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Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 10:34
by SadisticCynic
A million KJASF were not enough for GamePlayer! :)

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 10:35
by GamePlayer
LOL :)
Actually, it was BB that broke my imperial conditioning. He dreamed of many pleasures with me :wink: :P
Which probably now means he wants to rip out my kidney, liver and spleen then feed them to me in reverse order :lol:

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 10:54
by redbugpest
Schu wrote:Oh sweety, you fail so hard. By the way, welcome to Jacurutu!

Opinions are funny things. You don't need much to have one. Here I tend to use the advice given by the late great Douglas Adams:

"I don't accept the currently fashionable assertion that any view is automatically as worthy of respect as any equal and opposite view. My view is that the moon is made of rock. If someone says to me, "Well, you haven't been there, have you? You haven't seen it for yourself, so my view that it is made of Norwegian beaver cheese is equally valid"-- then I can't even be bothered to argue. There is such a thing as the burden of proof...."

If you want to hear our evidence that the new dune books are vastly inferior, shoddy, inconsistent work, there's plenty of it here. I think secretly you know it anyway, deel in the most afraid regions of your heart ;)

You said that we were showing some kind of "lemming behaviour" in "following" Sandchigger, indicating you were clinging to the popular, follow-the-leader mass suicides that Disney has given us, which lemmings don't do. Hence, "also lemmings don't really do that, dumbass".
But you ASSUMED that's was my beleif, when it was not... :)

Thank you for the welcome at any rate.

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 11:01
by Schu
redbugpest wrote:
Schu wrote:Oh sweety, you fail so hard. By the way, welcome to Jacurutu!

Opinions are funny things. You don't need much to have one. Here I tend to use the advice given by the late great Douglas Adams:

"I don't accept the currently fashionable assertion that any view is automatically as worthy of respect as any equal and opposite view. My view is that the moon is made of rock. If someone says to me, "Well, you haven't been there, have you? You haven't seen it for yourself, so my view that it is made of Norwegian beaver cheese is equally valid"-- then I can't even be bothered to argue. There is such a thing as the burden of proof...."

If you want to hear our evidence that the new dune books are vastly inferior, shoddy, inconsistent work, there's plenty of it here. I think secretly you know it anyway, deel in the most afraid regions of your heart ;)

You said that we were showing some kind of "lemming behaviour" in "following" Sandchigger, indicating you were clinging to the popular, follow-the-leader mass suicides that Disney has given us, which lemmings don't do. Hence, "also lemmings don't really do that, dumbass".
But you ASSUMED that's was my beleif, when it was not... :)

Thank you for the welcome at any rate.
Well, generally when someone says something like "following him blindly like lemmings running for the cliff edge", which actually ASSUMES the incorrect version of lemmings' behaviour, I do tend to guess that they actually believe the thing that their words are built upon. Yes. Also, I think you're not smart enough to be deliberately dumb, so I'm pretty sure you did believe this ;). You're welcome for the welcome. Please correct your mistakes, or else you'll have to write them 50 times after class.

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 11:14
by TheDukester
Guys, fair warning for those that haven't dealt with him yet: The Pest is the undisputed master of the elastic argument. The actual words he writes don't seem to matter. As soon as you call him on his latest bit of nonsense, he'll claim that's it's your misunderstanding that's the problem.

This is a guy who thinks nothing of contradicting himself an hour later or literally arguing both sides of a topic. You debate this clown at your own peril.

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 11:34
by Eyes High
Okay. Totally off topic, but it something that bugs me....Why do people quote Wikipedia so much? I hope whoever relies on wiki also checks the 'facts' against a more relieable encyclopedia source. Wiki can be good for gathering background info for fun, but I wouldn't trust it as pure facts.

Okay, back to topic I guess. Yes, Redbug, I can be nice and will try to be nice. I do not follow blindly but many of the members on here I do consider good friends. I joke around with them and if you have taken the time to read my introduction from where I first joined, viewtopic.php?f=14&t=686 then you will know that I'm new to the Dune world but the guys and gals on here can be quite friendly to those with open minds.

yes they have strong opinions, but they will at least give their honest opinions. Not saying that you wont' give your honest opinion but hopefully you'll admit that there are those out there who do not.

I do hope you will come to enjoy it here. I know I do. These guys know their Dune.

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 11:35
by redbugpest
TheDukester wrote:
GamePlayer wrote:... if you're claiming lemming suicide wasn't your metaphorical intent, don't quote a passage that specifically reads lemming suicide as "evidence" ...
Don't go too fast for him, GP; it's only like his second day.
I did not state lemming suicide was a fact, it is a myth that is used as a common metaphor - so my use was correct, the assumption that it was a beleif was incorrect. Am I going too fast for you??

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 11:41
by redbugpest
Eyes High wrote:Okay. Totally off topic, but it something that bugs me....Why do people quote Wikipedia so much? I hope whoever relies on wiki also checks the 'facts' against a more relieable encyclopedia source. Wiki can be good for gathering background info for fun, but I wouldn't trust it as pure facts.

Okay, back to topic I guess. Yes, Redbug, I can be nice and will try to be nice. I do not follow blindly but many of the members on here I do consider good friends. I joke around with them and if you have taken the time to read my introduction from where I first joined, viewtopic.php?f=14&t=686 then you will know that I'm new to the Dune world but the guys and gals on here can be quite friendly to those with open minds.

yes they have strong opinions, but they will at least give their honest opinions. Not saying that you wont' give your honest opinion but hopefully you'll admit that there are those out there who do not.

I do hope you will come to enjoy it here. I know I do. These guys know their Dune.
I'll be nice to those who are nice to me - I have my own strong opinions, and look forward to debating the topics. I don't pretend to be an expert, but I think I am capable of looking at information and determining if it is really fact, or just someone’s interpretations.
I agree with Wiki – it’s a risqué place to get data, so you have to check the facts. The Lemming thing is spot on though.

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 11:56
by A Thing of Eternity
redbugpest wrote:
Eyes High wrote:Okay. Totally off topic, but it something that bugs me....Why do people quote Wikipedia so much? I hope whoever relies on wiki also checks the 'facts' against a more relieable encyclopedia source. Wiki can be good for gathering background info for fun, but I wouldn't trust it as pure facts.

Okay, back to topic I guess. Yes, Redbug, I can be nice and will try to be nice. I do not follow blindly but many of the members on here I do consider good friends. I joke around with them and if you have taken the time to read my introduction from where I first joined, viewtopic.php?f=14&t=686 then you will know that I'm new to the Dune world but the guys and gals on here can be quite friendly to those with open minds.

yes they have strong opinions, but they will at least give their honest opinions. Not saying that you wont' give your honest opinion but hopefully you'll admit that there are those out there who do not.

I do hope you will come to enjoy it here. I know I do. These guys know their Dune.
I'll be nice to those who are nice to me - I have my own strong opinions, and look forward to debating the topics. I don't pretend to be an expert, but I think I am capable of looking at information and determining if it is really fact, or just someone’s interpretations.
I agree with Wiki – it’s a risqué place to get data, so you have to check the facts. The Lemming thing is spot on though.
I'm not a Dune expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I will happily demonstrate the many, many literary weaknesses of the new books.

I look forward to seeing if you have any halfway reasonable counter-arguments for me. In all my time at DN before being banned I only ONCE got a well thought out counter-argument to one of my examples of the poor writing, and that came from some random new member (not Byron sadly), and I was banned mid argument after making a post that effectively shut down this member's counter-argument, my final post was also deleted (though it said absolutely nothing rude), leaving the thread to look like this other member had won the argument. A very sad tactic by Byron I must say.

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:00
by GamePlayer
TheDukester wrote:Guys, fair warning for those that haven't dealt with him yet: The Pest is the undisputed master of the elastic argument. The actual words he writes don't seem to matter. As soon as you call him on his latest bit of nonsense, he'll claim that's it's your misunderstanding that's the problem.

This is a guy who thinks nothing of contradicting himself an hour later or literally arguing both sides of a topic. You debate this clown at your own peril.
Awww, you're spoiling everything! If the "lemming debate" (*chortle*) is just trolling, then that means connie's attempted "retort" rose to the challenge with tied shoelaces followed by a resounding thud. Where's the fun in that? You're such a party pooper Duke! No wonder I wanna betray you :wink: :P

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:08
by SandChigger
GamePlayer wrote:That, and I have a thing for older men :lol:
I'm older. And I look pretty in pink. Er, I mean, salmon. :P
redbugpest wrote:I always keep an open mind, and am willing to change my belief structure as new information becomes available.
Bullshit. You've been a rabbid KJA fan for as long as I've known of your existence, from our encounters back in 2007 over on MySpace.

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:11
by Schu
redbugpest wrote:
TheDukester wrote:
GamePlayer wrote:... if you're claiming lemming suicide wasn't your metaphorical intent, don't quote a passage that specifically reads lemming suicide as "evidence" ...
Don't go too fast for him, GP; it's only like his second day.
I did not state lemming suicide was a fact, it is a myth that is used as a common metaphor - so my use was correct, the assumption that it was a beleif was incorrect. Am I going too fast for you??
Oh, I see what you did there, that was clever!

(you have to praise children, right?)

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:18
by Ampoliros
do you get KJASF points per post over here? per page? per thread?

Does your little fanboy club meet in its Sekrut Cav and laugh about how we all jumped on you and how you are INVADSUN-ing us and fighting on our home territory? Dune is out home territory, and no we ain't giving it up. (I'm in Texas so Ain't is grammatically correct, as is Ya'll)

Can we get a mission statement from you more than:"Lemmings, while mythically suicidal, are an important metaphor to real world psychology and behavior of the Statist Herbertian. As proof I offer up this article from Wikipedia."

EDIT: Oops I almost forgot: WELCOME WELCOME :cylon101:

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:26
by GamePlayer
SandChigger wrote:
GamePlayer wrote:That, and I have a thing for older men :lol:
I'm older. And I look pretty in pink. Er, I mean, salmon. :P
Yeah, but all I ever get out of you is honest straight talk. I need action, baby!
Now connie, he spins, he twists, he rides. Just look at those posts! I think I'm in love :wink: :P
SandChigger wrote:
redbugpest wrote:I always keep an open mind, and am willing to change my belief structure as new information becomes available.
Bullshit. You've been a rabbid KJA fan for as long as I've known of your existence, from our encounters back in 2007 over on MySpace.
Don't you be dissin' my new friend! He's got spin control that would make Bill O'Reilly nocturnally emit! :)
Schu wrote:
redbugpest wrote:I did not state lemming suicide was a fact, it is a myth that is used as a common metaphor - so my use was correct, the assumption that it was a beleif was incorrect. Am I going too fast for you??
Oh, I see what you did there, that was clever!

(you have to praise children, right?)
No, no, no. You're doing it all wrong. Watch me....

*begins goosestepping*

See? Just go along, schu. Go along. :wink: :P

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:29
by Schu
GamePlayer wrote:
No, no, no. You're doing it all wrong. Watch me....

*begins goosestepping*

See? Just go along, schu. Go along. :wink: :P
*Follows you over that cliff*

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:30
by GamePlayer
AHAHAHAHAHAH! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh my gawd, how could I have not seen that one coming?

*snort* :lol:

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:34
by TheDukester
Eyes High wrote:Okay. Totally off topic, but it something that bugs me....Why do people quote Wikipedia so much? I hope whoever relies on wiki also checks the 'facts' against a more relieable encyclopedia source. Wiki can be good for gathering background info for fun, but I wouldn't trust it as pure facts.
Wikipedia in a nutshell:


Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:35
by Schu

It's a pretty funny mental picture, really, goose-stepping over a cliff. I could totally see John Cleese doing it.

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:42
by GamePlayer
This thread is killing me :)

Nice picture Duke :lol:

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:45
by SandChigger
I'm in luv. :D

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:46
by inhuien
Has this been posted here before, A mighty Fanmade Thundercats trailer.

Shnarffing good.

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 12:47
by inhuien
SandChigger wrote:I'm in luv. :D
Not again, Be gentle boys ;):)

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 13:44
by DuneFishUK
Welcome :) ... I think.

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 13:56
by SandChigger
Think again. ;)

Re: Good Morning, Jacurutu!

Posted: 25 Jun 2009 04:09
by Mr. Teg
He thinks he's being clever and stuff like thekja.

Absolutely nothing new at all.

All of his points are repetitive clones of the same arguments posted by any thekja fanboy over the last several years when they try to "run the perimeter" by posting on a OH site.

1) "I want to be open minded..." :cylon101:
2) "Why can't you be open minded..." :cylon101:
3) "Why don't you leave 'em alone (stop picking on us)..." :cylon101:

They will never offer any actual defense of pinky and the brain.