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The Hire

Posted: 19 Mar 2009 16:08
by GamePlayer
I know we've discussed this topic before, but it occurred to me that not everyone here on Jacurutu who might enjoy The Hire has actually seen it. So what is it? The Hire is a collection of 8 short films created by popular film directors as part of a BMW inspired marketing program. They are essentially long commercials (about 10 minutes each), but shot with studio-level budgets, world-renowned film directors and an assortment of great film stars.

Clive Owen stars as "The Driver" in all 8 films. Each director brings a unique vision to the same subject (a adventurer/professional driver) and approaches the concept in different ways. Some of the films are action. Some are comedy. Others are mystery. Some are tragic. But all of them are worth a look.

I'll post the YouTube videos of each film, since they are easy to find. But there are much better quality versions of these films available for free online. They were designed by BMW strictly as free productions for the express purpose of distribution online, so the original videos are available for free online in much better quality :)

The Hire - Hostage (directed by John Woo)

The Hire - Ambush (directed by John Frankenheimer)

The Hire - Chosen (directed by Ang Lee)

The Hire - The Follow (directed by Wong Kar-Wai)

The Hire - Star (directed by Guy Ritchie)

The Hire - Powder Keg (directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu)

The Hire - Ticker (directed by Joe Carnahan)

The Hire - Beat The Devil (directed by Tony Scott)

Enjoy! :)

Posted: 19 Mar 2009 23:47
by Eyes High
Thanks for the links

Posted: 21 Mar 2009 05:01
by inhuien
Tanks old bean.

Posted: 21 Mar 2009 06:13
by Hunchback Jack
Ta, muchly.