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The Baron Harkonnen of the videogame Emp.Battle for Dune...

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 00:41
by cmsahe
Don't you think that he looks like KJA? :) ... -fresh+div

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 04:19
by SandChigger
The goatee and sparse top cover, maybe? :lol:

Yeah, he resembles him, but Kevin isn't quite that ... jowly.

Yet. ;)

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 07:15
by Ghost

What a delicious game, it was fucking easy tough.

It has Worf (Michael Dorn) as the Duke Achilles Atreides

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 09:42
by Seraphan
It's a nice strategy game but it has very little to do with Dune. Vehicles and walking mechs in the middle of the desert of Arrakis, isnt it suicide?

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 10:04
by orald
Wierding modules and ballistic weaponary despite shields too. :roll:

God bless Westwood's soul, may it rest in peace. :cry:

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 11:08
by SandChigger
That's the one that inspired Nebby to write his "House Ordure" fanfic, right?

Vehicles and mechs and shields on Arrakis, huh?

Nah, no harmful extensions to the universe there. :roll:

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 11:51
by Seraphan
SandChigger wrote:That's the one that inspired Nebby to write his "House Ordure" fanfic, right?
Yup, whats worse about the Ordos is that they're a mixture of tleilaxu and guild (from the movie), instead of axlotl tanks they have flesh vats :roll: .
And dont get me started on the tleilaxu "sub house" in that game.

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 12:12
by orald
Hey, all due respect to WW, EA did do a good job with C&C3(at which I'm still learning to play...yes, I suck, I'm not used to the building system and still getting used to the units etc), at least on the playability side(from what little plot I've seen it's like KJA has been advising them).
Once I get used to the game mechanics it might actually beat Tiberian Sun in my eyes. And TS is my favorite, mind you.

Yes, I know I'm a bit late with this, but since I didn't have the machine for it I've shut myself out to not spoil it too much.

Speaking of which, I'm surprisingly leaning in favour of Nod there, unlike TD and TS. GDI's just ain't what it used to be without the Titans and Wolverines(and yes, I've got the ex-pack but haven't played it yet, and I know they get it back in it, just talking about vanilla-C&C3).

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 12:24
by SandChigger
Hey, didn't Dunenewt post something about one of the old game companies that made a Dune game making a come back?

I'm not a gamer so I only noted it in passing, but there was definitely a thread to that effect recently over on FED2K... :?:

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 12:39
by orald
Baraka Bryan wrote:have always been a Nod fan.
Your Divination is a lie! Taste some Ion Cannon, noddy! :evil:

I haven't played the new RA3 yet, I don;t buy anything anymore unless the ex-pack is already out, just a waste of money(well, I got my C&C3 without it since I bought the 1st Decade+C&C3 pack, but you get the meaning).

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 12:50
by Seraphan
Probably the main feature of C&C3 gameplay that i like the most is the possibility to give multiple orders to units by keeping the alt key pressed. Helps me with my attack tactics.
I've played the ex-pack and it's definitely good, GDI alone gets 12 new units. The down side for me is the new epic units, wich seem to have come out of a KJA novel :roll: . I giant tank with a shit load of firepower and the ability to harvest tiberium, on more step and its the suncrusher :? .

Edit: Orald if you're stuck in the GDi campaign, just do what i do. Build your tech tree in order to get mammoth tanks and research the rail gun for them in the tech center, if you're still having trouble, build around 4 airfields and bomb the main objectives. Mammoths and orcas work every time.

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 13:09
by orald
The Waypoint mode has been around in WW's games since TS(though it was rather lame there). To date, not counting RA3(which I haven't played), RA2 had the best one, enabling you to easily give your units a winding path with orders to, say, attack this, then this then this(very useful for, say, bombarding something with Dreadnauts etc which would keep them firing non-stop, overwhelming any AA defences, instead of ordering one volly at a time).

I know Generals didn't keep that feature, only allowing you to make a path to travel in, but I think C&C3 has it, I'll have to check later.

BTW, new units in ex packs or fan mods are nice and all, but I was never a big believer in them unless they both provided some essencial service AND didn't make all the original ones obsulete.
I mean, most add-on mods just give some new, bigger&better tanks, why? So you could ignore the old ones altogether? I call that a failure.

That said, I'm quite sure that's not the case in the ex-pack, since gaming companies, unlike silly lil' fanboys, recognize what I've just said.
But then you have Robot Tanks in RA2:YR(unless you actually think your Grizzlies will survive long enough to be promoted and become better than those? what, to be mind controlled a second later?). :?

Posted: 26 Feb 2009 21:00
by SwordMaster
so there are CnC heads here, cool Im all RA3 right now anyone else play that, exp pack comming soon!

OP- He does look like KJA! so funny!

The WW game had so many bugs in the MP that did not get fixed for so long it never baame very popular as a MP game. And yes tanks, mechs and shields in the desert, laz guns hitting shields all over the place... it was not dune, but rather the DL film Dune... whatever it was fun as hell, and the old forum for it was a flame fest of fun times....

I have a link to a cool Dune CnC3 mod in the announcment section!