10 year anniversary...

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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by TheDukester »

Frybread wrote:But I would bet he hasn't has as many "bestsellers" as he has had with nuDune.
That basically re-defines "safe bet." :lol:

He's had one original work reach a best-seller list, if memory serves; the first Endless Episodes With Eight Suns book, or whatever the hell it was. All of his other best-seller appearances have been for franchise fuckery.

All of which is in my top three reasons why I loathe him with a great passion and sincerely hope he develops a very painful skin rash. The guy never stops crowing about his "bestsellers," yet they are all, A) from other people's imaginations, B) co-written (with Anderjacket getting the smaller credit), or, C) both.

I really, really don't like the man at all.
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by smugetsu »

Maybe when the "Heroes" series is done, KJA will dragged, kicking and screaming, into the endless halls of obscurity. Doomed forever to be a minor footnote in the overall history of literature- if that. I can't imagine a worse kind of hell for a raving egomaniac like him...we can dream, can't we?
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by TheDukester »

smugetsu wrote:Maybe when the "Heroes" series is done, KJA will dragged, kicking and screaming, into the endless halls of obscurity.
I don't think its an accident that the McDune series is apparently switching to every-other-year mode. That decision always struck me as odd, considering that simply having Keith hike exactly one out per year seemed to be a pretty easy method of keeping everyone's bank balance in the black.

But the more I think about it, the more I can see Anderjacket's hands again manipulating the HLP puppets. He knows that Dune is his career gravy train, and he doesn't want it to end. He knows that he's got no more Star Wars to fall back on, and he also understands (although he'd never admit it) that his original works do not sell. He needs to streeeeeeeeetch this Dune thing out for as long as it will go. Once it's gone, he's back to writing YA crap and quickie novelizations of every third-rate SF film to hit the market.

The only problem with the plan is Bobo. Simply put, there is no way that the two additional books under contact and three "schools" books can be finished on a bi-annual schedule before Bobo either shuffles off this mortal coil or else is just not healthy enough to write. He's 62 and looks like he's 80; I'm not optimistic about his long-term prospects.
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by smugetsu »

In the unfortunate event of Bobo's demise, I could see Anderjacket "carrying the torch" and finishing the series, with or without the Herbert name attached to it. In fact, he would probably see it as his "duty" to complete it...much like how they got into the Dune-raping business they're in in the first place.

The only question would be if the HLP would allow it...and frighteningly enough, I think we know the answer to that.
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

smugetsu wrote:In the unfortunate event of Bobo's demise, I could see Anderjacket "carrying the torch" and finishing the series, with or without the Herbert name attached to it. In fact, he would probably see it as his "duty" to complete it...much like how they got into the Dune-raping business they're in in the first place.

The only question would be if the HLP would allow it...and frighteningly enough, I think we know the answer to that.
I'd lay down 100$ right now that the HLP would let KJA keep writing Dune after BH's death, at least to the end of whatever series was currently being worked on - and I'd bet another 50$ that they'd go beyond that, and just give him free reign to write as many as he wants.

Any takers? Kinda doubt it. :wink:
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by TheDukester »

Of course, we've all been too polite to say, "but would anything be different if Bobo weren't around?" :lol:

Seriously, I remain unconvinced that he's written anything at all for the last few books; every passage I've read seemed to have been lifted straight from an Anderjacket novel.

(For the record, I do think Bobo is involved. My feeling is that he's part of the plotting/outlining and that he also gets a final veto [rarely used, likely] on what actually appears. But in terms of actually writing? Nope, not buying it. I'll be needing to see some proof ...)
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by Serkanner »

TheDukester wrote:Of course, we've all been too polite to say, "but would anything be different if Bobo weren't around?" :lol:

Seriously, I remain unconvinced that he's written anything at all for the last few books; every passage I've read seemed to have been lifted straight from an Anderjacket novel.

(For the record, I do think Bobo is involved. My feeling is that he's part of the plotting/outlining and that he also gets a final veto [rarely used, likely] on what actually appears. But in terms of actually writing? Nope, not buying it. I'll be needing to see some proof ...)
No way he is able to crap out half a book as fast as the hack does.
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by TheDukester »

Serkanner wrote:No way he is able to crap out half a book as fast as the hack does.
Yeah, we were really riffing on that in a different thread a few months ago (pre-Winds release). There just isn't the slightest possibility that this guy who moves about as fast as a glacier can keep up with his ADHD-addled, hyper, obsessed, corner-cutting "writing partner." There's no way. It doesn't add up at all. Add in the part about Bobo not liking computers, or having much experience using them, and it becomes even less likely.

I really believe that this is one area where Anderjacket's constant bragging about his speed on very public websites is beginning to come back to haunt the HLP. Anyone with a working brain and knowledge of the two "writers" can figure out that something just doesn't sound right ...
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by SandChigger »

TheDukester wrote:The only problem with the plan is Bobo.
And from what people were saying from the tour this year, BoBo seems to be wanting to end the series. At least, he's thinking about it.
smugetsu wrote:In the unfortunate event of Bobo's demise, ...
I'm sure KJA would announce that he and BoBo had BRAINSTORMED at least three more trilogies AND the epic decalogy Duncan of Dune: A Thousand Lives and a Life AND that BoBo had entrusted him with copies of FH's notes and Brian's own notes containing his recollections of "Dune over Wheaties".

Actually, though, if (when) something does happen to Brian, I hope Byron will rise to the occasion as his balls finally lower back into proper position and kick The Hack out.

(Let's just hope they haven't signed some really stupid contract with him. :roll: )
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by TheDukester »

SandChigger wrote:I'm sure KJA would announce that he and BoBo had BRAINSTORMED at least three more trilogies AND the epic decalogy Duncan of Dune: A Thousand Lives and a Life AND that BoBo had entrusted him with copies of FH's notes and Brian's own notes containing his recollections of "Dune over Wheaties".
Oh, no ... I hadn't even considered that. Oh, the humanity.
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by chanilover »

I think Bobo has some involvement. I remember a while ago someone posted a quote from a book where the bollock-brained turds had left comments to each other in the text. Bobo had typed "What about the Cymeks, Kevin" and the slaphead had written something like "Oh yeah, musn't forget the cymeks".

It was a fascinating insight into the workings of the minds of blithering idiots.
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by SandChigger »

That was posted by Nekhrun.

But all that really proves is that Brian was reading the thing and commenting on it. ;)

If they were equal partners and really rewriting each other's text like KJA claims they do, Brian would have just changed the stuff that needed it and gone on, no? :lol:

(And what's really cool about it is that even fuzzy-headed "Is there really cocktail mix in this vodka?" BoBo caught an error by The Great & Powerful Kjan! Oh, the humanity! :laughing: )
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by Nekhrun »

SandChigger wrote: If they were equal partners and really rewriting each other's text like KJA claims they do, Brian would have just changed the stuff that needed it and gone on, no?
That's a good point that I don't think has come up before. If they were truly co-authors and writing their own text. then why wouldn't he just add that one sentence he was looking for kevin to add? I wonder if he was reprimanded in the past for altering "perfect prose". I think you've hit on some real proof about Bobo's involvement.

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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by SandChigger »

Such attention to detail and professionalism brings true tears to my eyes ... I give water to FH. :cry:
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by TheDukester »

Beyond the obvious humor of everyone involved in that abomination looking like a complete jackass, that is just some amazingly poor writing. It's just bad on every possible level.

And, yes, if Idiot One and Idiot Two really do just "edit each other's stuff," as Anderjacket likes to claim, then why didn't Bobo simply do some correcting instead of adding a note in the margin? (and, obviously, not far enough over in the margin, either). And why is he asking TheKJA about it? It comes dangerously close to seeking approval.

The whole thing is pretty suspicious, especially given some of the other evidence we've discussed (i.e., the authos being polar opposites when it comes to speed).
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by Freakzilla »

Look at the bright side, at least Brian read it. :|
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by Hunchback Jack »

I think Brian does contribute chapters, but they get rewritten into KJAprose long before the final draft. I think KJA reads them, thinks "that's not what *I* imagined, it should be more like *this*" and Brian's chapters are edited into oblivion.

Incidentally, if Brian should pass away, if KJA writes *one Dune novel alone*, it's all over, as far as I can see. Once that precedence has been set, KJA will never, ever stop writing Dune novels. And I don't see any time when the HLP will say "That's enough, Kev. Let's call it a day".

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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by DuneFishUK »

Why write one when he could split it into a trilogy?

As a final tribute to his long time close friend and co-author: ... erm... thingy.... with the hair.
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by Omphalos »

Nekhrun wrote:
SandChigger wrote: If they were equal partners and really rewriting each other's text like KJA claims they do, Brian would have just changed the stuff that needed it and gone on, no?
That's a good point that I don't think has come up before. If they were truly co-authors and writing their own text. then why wouldn't he just add that one sentence he was looking for kevin to add? I wonder if he was reprimanded in the past for altering "perfect prose". I think you've hit on some real proof about Bobo's involvement.

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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by Ampoliros »

SandChigger wrote:That was posted by Nekhrun.
But all that really proves is that EDITsomeoneEDIT was reading the thing and commenting on it. ;)
Do we have any proof that it was Brian who wrote that?

Also, perhaps this is the "1" mistake that KJA claims.
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by TheDukester »

Ampoliros wrote:Do we have any proof that it was Brian who wrote that?
I'm not sure, but I have two thoughts:

1. Who else would call TheKJA "Kev" like they are old buddies?

2. Given his amazing arrogance, not to mention his chronicled disdain for editors and proofreaders, I can't see Keith allowing anyone at a publishing company to call him "Kev." Ever. Not once. He'd be the type of asshole who would glare and say through clenched teeth: "My name is Kevin."

My only other guess would be Merritt. But that would only really work if Bobo is literally there just for his name and is doing no work whatsoever. I mean, not that I'd put it past them, but that would be beyond the pale even for the thieves at the HLP.
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by Ampoliros »

Becca might call him Kev and he's stated that she reads for him. Brian seems to formal to call him Kev.

"Kev" is faster and easier to type and I doubt his peers call him KJA.
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by SandChigger »

And I'm sure he insists that ByrByr call him "Mr Anderson". ;)

I see where you're all coming from, but I got to looking at it a leeettle bit differently ... what if KJA put it in himself and insisted it be left when an editor caught it, to create evidence that Brian was involved. :D

Nekhrun, what version of "Hunting Harkonnens" was that in again?

It's in one of the short stories, not one of the novels, so maybe he figured the minor flak they would receive when someone found it would be worth the long-term goal of dispelling the rumors that BoBo was just signing the checks. ;)
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by Ampoliros »

If he was that intelligent I doubt we'd be having this discussion.
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Re: 10 year anniversary...

Post by Slugger »

That seriously slipped into a published product?

That's conclusive evidence pointing to the fact that no one reads the text after he dictahikes.
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