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posts that I think should be deleted from "Arrakeen&quo

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 19:55
by Nekhrun
All of them.

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 20:46
by SandChigger

None too keen on "New 'Keen", huh? ;)

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 21:02
by Omphalos
Im sure its only a matter of time.

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 22:09
by Nekhrun
Man that place is a hole. I can't wait to start my account! :roll:

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 22:51
by Ampoliros
The 'Keen King is dead, long live the king (Jacurutu)!

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 11:01
by SandRider
Somewhere, on the Stillborn Board, SandRider wrote:Altho I did not see it in the "Code of Conduct",
will the admins of this board be enforcing
Merritt's Rule #12 ?

from another DUNE board ....
Dune Nerd wrote:Sorry for the multiple posts. I am out of Arakeen, figure while I was on a roll. I had asked about RPGs over there and this is part of the response Hyppo gave, then my response to her.
QUOTE (Kantele @ Feb 24 2009, 10:15 PM) *
A basic day consists of waking up, dealing with whatever the GM or other characters throw at you (sometimes literally), and hopefully surviving.

Actually, it sounds a bit like real life...
Except that in real life you actually have to leave the house and interact with real people. Not sit behind a computer screen and exert what little control you can from there. You think deleting my avatar makes a difference? You want real life, get out of the house and do something with yourself. Excercise, talk with a human (face to face), anything other than sit and think that Arakeen makes a fucking difference in anything. DO SOME REAL LIVING!!! RPGS ARE A FUCKING JOKE, YOU ARE A LOSER!!!!!!
SandRider wrote:I think your post got a little "creative editing".

Kantele :
The RPG style at Arrakis Awakening is known as "free-form" where a group of people get together to create a collaborative story. Nothing is controlled by dice, and nobody "wins" or "loses." The fun is in creating the story, which can become quite intricate.
A basic day consists of waking up, dealing with whatever the GM or other characters throw at you (sometimes literally), and hopefully surviving.
Actually, it sounds a bit like real life...

Dune Nerd:
Cool thanks.

so that's how that's going to work ....... :roll:

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 11:09
by SandRider
I'd say you were banned after the "lick byron's ass" comment
about a half hour ago ....

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 11:10
by Freakzilla
At Arrakeen she would edit your post in bold red font, I guess she's gotten too lazy for that.

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 11:33
by Dune Nerd
Baraka Bryan wrote:here's what I wrote in response to their bullshit edit
i wrote:
Dune Nerd wrote: Cool thanks.

are you fucking serious? you edited out his response and replaced it with something else without noting it was edited? that's worse than byron. at least he just deleted posts rather than misrepresenting what a member said.
you disgust me.

here is his original post, not that it'll last long. my post will probably say something like Hyppo is hot after you guys get through with it.

Dune Nerd ACTUALLY wrote: Except that in real life you actually have to leave the house and interact with real people. Not sit behind a computer screen and exert what little control you can from there. You think deleting my avatar makes a difference? You want real life, get out of the house and do something with yourself. Excercise, talk with a human (face to face), anything other than sit and think that Arakeen makes a fucking difference in anything. DO SOME REAL LIVING!!! RPGS ARE A FUCKING JOKE, YOU ARE A LOSER!!!!!!

i'm through with even trying at this place.
Actually I wrote cool thanks first then added the second post.

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 11:33
by Dune Nerd
Dune Nerd,
Your member account at Arrakeen has been temporarily suspended.

Your account will not be functional until Sep 12 2031, 08:50 PM (depending on your timezone). This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expediate the unsuspension process.

We wondered how long it would take you to cross the line. You lasted longer than expected, congratulations. But your hateful personal attacks, trolling, and profanity are not welcome.


Posted: 25 Feb 2009 11:37
by SandRider
2031 ? Damn, that's a long sentence, brother.
Keep your head up.

Better than Omph, tho, that poor fucker's go to go back in time,
to what, 1962 ?


Posted: 25 Feb 2009 12:21
by Omphalos
SandRider wrote:2031 ? Damn, that's a long sentence, brother.
Keep your head up.

Better than Omph, tho, that poor fucker's go to go back in time,
to what, 1962 ?

I j ust tell myself that "this has all happened before, and will all happen again." That must have been what they meant.

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 12:35
by Dune Nerd
SandRider wrote:2031 ? Damn, that's a long sentence, brother.
Keep your head up.

Better than Omph, tho, that poor fucker's go to go back in time,
to what, 1962 ?

It's not a punishment it is a blessing from the gods

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 12:37
by SandRider
Omphalos wrote:
SandRider wrote:2031 ? Damn, that's a long sentence, brother.
Keep your head up.

Better than Omph, tho, that poor fucker's go to go back in time,
to what, 1962 ?

I j ust tell myself that "this has all happened before, and will all happen again." That must have been what they meant.
dammit, that's the second time in a week you've made me spit whiskey on my computer ....

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 12:53
by Ampoliros
If you get your computer drunk it does weird things.

I think this is just what Hyppo wants, us to go treading all over her pwecious board so she can ban us. I'm not banned yet.


Posted: 25 Feb 2009 13:57
by Dune Nerd
she can have the dumbass prequelites and a mirror of dungnovels all she would like

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 14:04
by Freakzilla
I don't plan on joining. :lol:

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 14:33
by Robspierre
Freakzilla wrote:I don't plan on joining. :lol:
Same here, those cunts are not worth the effort of fucking with even with protection!


Posted: 25 Feb 2009 14:41
by SandRider
I, on the other hand, Likes my Women a Little on the Trashy Side :

Altho I did not see it in the "Code of Conduct",
will the admins of this board be enforcing
Merritt's Rule #12 ?

Hyppo #1:
Could you please specify what that is? The Code of Conduct here has not been finalized, it was just put in place to prevent unnecessary squabbles from taking place.

Okay, I guess I can play along like you don't know what I'm talking about.
Rule #12, from Merritt's board, states :
"12. A word of caution: if it is discovered that you are posting inflammatory comments about the Herbert LLC, its members, or other board members at other locations on the web, you will be held responsible for them. This doesn’t necessarily mean banning but any type of activity designed to subvert the original intent of this message board and its rules shall be taken very seriously and appropriate actions taken (if any)."

Hyppo #1:
Well, I've never read Mr. Merritt's rules. {smiley face}

where's the "utter disbelief" smiley ?
lessee, this should work well enough :
{bang head against wall smiley}

Hyppo #1:
Well, I'm not over at DN very much. Though I suppose I should read the rules before I register for a forum. {laughing smiley}
It's just that (well...) I'm not too keen on breaking them in the first place - unless it's really absolutely necessary. {winking smiley}

Hyppo #2:
Rule #12 caused a lot of anger and bitterness, and it's unreasonable to expect sweetness and light toward the Herbert LLC and its members (in my opinion) simply because the books are bad, there are lots of knowledgeable fans who would have been glad to help out (for free!) with fact-checking, being a "test reader" (I think they call them "beta readers"), and they had YEARS when they could have said, "Thanks, we'll at least listen to your concerns and give you a reasonable idea of why we're going in the direction we ultimately decide."
But that's not what happened. I resent being called a Talifan, an anti-fan, a dissenter, and all the other disrespectful things KJA called us.
However... the part about attacking other board members (I assume he meant forum members) is open to interpretation. We're such a tight group of people (population density-wise, not friendly-wise) that there's no way we can all avoid each other. Personally, I despise people who act one way toward my face and the opposite behind my back. I have no use for people like that.
This doesn't mean we are prepared to let people go to the extent of openly attacking the HLP or its members in the way that happens at Jacurutu. Critique the books, sure. Critique the writing style, and whatever other technical things. But the authors' personal lives are not part of this. Their families are not part of this.
Nobody says you have to like them. But be civil. Rise above the mudslinging and argue intelligently. Nobody says it has to be dry and boring... but it also doesn't have to be a battlefield. There are people who were long-time Arrakeen members who saw what was going on with that who turned around and left again because they didn't want any part of it. This feud was not fair to them.
Compromise is possible. We've made a start. Now it's your turn.

that's not what I'm talking about at all, and I think you know it.
I am posting and will continue to post horrible, vile, rude, and obnoxious posts
on other DUNE boards about you (or you both, or both your personalities, or
whatever the true case is here) about your forum, and about your "members".
My question is, will your policy to be ban such users for comments made on
other boards and blogs, if they stay within YOUR rules here ?

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 14:59
by Mandy
Damn, every time I see Omph's avatar I think she's here :P

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 15:27
by SandRider
btw, instead of re-posting Hyppos #1 & #2 responses, the short answer
is yes, you will be held accountable at their site for opinions expressed

So why am I not banned yet, you fucking Nazis ?

Oh yeah, neither of your personalities read this board.

Well, fuck you both with a sharp stick, then. :P

btw, Mandy, have I thanked you lately for your avatar ?
Those nipples just make me ..... happy. :D

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 15:44
by Omphalos
Mandy wrote:Damn, every time I see Omph's avatar I think she's here :P
Don't worry. I'm still thinking about the best way to befoul that avatar. Perhaps I will stick thinks into its body cavities? Would that bother anyone?

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 15:55
by Mandy
It won't bother me :)

Those nipples make me happy too, SandRider.

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 16:57
by SandChigger
We are a tightly knit group around those nipples. :P

Posted: 25 Feb 2009 17:00
by Mandy
When BSG is long gone, those nipples will still be there mocking us with their perky perfection.