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Posted: 31 Oct 2008 16:00
by DuneFishUK
SandRider wrote:in the on-going saga of "Paul's Memory" , this week's highlights :
Merrit wrote:Worse according to you and the other OHers(sic). But not so for those who enjoy PAUL OF DUNE, including Library Journal, Booklist, and Publisher's Weekly, some of the top rated review sources in the nation.
Nekhrun wrote:Got it. Those who enjoy that book think those were actual reviews and most don't. I'm still suprised that someone like yourself who writes reviews doesn't see the difference between one of your reviews and one of those.
Merrit wrote:Certainly there's a difference. But you've gotta remember that these big review houses receive literally thousands of books per month and then they have to decide which ones to review, then which ones to give long versus short reviews. The old "so many books, so little time" theory applies to them, I'm sure.
and then, today:
Simon wrote:I just don't understand why people feel the need to "demand confession!".
What is, is. It's plain to see. What "possible difference" could a public statement make? The books would still be. And, semantics aside, nothing would change. Would BH and KJA's admission of (fill in the blank with your personal gripe) make everything better? No. Denials and confirmations are all silliness and truly irrelevant. The books speak for themselves. If they don't speak to you, or worse grate on your sense, then no defense will ever suffice. So why keep asking for the impossible? These "answers".
Tempted to reply to that one, but it ain't worth it - in 3 days I'll be at 50 days since last post and and that will be more satisfying than any "discussion" over there :)

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 16:08
by SandRider
do ya get a Chip for that ?

god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change ...
uh ... damn ... forgot ... Hey Arnie !! what's that next line ??

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 16:28
by Nekhrun
DuneFishUK wrote:
SandRider wrote:in the on-going saga of "Paul's Memory" , this week's highlights :
Merrit wrote:Worse according to you and the other OHers(sic). But not so for those who enjoy PAUL OF DUNE, including Library Journal, Booklist, and Publisher's Weekly, some of the top rated review sources in the nation.
Nekhrun wrote:Got it. Those who enjoy that book think those were actual reviews and most don't. I'm still suprised that someone like yourself who writes reviews doesn't see the difference between one of your reviews and one of those.
Merrit wrote:Certainly there's a difference. But you've gotta remember that these big review houses receive literally thousands of books per month and then they have to decide which ones to review, then which ones to give long versus short reviews. The old "so many books, so little time" theory applies to them, I'm sure.
and then, today:
Simon wrote:I just don't understand why people feel the need to "demand confession!".
What is, is. It's plain to see. What "possible difference" could a public statement make? The books would still be. And, semantics aside, nothing would change. Would BH and KJA's admission of (fill in the blank with your personal gripe) make everything better? No. Denials and confirmations are all silliness and truly irrelevant. The books speak for themselves. If they don't speak to you, or worse grate on your sense, then no defense will ever suffice. So why keep asking for the impossible? These "answers".
Tempted to reply to that one, but it ain't worth it - in 3 days I'll be at 50 days since last post and and that will be more satisfying than any "discussion" over there :)
I just did with this...
I wrote:I get what you are saying. But why have a discussion board at all then if "What is, is"? Just read the books and be happy. There's certainly no discussion in relation to the new books that has any kind of depth to it. Check out the threads about Frank's books. It would take you days to cover the meanings. Every thread about the new books either states how awesome they are (no reasons really listed) or how they contradict Frank's books.

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 17:05
by SandChigger
But, really, what Simon posted isn't surprising given his general "everything's cool, you got your opinion, I got mine" attitude.

This isn't really a candidate for deletion, but it tickled me none the less:
BobaMatt on DN wrote:On computers in Heighliners: I think they don't need them because the Heighliners are not, in fact, very complicated ships. If you have trouble imagining it, both the movies pretty much got it right: Heighliners are huge hollow tubes that other spaceships enter for transport.


Posted: 31 Oct 2008 17:13
by SandRider
I hate him based solely on his name... :evil:

Tick wrote:This isn't really a candidate for deletion, but it tickled me none the less:
no, you put it in the right thread - this is posts I think should be deleted
because they're stupid as fuck (which really is more the reason I'd
want them left there, I suppose) as opposed to the other thread, posts
I think will be deleted because they contradict reality.

unless I'm in the wrong thread again ...

wait, isn't this the Cat Fancy site ? I thought I saw pictures of
cats ?

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 18:06
by SandChigger
Funny you should mention Cat Fancy.

Me and a friend were deeply disturbed, in a philosophical sense, when we discovered while in high school that such a magazine existed. So we kinda tormented them by mail off and on for a few years. Nothing obscene or violence-threatening or anything like that, of course. We sent them stories and anecdotes supposedly from a nice little old lady named Ima Manx and about her dead pet, Spot The Wonder Cat.


One day Spot the Wonder Cat was on his way home from chasing birds in the park and turned a corner to find a burning apartment building. A woman in the street being held back by fireman was screaming about her baby, still up on the third floor.

Quickly running up the stairs, Spot the Wonder Cat scratched his way into the abandoned apartment, found the baby's room, jumped up onto the crib and stole the baby's breath before jumping to safety out an open window.

Hmm...guess you kinda had to be there. ;)

We also plagued the nice lady editor at some foreign poetry magazine with bad (original) French poetry and accompanying "translations". One of them was about a little blind boy named Luc who was ostracized by the other children. One line went

Mais il est aveugle.

Which we gleefully "translated" as

Corn, he is blind.

To this day, when I'm back and we're running around and something happens or someone says something that makes no sense at all, we just nod knowingly and say, "Corn...he is blind." ;)

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 18:54
by SandRider
Nice. Thank you for sharing.

Posted: 31 Oct 2008 23:00
by Tleszer
DN is the greatest Dune BBS I've ever been a part of.

"Corn... he is blind." :lol:

Posted: 01 Nov 2008 00:43
by Rakis
We also plagued the nice lady editor at some foreign poetry magazine with bad (original) French poetry and accompanying "translations". One of them was about a little blind boy named Luc who was ostracized by the other children. One line went

Mais il est aveugle.

Which we gleefully "translated" as

Corn, he is blind.

To this day, when I'm back and we're running around and something happens or someone says something that makes no sense at all, we just nod knowingly and say, "Corn...he is blind."
:lol: :lol:

Posted: 01 Nov 2008 01:02
by SandRider

Posted: 01 Nov 2008 02:03
by TheDukester
So you're posting the little vomiting emoticon in every thread? Is there a post-count award here?

(And, if so, let's make Freak, Chigger, and some others start over)

Posted: 01 Nov 2008 13:31
by Omphalos
The multiplicity of reverse peristolysis reflects the true depth of his Halloween drunk.

Posted: 01 Nov 2008 23:24
by Rakis
Omphalos wrote:The multiplicity of reverse peristolysis reflects the true depth of his Halloween drunk. agree... :?

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 03:30
by SandChigger
Fictional God in Heaven, you gotta love Simon. :D
I know "what is, is" doesn't mean that's it debate-wise. It just seems like the debate always breaks down at the same old predictable points. You say that there is no discussion of the new books with any depth but that's just not true. I've seen some interesting thoughts in relation to the new stuff in the "Characters" thread. Your to quick to transpose your feelings towards the new material over it's fans. You assume that what we liked you hated (?), many an OHer figures that makes "preqs" total drooling morons and make no secret of this diagnosis. Pretty much at that point what is left to say? I'm a moron? OK, sure, whatever. My enjoyment of NuDune is a red flag which testifies to my failings as a humanbeing. Who wants to talk to someone who wants to put them in a box like that?
He's write. Its much better too be putin a box like this:
Who wants to talk to someone who wants to put them in a box like that?

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 03:38
by SandRider
that's a keeper.
my favorite is still:
Simon wrote:I got nothing,

be cool, tho, Mandy will be here in
a minute, see that, & call you retarded

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 03:41
by SandRider
how do you stop the quote box from going all the way across the page if they ain't got nothin' ?
and how do you make them stop saying "OHer" ?
do they also say "BGers" ?

but you know, Barry really did know all that kung-fu stuff ...

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 07:13
by SandChigger
SandRider wrote:and how do you make them stop saying "OHer" ?
do they also say "BGers" ?
Patting them on the head while saying, "Oh how cute!" sometimes does the trick.

But evidently nothing short of a full frontal lobotomy will cure them for good.

I was just looking at that "many a ~" pattern again. It's been a while since I've seen or heard that.

Many a moron drools and makes poo in their britches.
Many a moron drool and make poo in their britches.

Yeah the first sounds better, doesn't it?


Posted: 02 Nov 2008 07:15
by chanilover
SandRider wrote:Sorry Duke, not quite yet.
CL wrote:I wouldn't suck it with Arnoldo's mouth.
Now that's just a hurtful thing to say. :cry:
You're saying that without ever even seeing
it, much less smelling it.

I would have expected much more openmindedness
from a sophisticated lad like you ....

Frankly, I'm disappointed ..... :(
Does it taste like chicken?

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 07:17
by chanilover
TheDukester wrote:Argh.

It's shit like this that makes us all look like we're 12 years old.

Whatever; I'm not the Forums Police. You guys have fun; I'm out.
Calm down, princess.

I haven't looked at DN in ages, is anyone still posting there apart from Arnoloco and Pansyass?

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 09:40
by SandRider
Chig wrote:Barry ?
Gibb. BGs. Look, it was 3:40 in the morning, the coritsone shot my ortho surgeon gave me yesterday afternoon was wearing off (does it make sense to you to jab a needle into a man's back, all the way down into the spine, between vertabrae and into the area where the disc material is oozing out and putting pressure on the nerve, then fill that little area with more material ? But I guess it's better than what that fucking Vietnamese refugee'd been doing to me) and I was starting to feel the effects of pain meds and whiskey again, so instead of a provoking a repeat performance of Halloween night, I just logged out & passed out in the hall as usual.
Then SandChigger wrote:Many a moron drools and makes poo in their britches / Many a moron drool and make poo in their britches.Yeah the first sounds better, doesn't it?
I've often wondered about that. Is the subject there plural ? "Many a moron" sounds like it would be referring to more than one. That's kinda confusing and I'm sure that would be a good example for your students to study. I've often heard how difficult English is to learn. It would be Brian drools and makes poo in his britches, but Brian & Byron drool and make poo in Kevin's new car. Hum. Hey, let me know when you get a definitive answer to to this one. PM me in the middle of the night if necessary.
My [i]new[/i] BBF wrote:Does it taste like chicken?
More like old dried up desert lizard (so I've been told) which some people claim tastes just like rattlesnake, which does taste just like chicken, so yes.
Then Chanilad wrote:I haven't looked at DN in ages, is anyone still posting there apart from Arnoloco and Pansyass?
Dunno. Let's go look ! (By the way Merritt, after you blocked, unblocked, reblocked, reunblocked, and tri-blocked this IP, I reported your site to my buddies at the Southern Poverty Law Center and told them I thought you were running a new skinhead site, and trying to hide behind this "Dune" bullshit.)(BTW, before you go all pussy again, there's nothing you can do about that - I know what you think, but you couldn't even begin to speculate on what I truly think) Anyway, no Dear, it's the same five low-grade morons & Nekhrun. The only reason to have a look-see Over There this week was lundse2 stabbing Byron in eye with logic and facts, and he got banned for his efforts. Most of that exhange has been posted here, anyway. Simon went as an OB/GYN to his buddies stag Halloween party (didn't that costume play out in the 60s - new generations, I guess)( It's not all the sockpuppet activity that slows down that site, it's that big-ass background. Page loads up to minute with dial-up & proxy servers)This BobbaMatt guy is trying to play the rational card, poorly. Possibly has read old threads and is respinning basic OH arguments, but with a poor grasp on the concepts. With a name like that, tho.....he's signed up here. I sent him a PM welcoming to the board and stating in no uncertain terms that I, personally, would not tolerate any Star Wars bullshit. But I need a new whipping boy, so come on in ! Hmmm. Nekhrun either hasn't gotten the Word that the War's over, or he doesn't care. Fight on, Brother !

That's all the news. Write back and let us know when you find work. Fall is in the air here, and I found the first deer carcass dumped on my road my asshole hunters. Dangit, I'm late for church now. The bulletin said today's sermon was "Bibical Evidence of Obama's AntiChristness". I emailed my preacher the link to He emailed me back :"It is not too late. Jesus can heal you of your drinking. I am praying for you. Please wear appropriate clothing if you join us Sunday morning." Hey, where's that old black Motorhead T-shirt ? In the dog's bed ? Yeah, that'll work.

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 10:41
by TheDukester
chanilover wrote:Calm down, princess.
You need a new schtick, hon.

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 11:57
by chanilover
SandRider wrote:
Chig wrote:Barry ?
Gibb. BGs. Look, it was 3:40 in the morning, the coritsone shot my ortho surgeon gave me yesterday afternoon was wearing off (does it make sense to you to jab a needle into a man's back, all the way down into the spine, between vertabrae and into the area where the disc material is oozing out and putting pressure on the nerve, then fill that little area with more material ? But I guess it's better than what that fucking Vietnamese refugee'd been doing to me) and I was starting to feel the effects of pain meds and whiskey again, so instead of a provoking a repeat performance of Halloween night, I just logged out & passed out in the hall as usual.
Then SandChigger wrote:Many a moron drools and makes poo in their britches / Many a moron drool and make poo in their britches.Yeah the first sounds better, doesn't it?
I've often wondered about that. Is the subject there plural ? "Many a moron" sounds like it would be referring to more than one. That's kinda confusing and I'm sure that would be a good example for your students to study. I've often heard how difficult English is to learn. It would be Brian drools and makes poo in his britches, but Brian & Byron drool and make poo in Kevin's new car. Hum. Hey, let me know when you get a definitive answer to to this one. PM me in the middle of the night if necessary.
My [i]new[/i] BBF wrote:Does it taste like chicken?
More like old dried up desert lizard (so I've been told) which some people claim tastes just like rattlesnake, which does taste just like chicken, so yes.
Then Chanilad wrote:I haven't looked at DN in ages, is anyone still posting there apart from Arnoloco and Pansyass?
Dunno. Let's go look ! (By the way Merritt, after you blocked, unblocked, reblocked, reunblocked, and tri-blocked this IP, I reported your site to my buddies at the Southern Poverty Law Center and told them I thought you were running a new skinhead site, and trying to hide behind this "Dune" bullshit.)(BTW, before you go all pussy again, there's nothing you can do about that - I know what you think, but you couldn't even begin to speculate on what I truly think) Anyway, no Dear, it's the same five low-grade morons & Nekhrun. The only reason to have a look-see Over There this week was lundse2 stabbing Byron in eye with logic and facts, and he got banned for his efforts. Most of that exhange has been posted here, anyway. Simon went as an OB/GYN to his buddies stag Halloween party (didn't that costume play out in the 60s - new generations, I guess)( It's not all the sockpuppet activity that slows down that site, it's that big-ass background. Page loads up to minute with dial-up & proxy servers)This BobbaMatt guy is trying to play the rational card, poorly. Possibly has read old threads and is respinning basic OH arguments, but with a poor grasp on the concepts. With a name like that, tho.....he's signed up here. I sent him a PM welcoming to the board and stating in no uncertain terms that I, personally, would not tolerate any Star Wars bullshit. But I need a new whipping boy, so come on in ! Hmmm. Nekhrun either hasn't gotten the Word that the War's over, or he doesn't care. Fight on, Brother !

That's all the news. Write back and let us know when you find work. Fall is in the air here, and I found the first deer carcass dumped on my road my asshole hunters. Dangit, I'm late for church now. The bulletin said today's sermon was "Bibical Evidence of Obama's AntiChristness". I emailed my preacher the link to He emailed me back :"It is not too late. Jesus can heal you of your drinking. I am praying for you. Please wear appropriate clothing if you join us Sunday morning." Hey, where's that old black Motorhead T-shirt ? In the dog's bed ? Yeah, that'll work.
Are you Scummypuke?

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 11:58
by chanilover
TheDukester wrote:
chanilover wrote:Calm down, princess.
You need a new schtick, hon.
Your animal name should be "broken record".

My apologies for interrupting the serious business of bitching about people on another board. :lol:

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 12:07
by TheDukester
chanilover wrote:Your animal name should be "broken record".
Pot. Kettle. Black.

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 12:12
by chanilover
TheDukester wrote:
chanilover wrote:Your animal name should be "broken record".
Pot. Kettle. Black.
What are you talking about? Any time I look at this site there's yet another demented rant from you. You may as well just copy your rants from October and splatter them throughout November, no one would notice.