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Whole town banned from dumbnovels!

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 00:03
by cmsahe
Jacurutu, Pernambuco, Brazil
What's around Jacurutu? Wikipedia near Jacurutu

Brazil flag
Datos de mapa ©2009 Europa Technologies - Términos de uso
Also known as Jucurutu
The timezone in Jacurutu is America/Recife
Sunrise at 05:39 and Sunset at 17:50. It's Dark

Latitude. -8.5833333°, Longitude. -38.7166667°

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 00:29
by SandChigger
I think maybe Lisan has mentioned this before.

He being in Brasil, after all. :)

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 00:40
by cmsahe
SandChigger wrote:I think maybe Lisan has mentioned this before.

He being in Brasil, after all. :)
I didn't know of this town, Now it's my new signature in the DumbNovels forum: (Byron deleted my signature link to this Jacurutu!)

Here is the link to the map: ... #local_map

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 20:05
by Ampoliros
Is there a town somewhere called Sex and Ice-cream? That's where i'd like to live.

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 20:12
by SandChigger
Sex and ice-cream .... mmm, that takes me back....


Did I type that out loud?! :oops:

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 21:12
by SandRider
I thought you were going to tell me that Merritt had gone ape-shit on you
and IP blocked your entire area, the way he did West Texas last year ....

Posted: 11 Mar 2009 05:01
by Hunchback Jack
Really, SR? Was that your doing?


Posted: 11 Mar 2009 08:50
by Lisan Al-Gaib
Jacurutu is a type of owl that lives in the northeastern Brazilian semi-desert area. That name has its origins in a old native language.

Posted: 11 Mar 2009 09:35
by SandChigger
He's back! :D

Posted: 11 Mar 2009 09:55
by Lisan Al-Gaib
SandChigger wrote:He's back! :D
I've never leaved, my friend. I have been watching, always!

Jacurutu is the house for my words!

Posted: 11 Mar 2009 10:02
by SandChigger
Lisan Al-Gaib wrote:I've never leaved, my friend. I have been watching, always!

Jacurutu is the house for my words!
Ooh! A curiously poetic ... stalker?! :shock:


Posted: 11 Mar 2009 10:08
by Lisan Al-Gaib
SandChigger wrote:
Lisan Al-Gaib wrote:I've never leaved, my friend. I have been watching, always!

Jacurutu is the house for my words!
Ooh! A curiously poetic ... stalker?! :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm a Jihad mood. It's Mr. Anderson's fault.

Posted: 11 Mar 2009 11:46
by GamePlayer
Ask not what you can blame upon KJA, but what KJA's blame can do for you!

Posted: 11 Mar 2009 14:43
by cmsahe
SandRider wrote:I thought you were going to tell me that Merritt had gone ape-shit on you
and IP blocked your entire area, the way he did West Texas last year ....
Byron is so silly that one day he is going to block the whole Ohio state: OH

He'll believe that OH stands for Orthodox Herbetarian!!

Posted: 30 Mar 2009 09:37
by Sev
I just went to register on only to find that I've already been banned :? Only been a member here for three weeks, and though it's clear that I have nothing but contempt for Kevin, Brian et al, not sure that I've said or done too much here to warrant a pre-ban over there - oh well, only did it for the potential to have a laugh...

Posted: 30 Mar 2009 12:19
by SandChigger
He prebanned your user name?! :lol:

Sorry, but the desperation, fear and loathing that expresses is just too funny.

Poor Byron ... he used to be a promising writer, before he had to babysit a joke of a board full-time. :laughing:

Posted: 30 Mar 2009 12:29
by Freakzilla
He must be banning people as they join here! :lol:

Posted: 30 Mar 2009 13:53
by SwordMaster
He sounds like a sad man

Posted: 30 Mar 2009 16:07
by guild navigator
Same thing happened to me..I tried to get a username and its on the list (Finnegans Wake) but I have zero posts and my account is frozen a la what happened to Freak.

Posted: 30 Mar 2009 18:30
by SandChigger
You just registered that about five days ago; it takes him that long or longer to approve things sometimes.

You should have gotten an automated email when you registered. He usually doesn't send a message when you're finally approved; you just have to keep trying to login until you get in. Or you see him delete the name from the list.

What kind of error message where you getting when you tried to log in?

(Realize that this is all academic now that you've identified the account as yours. :roll: )

Posted: 31 Mar 2009 07:01
by Sev
The curious thing is I registered using a different name from this one, it was my email address that was banned - so the question is: Where the hell did they get my email address from? AFAIK it doesn't show on my profile here, so its all a bit strange :?
dumbnovels wrote:Sorry, but this e-mail address has been banned.

Posted: 31 Mar 2009 08:37
by inhuien
^^^ Are you He could have banned that rather then you.

Posted: 31 Mar 2009 08:42
by SwordMaster
Sev wrote:The curious thing is I registered using a different name from this one, it was my email address that was banned - so the question is: Where the hell did they get my email address from? AFAIK it doesn't show on my profile here, so its all a bit strange :?
dumbnovels wrote:Sorry, but this e-mail address has been banned.
Im pretty sure that he is being fed a list of email addys from someone who spots possible trouble makers. Im guessing here. 2 of my email addys were banned, I finally got 1 of them through. At this point I dont even care enough to post. I was questioning how my emails were pre banned also.

Posted: 31 Mar 2009 10:38
by SandChigger
What were the providers? Yahoo? Hotmail?

I think inhuien probably hit on the answer. Freak bans gmail here, after all.

While I wouldn't find it hard to believe that Byron or some troll like 'noldo watches for "trouble makers", they can't get email addresses that aren't publicly available. At least not from this board.

If you want to be paranoid, of course, you could always pick your least favorite admin or former admin from other boards and suspect them of passing such info along to ByrByr, to curry favor, but that doesn't explain people like Sev, who never belonged to Arrakeen or DoD, etc. ;)

Posted: 31 Mar 2009 11:32
by TheDukester
I was pre-blocked, too, many moons ago (back in the days when people actually posted there and it looked like every fifth post might actually have something to say).

Near as I can tell, Byron and one or more of his spies are doing something. I was pre-blocked not long after posting a scathing review of Sandworms and signing up here. That can't be a coincidence.

He did me a favor, as it turns out. I have no interest in that wasteland, other than the funny snippets that others post here. I wouldn't register now if it came with a signing bonus.