Sietch Tabr is Dead

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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Schu »

Omphalos wrote:
TheDukester wrote:I still can't believe I've never run into this tomato. Not once.

I'm not sure if I should feel lucky or that I missed out on all the fun ...
Really, Ive never, ever had a better time on line.
It's a fucking hoot. It takes almost no provocation to make her entangle herself in a mess of contradictions and get all hot and flustered. Hell, I made her break the rules of her own board about a zillion times just by telling her exactly what she's doing.

Though that's mainly because she's got a shitton of stupid rules. I mean really, all you need for a rule is 1. Don't be a douche.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by SandChigger »

But that's the one rule that would ban her from her own forum! :lol:
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Schu »

SandChigger wrote:But that's the one rule that would ban her from her own forum! :lol:
again :D
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by SandChigger »

I don't know if you're still watching Dumb Novels since the Ball-less Wonder FREAKBANNED you, but this is amusing:
Cloner wrote:
Schu wrote:I'm sure there were a couple. I know Bel Mouley thought I was a girl because of my old avatar. Oh, there's Hypatia, forgot about her.

But the only girls I've known in person to like Dune are one girl that is a total book-o-vore, a friend that I got to read it and a girlfriend I got to read it. All of them loved it though.
Hi Schu,

I thought Hypatia was a man. Oh well.
No, she just thinks she has balls as big as one.

Which is, I guess, what makes her such an interesting partner for ByrByr, since he has none. :laughing:

(I'm thinking from the name that this is an OH sockpuppet. I really hope so. :lol: )
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Schu »

That's awesome! And nah, not looking there much.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Sandwurm88 »

Hey, Chig, show all the people who don't know Hype the "instead of feeding me" line!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by SandChigger »

Sandwurm88 wrote:Hey, Chig, show all the people who don't know Hype the "instead of feeding me" line!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:?: :?: :?:

Sorry, but I have absolutely no idea what you're on about.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Sandwurm88 »

I still have it go all over my face (including eyebrows). It may have something to do with a 'helpful' hand that is always trying to smear it, instead of feeding me.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Sandwurm88 »

It was either Kantele or Auliya, I'm not sure which one is thee bitch.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by inhuien »

Sandwurm88 wrote:
I still have it go all over my face (including eyebrows). It may have something to do with a 'helpful' hand that is always trying to smear it, instead of feeding me.
Can someone translate that into sensible for me please.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Arrrmanda »

Seriously, because my mind is way in the gutter after reading that.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by SandChigger »

Sandwurm88 wrote:
I still have it go all over my face (including eyebrows). It may have something to do with a 'helpful' hand that is always trying to smear it, instead of feeding me.
Sandwurm88 wrote:It was either Kantele or Auliya, I'm not sure which one is thee bitch.
OK ... so you're saying that is a quote from one of them from over on C-H Tabr?

Sorry, but I don't recognize it, don't recall having read it. I did create an account over there and actually logged in last night/this morning to look around. (Yawn.) Obviously the quote made a big impression on you.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Schu »

I was doing a bit of random article-hopping on wiki, and also directed because a friend was worried about one of her friends whose ex is playing classical psychological projection games (I'm well well versed in them, I've had two exes try that shit on me). I ended up on the page for narcissistic personality disorder because those types are one of the most likely to use that tactic. Now hear me out, I know this doesn't sound like Hyp, but:

I think she has the hypervigilant variant of Narcissistic personality disorder. It is characterised by:

-being easily hurt, oversensitive and ashamed.
-neutralising criticism by seeing others as unjust abusers
-being obsessed with devaluation (hence how she always looks here for how people are insulting her *ahem* I mean dune...)

-all the usual parts of NPD, like:

1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance
2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love (megalomania)
3. believes they are "special" and can only be understood by, or should associate with, people (or institutions) who are also "special" or of high status
4. requires excessive admiration
5. has a sense of entitlement
6. is interpersonally exploitative
7. lacks empathy
8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

I think all apply, but especially the bold.

Hypatia. In earnest. I know a bit of what it's like, I can even see some of the symptoms in myself somewhat, and we all put up some persona or even many depending on the situation - no-one's perfect, but I know I don't know how you act in real life, but from what I've seen on the internet, you have a serious case here, and you may need help. At the very least, you should have a bit of introspection, try to understand why you're doing these things. Understanding a problem is the first step to solving it.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Seraphan »

Heck, you've just described TheKJAcket himself.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by SadisticCynic »

classical psychological projection games
Forgive my ignorance, but what are these?
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Schu »

SadisticCynic wrote:
classical psychological projection games
Forgive my ignorance, but what are these?
In the case I mentioned with my friend's friend, his ex started sleeping around after they broke up, then started accusing him of sleeping around. In my case with one of my exes, she was extremely needy and clingy, and when we broke up, every time I ever talked to her (usually politely asking for my books and DVDs back, she still has one of my DVDs...) she'd say that I was needy and clingy and to leave her alone (frankly, yes, I'm a little needy and clingy. ABOUT MY STUFF THAT YOU HAVE GIVE IT BACK YOU BITCH *ahem*).

Basically, for whatever negative trait for yourself that you don't want to consciously admit that applies to you, you sub-consciously project it onto someone else, as a defence mechanism. Or to something else, doesn't have to be a person. It happens amazingly often after nasty breakups, since negative emotions abound and you have a convenient target.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Schu »

Seraphan wrote:Heck, you've just described TheKJAcket himself.
... Wow. Seriously never realised that as I wrote it.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Freakzilla »

You'd just need to embolden "is interpersonally exploitative".
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Freakzilla »

Schu wrote:...every time I ever talked to her (usually politely asking for my books and DVDs back, she still has one of my DVDs...) she'd say that I was needy and clingy and to leave her alone (frankly, yes, I'm a little needy and clingy. ABOUT MY STUFF THAT YOU HAVE GIVE IT BACK YOU BITCH *ahem*).
You'll be very lucky to get any of that stuff back.

There's at least two chicks out their with PVT Kendrick dogtags as keychains.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by TheDukester »

Seraphan wrote:Heck, you've just described TheKJAcket himself.
It describes him almost perfectly. Some of the individual entries are classic examples of Anderjacket's behavior.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Mandy »

Arrrmanda wrote:
SandRider wrote:Hyppo's weight, age & appearance really have nothing to with it,
other than easy targets of ridicule. Her horrible, disgusting personality,
her overbearing net-persona, and the straight bullshit she's pulled across
these boards is reason enough to loathe her.

for me, she's easily riled.
I like poking things with sticks.
sue me.
I'm almost positive there's a direct correlation between being old, over weight and or unattractive, female and on the internet that = crotchety. Trust me I've done studies.

edit: stupid typos
I think you should quit your job at the shoe store and go into internet psychology.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by chanilover »

SandChigger wrote:Under-sexed crotch. :shock:

Now that there's a word-image I coulda done without. Thanks! :lol:

Her crotch is so withered and repellent I doubt a penis could even penetrate it any more.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by chanilover »

Schu wrote:I was doing a bit of random article-hopping on wiki, and also directed because a friend was worried about one of her friends whose ex is playing classical psychological projection games (I'm well well versed in them, I've had two exes try that shit on me). I ended up on the page for narcissistic personality disorder because those types are one of the most likely to use that tactic. Now hear me out, I know this doesn't sound like Hyp, but:

I think she has the hypervigilant variant of Narcissistic personality disorder. It is characterised by:

-being easily hurt, oversensitive and ashamed.
-neutralising criticism by seeing others as unjust abusers
-being obsessed with devaluation (hence how she always looks here for how people are insulting her *ahem* I mean dune...)

-all the usual parts of NPD, like:

1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance
2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love (megalomania)
3. believes they are "special" and can only be understood by, or should associate with, people (or institutions) who are also "special" or of high status
4. requires excessive admiration
5. has a sense of entitlement
6. is interpersonally exploitative
7. lacks empathy
8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

I think all apply, but especially the bold.

Hypatia. In earnest. I know a bit of what it's like, I can even see some of the symptoms in myself somewhat, and we all put up some persona or even many depending on the situation - no-one's perfect, but I know I don't know how you act in real life, but from what I've seen on the internet, you have a serious case here, and you may need help. At the very least, you should have a bit of introspection, try to understand why you're doing these things. Understanding a problem is the first step to solving it.
She's just a HOT MESS.

My favourite stories from the Hyppo Wars were her boyfriend swatting her glasses off, and her mother locking her out of the house as a child so she could get the housework done.
"You and your buddies and that b*tch Mandy are nothing but a gang of lying, socially maladjusted losers." - St Hypatia of Arrakeen.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Mandy »

Love the new sig, lol.
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Re: Sietch Tabr is Dead

Post by Freakzilla »

Kinda big, isn't it?


I lock my kids out of the house if they leave the door open.
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
~Pink Snowman
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