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Posted: 31 Oct 2008 12:32
by Freakzilla
Y'all are definately doing something right with your hot chick breeding program.

The whiskey and beer aren't to bad either.

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 12:48
by A Thing of Eternity
Freakzilla wrote:Y'all are definately doing something right with your hot chick breeding program.

The whiskey and beer aren't to bad either.
Our beer is excellent (the real stuff anyways...).

We do seem do be doing pretty well with hot women, especially here in the west coast where almost everybody is some kind of brown. Mmmmm... exotic women.

I lay zero claim to Canadian bacon. I like regular bacon, and I have never in my life referred to a circular slice of ham as bacon! :evil:

Posted: 01 Nov 2008 00:32
by Rakis
Baraka Bryan wrote:wow.. can't believe i forgot to mention our beer in that little list about why we kick ass...

canadian beer (and yes our whisky is good too :D) ... we kick ass.

Posted: 01 Nov 2008 01:07
by SandRider

Posted: 01 Nov 2008 23:22
by Rakis
^^^^ :post whore:

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 07:19
by chanilover
Canadian guys are really hot, especially hockey players.

So, is that withered old hag really dead? Perhaps we could have an e-funeral for her.

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 08:44
by SandChigger
Would pissing on her grave still be considered giving water to the dead?

No idea, though, really. I wondered about rooting around on T(A)U and trying to find those links to some of her other forums that we posted over there and having a look to see if she's been active there or if they're in general mourning (or rejoicing) or anything.

But so far I haven't been that bored. I only checked the Red Deer obits that once. Of course, it could well be that they hadn't found the body yet. (I wonder how long it would take two or three cats to eat a woman of her size. Hmmm. Just thought of this: is there a state of putrefaction beyond which even hungry cats would refuse to eat? Hey! Sounds like a question for the Health & Care Editor at Cat Fancy! :D )

Seriously, though, who cares? Someone dying alone and being eaten by their pets isn't really a laughing matter, but I can't imagine it happening to a nicer person. I wouldn't put it past her to suddenly seem to have disappeared or died just to see how people reacted. :roll:

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 13:22
by sparafucile
Holy shit! God damn that lady is hot as hell. I demand her immediate return to Canada.

... Dagmar Midcap. Not Hyp. 8)

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 13:30
by TheDukester
One of the best parts about my old days in Detroit was getting Canadian television. I miss curling, I swear I do.

And who was the hot girl that did all the tire ads? This would have been in the middle and late '90s. She was famous in Detroit as "that totally do-able Canadian chick."

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 15:15
by Tleszer
sparafucile wrote:Holy shit! God damn that lady is hot as hell. I demand her immediate return to Canada.

... Dagmar Midcap. Not Hyp. 8)
Thanks for the clarification. I was confused.

Posted: 07 Jan 2009 03:09
by SandRider


Posted: 07 Jan 2009 03:57
by Bijaz


Posted: 07 Jan 2009 04:21
by SandChigger
No hurry, I Grabbed a screen shot of the window. Proof that she does have access and is just keeping it closed out of spite.

Oh, I'm sorry, I meant "housekeeping" and "skinnin'". :roll:

I named the file "Peenk'Keen"; will post a reduced version later. ;)

Posted: 07 Jan 2009 10:31
by Freakzilla

Posted: 07 Jan 2009 11:34
by GamePlayer
One year later? Yeah, that sounds about her "speed".

If Hybitch ran a funeral parlour, no one would die


Posted: 07 Jan 2009 11:37
by SandRider
no. had not seen that.

{I grabbed a little snip of a corner, Chig, posted on T(A)U -
called in Pinkakeen - not as funny today, huh?}

Posted: 07 Jan 2009 11:48
by SandChigger
I have to amuse myself somehow...

So I tried the "forgotten password" function on the free/redirection URL site.

Then I accessed the forum on its real current domain at

and tried the same function there with one of someone-we-all-love's email addresses.

That certain beloved someone will be getting two emails and probably shitting herself thinking that someone is trying to crack her accounts.

That's all I have and will do. (But of course this person in question thinks that I am some sort of untrustworthy destroyer, and won't believe that.)

It's enough now just to watch the monkey dance. :lol:

Posted: 07 Jan 2009 11:58
by SandRider
do you think she's technically capable of moving the content from
the old site to the new ? Or will there be a "compatibility" issue, and
she'll leave the old site closed in an effort to "move forward, not
backwards" ? Did I just ruin your strategy, Hyppo ?

I've got a word for this : abortion.

Posted: 07 Jan 2009 12:26
by Freakzilla
SandRider wrote:do you think she's technically capable of moving the content from
the old site to the new ? Or will there be a "compatibility" issue, and
she'll leave the old site closed in an effort to "move forward, not
backwards" ? Did I just ruin your strategy, Hyppo ?

I've got a word for this : abortion.
I don't see why she would want to move it, it's mostly spam and arguments.

Posted: 07 Jan 2009 15:05
by Serkanner
SandRider wrote: I've got a word for this : abortion.
It is already to late for that ... many years to late actually because isn't hyppo something like over 50 already?

Posted: 07 Jan 2009 16:09
by SandChigger
Nah, she's 45 or so.

Unless she's lying on various sites.

Nah ... she'd never lie, would she?! :P

Posted: 07 Jan 2009 16:23
by SandRider
no, I meant stillborn the new Arrakeen, if that is in fact what it is.

Posted: 07 Jan 2009 16:33
by SandRider
my apology for my part in this debacle posted in the
secret clubhouse @T(A)U.


{edit cause I can't spell "debacle"}
{that still don't look right.}

Posted: 07 Jan 2009 19:13
by SandChigger
No harm done, is there?

It'll be amusing to see her go on about us jumping to conclusions and getting all worked up over nothing. She'll emit that smug "snarky" stench she gets at such times, of course, so be sure to hold your nose! :lol:

Posted: 07 Jan 2009 19:33
by Omphalos
Why dont we move this stuff over to T(A)U, guys? Please? I should have said that earlier, but it just didnt occur to me.