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Re: Leto Atreides II (from forum) Are you here?

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 11:40
by Aquila ka-Hecate
OK. Xenu, that video featured Eddie from Ficksburg, a well-known arseh...err...eccentric who has a farm in the Freestate, is a Seventh Day Adventist, and is frankly full of looney ideas. And this is me saying that. :D

Eddie doesn't represent the white population in this country by a long shot. He's an aberration, a mugwump, a get the picture.

We have our colourful characters, and I'd be lying if I said we all get along like the Rainbow Nation Madiba punted - but it's mostly just like anywhere else here. Average joes trying to make a living, rich sods trying to hold onto their wealth, and of course we have a huge mass of poor citizens who've only got poorer under the ANC led government.

Not that I would welcome a return to apartheid - that was cold-blooded insanity.

And yes, the wingnut Right exist, but they do so alongside the batty far Left, as well as the usual scrummage of corrupt and greedy politicians, one or two of whom have recently caused an uproar by:
1) suggesting that singing a song about killing the Boers is perfectly OK and
2)flat-out lying on Human Rights Day, when they said that the PAC did not, in fact, lead the Sharpville demonstrations -it was the ANC didn't you know?

For myself, I sometimes look on in despair at the actual developmental level of this country, which is dominated by Tribal-level macho bullshit, while the best we have to offer are '80s style radical capitalists.

But it's the country of my birth, despite the fact that I was brought up and schooled between Europe and the States, and I love it.

Waves flag briefly, scurries off stage left....

Re: Leto Atreides II (from forum) Are you here?

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 12:12
by Xenu
Thanks for your reply Aquila, always good to get input from someone who live in the nation!

It just feels so weird for me seeing someone patrol around with a jeep and his underage children carrying automatic weapons, in Sweden you'd be jailed for doing that.

I guess it just feels so foreign to me when I see it, you know?

By the way, you're gonna be hosting the FIFA world cup this year, right?

I'm not that big on sports so I don't remember if it was this year! :oops:

Re: Leto Atreides II (from forum) Are you here?

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 12:25
by Aquila ka-Hecate
It's always good to communicate across the continents-we all get ourselves a bigger picture that way. I know I do.

And yes, we're hosting the FIFA world cup this year. Many of us are ducking and running for cover - but the majority of South Africans are soccer mad, so it's good for the largest number, why am I complaining?

I also don't pay a lot of attention to sport these days, it's too much like bread-and-circuses for the masses, you know?
Although I admit I used to follow Liverpool when my cousin played for them, back in the '80s. Got free family seats, how could I refuse? :lol:

Re: Leto Atreides II (from forum) Are you here?

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 12:30
by A Thing of Eternity
Yeah, I should point out that I am as strongly against anyone from any other "race" having a power movement or racist ideas as I am with Whites.

There is a difference though. Black people and Natives are a good example, they essentially had cultural genocide practiced against them for hundreds of years, and are only now beginning to rebuild. So while it's just as wrong for them to be racist, it is much more understandable. A decent example: The rest of us still live in a rich society (not just whites, but all the rich/middle class north americans) that was founded on stolen land. Is it my fault that someone with my skin colour stole that land? NO. Do I apologize for it? Yes, but not as a white person, just as a human being, I'm saddened that our race (humans) behaves that way. I have NO personal guilt over the matter though. BUT - most First Nations people still live in a poverty that has roots in their earlier persecution (same goes for blacks), so THAT is where people need to start feeling guilt and anger.

If a Native person is mad at me for stealing their land, that's not right, because I didn't steal it, and it wasn't their land (their great great great - whatever's), and I shouldn't feel guilt over it. That said, if they want to be mad that I live in wealth while they live in poverty stricken reserves - now they have a damned right to be angry, and I have something real to feel guilty over.

EDIT for Clarity: as to the bolded passage, when I say I apologize for it there, I don't mean like someone would apologize for something they did wrong, I mean like when you heare someone has died or is sick or whatever, and you say "I'm sorry" to show sympathy, not because you were the cause or feel guilty. Hope that makes it clearer!

People need to start looking at the present and the future (not forgetting the past, just starting to forgive it). That's how I feel anyways, I'm sure someone will flame me for that whole rant.

Re: Leto Atreides II (from forum) Are you here?

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 12:43
by Aquila ka-Hecate
Far from flaming, I heartily applaud your sentiments.

In South Africa, the whole native/settler question is confused by the fact that most of the Bantu were settlers themselves, booting out and wiping out the XoiSan, before the whiteys came in and did the same to them.

It's not funny, but, in a way, it's all Lila, and I can raise a soul-deep laugh about all our bumbling ways, at times.

Re: Leto Atreides II (from forum) Are you here?

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 14:17
by Xenu
Aquila ka-Hecate wrote:ATofE:
Far from flaming, I heartily applaud your sentiments.
Same here, I couldn't have said it better myself ATofE.

Also, random lil fact: Sweden was the first(or second) nation in Europe to begin slave-trading using African slaves.

Re: Leto Atreides II (from forum) Are you here?

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 18:40
by SadisticCynic
lotek wrote:
Xenu wrote:It's interesting to see that there are somewhat big 'black power' groups just like there are 'white power' ones.
and both are equally stupid :)

hey there you go, equality in stupidity, that sounds like a good slogan!
That's practically sig-worthy! Very nice.