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Posted: 20 Nov 2008 00:29
by A Thing of Eternity
Freakzilla wrote:
GamePlayer wrote:Deficit spending during times when the economy is faltering are what governments are SUPPOSED to do. Of course, this wouldn't be an issue for us if our country weren't still $500+ billion in debt.

*gets on soapbox*

See children, this is why government debt is bad. Now repeat after me "Government debt is bad" :)
Maybe we could sell some stealth bombers to terrorists? :wink:
Why not, y'all supply the rest of their gear. :wink:

We don't have many good planes to sell, maybe we could pawn off our antique submarines or our seahawk helicopters? The subs are in good shape unless they go underwater and the choppers as safe on the ground. :roll:

And for the record, I do know that it is common practice for governments to spend into the deficit in times of recession, I was just poking fun at BB because he'd just made a comment:
better hope the NDP don't get in again, what with all the deficit spending they did last time.. now is not the time to start that shit up again
Seemed like a funny response to point out that this is exactly what his party thinks this is the time to do (not that I dissagree with them though).

Posted: 20 Nov 2008 13:53
by GamePlayer
Exactly. If our country was out of debt, the government could operate short-term deficits in times of need to spur the economy back into action. Deficit spending can also be used in times of national crisis and natural disaster. Most people don't even realize it, but that's one of the main functions of government and it's what they are supposed to be doing. The other 95% of the time, this country should be long-term debt free and in good fiscal condition so it is prepared and fully capable to act when times turn bad.

As for the NDP, I would never vote for them. Canada is already socialist enough; hell, our conservatives are socialist. Canada doesn't need anymore socialist policies than it has already and could stand to lose a few :)

Posted: 30 Mar 2009 18:43
by Drunken Idaho
I felt this anecdote belonged in this thread, though perhaps this thread should be moved to the Politics board... Nah, on second thought Sarah Palin doesn't count as a real politician)...

Anyway, the following conversation occurred between myself and a trio of Alaskan girls just moments ago, during one of my rare attempts to socialize with young women over the internet. They were all 20-22 years of age, like myself.

Me: where are you guys from?
Idiots: alaska
Me: nice, i love Palin
Me: except that i dont
Idiots: never been there.
Idiots: ..oh?
Me: haha what?
Idiots: idk?
Me: Palin is a person, not a place
Idiots: you lost me.
Me: i believe she's your governor
Idiots: dont talk to me about people i do not know
Me: i thought everyone knew... my mistake :P
Idiots: no.
Idiots: and no
Me: no?
Idiots: thats what i said
Me: just makin sure

So this actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Ignorant people deserve an ignorant leader.

Posted: 31 Mar 2009 11:45
by SwordMaster
DOnt know how I missed this thread. But so many funny lines in here, my favorite is the one about "we will never know who Trig's mother really is"

I think the whole Palin story line is so fun and can I just ask

"Does anyone not love Piper Palin?"

That is a cute kid. I love how all the kids names are the first time I have heard of a person with name, fictional or non-fictional)

I just love the Palin sitcom. Even more exciting is that a level 7 scientologist is working on her run for 2012. I love it!

Posted: 01 Apr 2009 09:51
by Drunken Idaho
I'm just looking forward to the shit-show that will be Sarah P's campaign coverage come 2012. I wonder if she'll overcome her incompetence and actually make a somewhat decent candidate. I'm simultaneously excited for the comedy, and terrified at the idea of her leading the western world.

Posted: 01 Apr 2009 11:30
by SwordMaster
Drunken Idaho wrote:I'm just looking forward to the shit-show that will be Sarah P's campaign coverage come 2012. I wonder if she'll overcome her incompetence and actually make a somewhat decent candidate. I'm simultaneously excited for the comedy, and terrified at the idea of her leading the western world.
I dont think it could ever happen. Now Michelle Bachmann, she could win the whole thing that is even more scary. I think Palin is not popular in her own party. Will be interesting to see if she gets sunk by them before having a chance for the voters to sink her.