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Winds of Dune reviews on Audible

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 23:22
by Robspierre
A two star review:

Just read Julian's review and you have my exact same thoughts. I also have read all the books and this one has none of the brilliance of the original Dune stories. And it is mind numbingly boring... The narrator sounds like he is going to cry at any moment... Maybe he is because he had to read the whole book out loud...

And a 1 star review:
I love Frank Herberts Dune and Ive read ALL of his sons dune books. Frank Herbert was a genius and had profound insight into human nature and esoteric philosophy. His son doesn't write Dune stories, he writes about about Dune but to an 8th grade audience. Characters conversations in his fathers works accentuated the deep essence of human potentials without hammering you over the head, they were subtle like zen koans. His son has to prove to the reader that you are indeed reading a Dune story because he is constantly referencing real literature by his father. Ive wondered what it might be like to walk into a fine china store and smash everything with a baseball bat, well after reading this crap..I know. Oh gurney Halleck was sad.. Ohh Jessica was sad cause Paul walked into the dessert, and he has to remind us that Duncan was drunk in front of her, so what!!! None of his crap moves any new story along and its not even intriguing. These two authors are only writing to the dumbest people in the crowd, they assume that no one can remember anything, literally half their god damn books are review of what just happened with no new insights, just repetitive drivel. Sure they have a few novel ideas in their earlier works, but those dont carry a saga. In any given conversation two characters will be talking about the same thing that that reader already knows, and lord is the dialogue dull. There is nothing interesting said by anyone ever in any their books! These two fools are just making a living by ripping off Frank Herberts legacy. I really cant say enough about how horrible and boring the writing is. There is nothing to make the reader think, they merely describe superficial observations about real insights that were actually experienced in the original Dune books. So if your an idiot and you like being spoon fed mundane repetitive stories completely devoid of thought provocative dialogue then Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson are your authors. Rest in peace Frank Herbert



Re: Winds of Dune reviews on Audible

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 04:18
by SandChigger

(Do they delete reviews over there, too?)

Re: Winds of Dune reviews on Audible

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 10:25
by Freakzilla
Do we know those guys? :lol:

Re: Winds of Dune reviews on Audible

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 10:33
by TheDukester
There's a bit of karma going on here, too. I can't remember if it was for Sandworms or Paul, but at some point both Byron and TheKeith were really crowing about some positive Audible reviews they'd seen. And, of course, they took credit for everything, even when the reviews were discussing the narration.

Re: Winds of Dune reviews on Audible

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 12:36
by GamePlayer
[b]Review on Audible[/b] wrote:And a 1 star review:
In any given conversation two characters will be talking about the same thing that that reader already knows, and lord is the dialogue dull. There is nothing interesting said by anyone ever in any their books!
This has always been what I feared the most about attempting to read KJA and why I've never done so. I applaud those of you who have read his books and survived. Your patience and tolerance for bad writing is far greater than my own :)

Re: Winds of Dune reviews on Audible

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 18:01
by Robspierre
Those are the only reviews for the audiobook posted. It has a 3.67 overall rating from six ratings. Even moreso than the print version, the audio version is doing jack squat :D.
