Everybody gets something

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Sole Man

Everybody gets something

Post by Sole Man »

You have your Locus awards and your Arthur C. Clarke awards and the SFWA awards, and 'I took a crap so I'm entitled to something' awards...TOO DAMN MANY!

Science Fiction wise, the only ones I think matter are the Hugo and Nebula. Everything else is bullshit.

But now on to the real rason I made this thread, If I ever get famous enough, I'll amke one called the "Close but Cigar.
Picutre it: A Gold hand dropping a cigar...

Goodnight folks, see ya' next year! And as awlays...Close but no Cigar
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Post by Omphalos »

Personally I think that the Nebulas these days kind of miss the mark most times too. Not always, but they have given some awards to undeserving things in the past, and they have their favorite darlings that they award again and again. Anyone rememer The Terminal Experiment?

There are several awards I pay attention to, but none like the Hugos, that's for sure.

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