not slagging the intelligent stuff, or the originals like Public Enemy. It's the retarded stuff that's nothing but slang and talking about how great and violent the artist is and that his women are whores. That definitly contributes to negative perceptions of black americans.
no question

Posted: 06 Mar 2009 23:34
by Eyes High
SwordMaster wrote:
A Thing of Eternity wrote:I'm not slagging the intelligent stuff, or the originals like Public Enemy. It's the retarded stuff that's nothing but slang and talking about how great and violent the artist is and that his women are whores. That definitly contributes to negative perceptions of black americans.
no question


Posted: 07 Mar 2009 22:52
by Schu
Thanks, Eyes High and aToE :)

Australian aboriginals I have actually only ever heard make pretty good music. We do get a bit of retarded rap here, but most of the rap that I've heard coming from Australia is actually pretty good, and I really don't generally like rap at all.

Also a somewhat tangential note on stereotypes: one of my little "things" is that I loathe when people get too politically correct. I was one talking to my (at the time) girlfriend about a rather alluring piece of (also, at the time) jailbait that had joined a choir of mine. Bear in mind, at the time we were looking to get some polyamory going, so us talking about other girls was hardly unusual.

I mention that I found it quite surprising that while she was attractive, horny, flirty, had a boyfriend, bisexual etc., that she made it to the age of 17 with her virginity intact. After that, I got a huge speech about how I shouldn't fall for stereotypes and blah blah blah.

For me, it's a fairly easy line to draw: judging someone based on a stereotype is wrong. For example, if I called her a liar about being a virgin. But stereotypes are useful things rather often. The problem with stereotypes is not their existence or people making guesses based on them, it is the stereotypes that are taken too far, used to judge people, outdated stereotypes, ones based on inaccuracy etc. (basically, the abuse of stereotypes).

Posted: 08 Mar 2009 03:58
by SandRider
You're really a slut, aren't you, Schu ?

Posted: 08 Mar 2009 10:09
by Freakzilla
SandRider wrote:You're really a slut, aren't you, Schu ?
If it's the end of the world and we've got, like, five minutes to live, will you do me?

Posted: 08 Mar 2009 23:22
by Schu
SandRider wrote:You're really a slut, aren't you, Schu ?
Hey! I'm not a slut thank you very much. I'm promiscuous, but I have standards!! :P

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 09:07
by SwordMaster
Is Schu a girl?

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 09:44
by Mr. Teg
SwordMaster wrote:Is Schu a girl?
Down boy!
Resheath your sword, sword master! :wink:

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 09:59
by SwordMaster
Mr. Teg wrote:
SwordMaster wrote:Is Schu a girl?
Down boy!
Resheath your sword, sword master! :wink:
Im always having difficulty to figure out the girls vs. guys. Something about girls who are less then consevative makes me all interested. I read a blog by a girl who calls her self "slut machine" I love her wacky tales of random stranger sex and what not.

Il keep my sword down though. I only take it out if I am prepared to use it. :lol:

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 10:13
by Schu
Isn't "picky slut" kinda an oxymoron?

Yeah, I'm a guy. I'd suggest if you want to find girls with a liberal attitude towards sex, join a choir, if possible a university choir. You'll get the conservative types, the shy types and all that, but it seems that the world over, a lot of choir girls are rather fun ;)

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 10:16
by SwordMaster
Schu wrote:Isn't "picky slut" kinda an oxymoron?

Yeah, I'm a guy. I'd suggest if you want to find girls with a liberal attitude towards sex, join a choir, if possible a university choir. You'll get the conservative types, the shy types and all that, but it seems that the world over, a lot of choir girls are rather fun ;)
No its just funny cause they called you slut that is more of a girls name, but if your a man slut then I get it. So man slut how many a lady have you rolled around with? Are we talking 10? 20? 50?

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 10:29
by Schu
Thing is... I'm not really that much of a man-whore. I've been with a fair few but hardly epidemic status or anything, and I think my stories are just a little more colourful.

Also Sandrider's jealous that I'm fooling around with these women instead of him :P

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 12:02
by SandRider
That could easily be true ....

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 12:24
by SwordMaster
must be an inside joke that I missed... or Sandrider is into fellahs. Either way makes no difference to me... I used to disapprove of "gay" people, mostly gay men, in till I worked with a gay guy for a couple years. Amazing how quickly a friend can change your opinion of something, once you get over the fear, I was happy to spend time with gay men and enjoy their company. Just got a bit weird when they would crack sex jokes about me... but otherwise I support rights for all humans, including gay folks. Sort of off topic here so....

Schu - Broke a few hearts along the way? Why I asked if you were female ion the first place was all the flirting....

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 13:34
by Schu
Hmmm... broken hearts? Only one or two misguided guys. Not that I have anything against them, but my standards for guys are very high, and they didn't make the cut.

I mainly flirt because, yes, there are a couple of in-jokes sorta ish. In fact, I think they started back on dunenovels.

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 13:39
by SandRider
The SandRider is too old and broke down these days to do much more than flirt, and doesn't seem to care who with .....

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 16:04
by Dune Nerd
SandRider wrote:The SandRider is too old and broke down these days to do much more than flirt, and doesn't seem to care who with .....
Is that like THE KJA?

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 19:15
by SwordMaster
Schu wrote:Hmmm... broken hearts? Only one or two misguided guys. Not that I have anything against them, but my standards for guys are very high, and they didn't make the cut.

I mainly flirt because, yes, there are a couple of in-jokes sorta ish. In fact, I think they started back on dunenovels.
Thanks for filling me in, you can flirt with me if you want, Im good with it, my friend is still trying to convince me to "give it a try: ;)

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 20:36
by Ampoliros
It's not gay marriage or gay sex or gay love or gay openness that bothers me. I'm cool with that, they are people, and get the same damn rights as we do.

my bigotry admission is absofuckinglutly hating the 'gay accent' and haughty attitude/culture that is adopted by some homosexuals. That should be criminal.

I'll vote to let them get married, if they agree that that accent is well, er gay.

But dammit change the constitution to get rid of Emo

oh wait we were talking about racism right? segregate theaters, everything else should be equal along the line.

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 21:08
by Schu
Ampoliros wrote:my bigotry admission is absofuckinglutly hating the 'gay accent' and haughty attitude/culture that is adopted by some homosexuals. That should be criminal.
I absolutely agree. I hate camp accents and mannerisms and have no idea why that would turn anyone on. But it's just another of the many things that irritate me. I usually figure that people that adopt camp mannerisms like that are probably making too big a show of their sexuality deliberately, and are posturing just a little. Some people seem to just grow up with them though, so who knows.

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 04:29
by chanilover
SwordMaster wrote:
Freakzilla wrote:I think the problem in the US (especially the South) is that for the most part, white people are not racist, yet black people, who have never been slaves, have been born in this country with MORE RIGHTS than white people, keep rubbing out noses in what happened 400 years ago.

Freeman is right. If they stopped playing the race card at every possible turn, it might go a long way towards healing.

But therein lies another problem. Black people don't seem to want to be equal. I think they like it the way it is. They get special treatment, why would they want that to stop? They WANT to be different. If they didn't, they wouldn't call themselves "african-americans", but just Americans. Why give up thier trump card?

I'm proud of my heritage (to the disdain of black people) but I don't call myself european-american.

Now, if I found myself in Africa, I would do my best to fit in, but that doesn't mean I have to forget my heritage.
You make some good points although I have difficulty co-signing to this, I am one who feels that to some extent, we do have to make up for the mistakes of our ancesters... how we do that is another matter all together!?!
I don't agree with that. How can a group be held responsible for the actions of its ancestors? And if they're not being held responsible for the actions of their ancestors, then they have no responsibility to make up for the mistakes of those ancestors.

Ken Livingstone, former mayor of London, issued an apology in 1997 for London's role in the transatlantic slave trade. On the whole I thought he was a decent enough mayor, he certainly had London's best interests at heart, but this apology left me and a lot of other people cold. He didn't ask Londoners whether he could apologise on our behalf. No one knew who he was apologising to - a load of long-dead people, it seems. And no one knew who he was apologising on behalf of. Long-dead Londoners? Today's Londoners? A high proportion of our ancestors weren't in London at the time of the slave trade - mine were in Ireland and the Philippines. Does that make me exempt for the need to apologise? In that case, am I less of a Londoner than a white Londoner whose ancestors were in London at the time of the trade? The idea of a country as ethnically diverse as the UK having to apologise for the sins of its WHITE ancestors is divisive. Would black Londoners have to apologise to themselves for the slave trade?

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 04:41
by chanilover
SandRider wrote:I'll take issue with your "none of my ancestors were slave-holders" comment, Freak.

If your family is from the South, prior to The War, and not immigrants from after,
the chances of slave-holding is extremely high. Southern slavery did not just take
place in huge numbers on big Tara-like plantations. (There were actually very few
large plantations under one control as is currently believed or depicted in movies)

Most cotton production was done on small to medium family farms, brothers and
uncles and cousins working adjacent lands and often pooling their small slave force.
The true face of slavery in the South was not one big Master with hundreds of slaves,
but hundreds of ordinary citizens with one to three slaves each.

I take issue with your statement because I hear it all the time.
"I don't owe them nothin' - my people were too poor to own slaves".
Unless you can prove to me thru genealogical research that this is true, the numbers
are against that statement. People have forgotten or were not taught just how rich
and prosperous the South in general was before the War. We didn't turn into poor
white bare-footed trash until after the War.
Even if Freak's ancestors were rich enough to own slaves, that doesn't mean Freak bears any responsibility for what happened in the past.

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 04:43
by chanilover
A Thing of Eternity wrote:
SandRider wrote:I'll take issue with your "none of my ancestors were slave-holders" comment, Freak.

If your family is from the South, prior to The War, and not immigrants from after,
the chances of slave-holding is extremely high. Southern slavery did not just take
place in huge numbers on big Tara-like plantations. (There were actually very few
large plantations under one control as is currently believed or depicted in movies)

Most cotton production was done on small to medium family farms, brothers and
uncles and cousins working adjacent lands and often pooling their small slave force.
The true face of slavery in the South was not one big Master with hundreds of slaves,
but hundreds of ordinary citizens with one to three slaves each.

I take issue with your statement because I hear it all the time.
"I don't owe them nothin' - my people were too poor to own slaves".
Unless you can prove to me thru genealogical research that this is true, the numbers
are against that statement. People have forgotten or were not taught just how rich
and prosperous the South in general was before the War. We didn't turn into poor
white bare-footed trash until after the War.
I'd have to say that it's kind of a moot point IMO, unless FZ ever owned his own slave then I don't think he has to feel personally guilty about slavery, other than maybe a broad sense of racial (by race I mean human here) guilt/shame, such as feeling a bit guilt to belong to the same race that did that kind of garbage. (Just like one might feel somewhat guilty/shamed for all kinds of shitty things humans have done in the past).
Absolutely not. There should be no such thing as racial shame, and people who feel they should be ashamed because they happen to have the same skin colour as centuries-dead slave owners are prolonging division, not helping to bring at end to racial tension.