Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

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Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by Onasander »

This part of the site has nothing to do with Frank Herbert- but rather, another set of authors and books.... furthermore, it doesn't appear anyone likes these other authors and books. Shouldn't a single, off-topic section of the site be enough? There already is one.... why have this?

If we're going to dedicate a section to KJA/BH, can we also have a section dedicated to Larry Niven, or even Samuel Butler? I like some of his works, and if we're going to have a Sado-Masochist section dedicated to KJA, we should have something more uplifting dedicated to some decent authors.... at least it would look more balanced and sci-fi oriented, and not dedicated to mentally deranged foaming of the mouth hourly obsession with Sci-Fi's best known openly gay couple. I really don't see the need to even acknowledge their existence- but the incredibly gay duo gets most of the attention here in 'Dune' discussions.... and they get their own fan section here as well. It would be really cool if Frank got that kind of attention as well. (Frank as in Frank Herbert- he was a science fiction author- maybe some of you heard about him in passing- I know most of the people hear only read KJA's twitter and Blog, and the Prequels and Sequels, and his Starwars books, and stalk him on the internet- and perhaps physically in real life as well- if you ever find time, I recommend you read his books, starting off with Dune. Maybe have a few discussions about him here on this site- I think alot of you would really get into it. Maybe change a few member avatars of Frank Herbert's face, or Dune related images..... it would mean a lot to attract a few real Dune fans- they're a real cool lot to hang around with. To bad so few are here on this site.)

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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by Freakzilla »

Look up at the top of the site... it says "Dune Forum for Orthodoxed Herbertarians" If there were no McDune there would be no OH.
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by merkin muffley »

I can't tell if you're 16 or 65, Onasander. You have an ageless wisdom - NOT.

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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by Nekhrun »

Onasander wrote:If we're going to dedicate a section to KJA/BH...(more shit that didn't get read)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, we.

Your an idiot.

(Emphasis mine.)
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by Onasander »

why can't a Dune fan exist independent of KJA? why must our universe revolve around them? This is the oddest orthodoxy ever created- usually people who call themselves orthodox seek to maintain their purity and original ways and not deal with later invention of doctrines.

There was once a author Named Frank Herbert- and he wrote this series of books called Dune- and he had many fans..... fans who knew nothing of KJA. He died. Later on, KJA started writing books. What happened to those original fans, and why don't they better claim to the name of orthodoxy? My thinking is- since they came first- since anyone, even today, who first reads a Frank Herbert book, and reflects upon and, and likes it- is a truer Dune fan and much more deserving of the title that people who post almost exclusively about KJA. No other site- not even DuneNovels, talks about him or his non-Dune related works as much as this site..... yes, everyone is negative here- but this none the less is his main fan base. Frank isn't talked about him as much.

To put this into perspective- it's like walking into a Catholic Church, and the whole service is about 'fuck lutherans' or in a Jewish Synagogue where the entire service every week is about Fuck Muslims and Christians, or visiting a Bhuddist temple and the monks talk about nothing save how they hate Krishna, and that path is false- over and over again- and almost ONLY that.

This makes no sense to me. Anyone calling themselves a Orthodox Herbertarian should not be this obsessed with Non-Frank works- it's unhealthy. If you don't like it, note it and move on. It would be great if all the posts dedicated to KJA would be moved to the off-topic section of the site- but the site would be massively lopsided if done so- as most of the posting is done in those threads. (which is embarrassing and awkward to any true Frank Herbert Fan, just as if the majority of discussions of The Book of Mormon would be to most Protestant Christian Denominations on their websites...... anyone visiting would say WTF?!?)

Why anyone would dedicate so much time of their everyday life to two authors as pathetic as KJA and BH is beyond me- especially on a Dune website of all places where it's practically blasphemous and embarrassing to even mention the those two clowns. Let's move away form them, reclaim the right to use the name Orthodox- or at least move all their fan threads to the off-topic section.

I absolutely refuse the idea that the world of Dune- the main sustaining impetus of every thread, and most of the members of a Dune site- to spin around the axis of these two ass clowns. There is no sane nor lucid reason why.
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by Omphalos »

Shut the fuck up.

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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by Nekhrun »

Onasander wrote:(Some more worthless shit I didn't read.)
If you don't like it there are other Dune forums you can go to DN & C-H, check 'em out.
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by TheDukester »

Douchebag wrote:Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists
No you're not. It's obvious, even to someone of your extremely limited intelligence. You're just being a dickless troll and trying to stir up trouble.
Douchebag wrote:... it would mean a lot to attract a few real Dune fans- they're a real cool lot to hang around with. To bad so few are here on this site.
Fuck off, you useless piece-of-shit troll.
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by SandRider »

first off, this "we" shit just ain't gonna fly - the only reason you're not Kick-banned is that Freak
is the polar-opposite of Byron Merritt - as are we (us, The Outcast) all : we'll tolerate and welcome
dissenting opinions on any topic; if it's well-reasoned and insightful, it will be respected and discussed -
if it's convincing, opinions can and have been changed ...

also, I and others actually love trolls like you, and wish there were more, or atleast that the few who
do pump their nuts enough to come in would stick around; most get their asses handed to them and
slink back to the basement - which is what I'm expecting you to do any day now ... the best fun to be
had in this sietch is when a know-it-all functional illiterate stumbles in spouting self-righteous nonsense -
happy day !

so you're (you + are = you're) more than welcome here as long as you want to be; you're (gettin' it?)
welcome to post the silliest shit you can come up with; you are going to get your ass handed to you again
and again, which, as I've said before, is just good entertainment to me ....

but this "we" bullshit - what "we" need to do with the board, &etc; well, you just ain't One of Us, son,
and even tho you can proclaim you of course don't wish to be, we all know that's not true ... you're
regretting now the tack you took when you came in, but, like the self-righteous shitheel you are, you
can't back down now ... I guess you think the "real Dune fans" comment was a sharp barb, and I'm sure
you think of yourself as a great Dune scholar and Frank Herbert fan; but the bucketloads of fail you poured
onto the board trying to prove to me you could "discuss Dune" just proved to us that you couldn't win
an argument with Arnoldo ... ok, wait, that's a bad example, no-one can win an argument with Arnie,
but you get my drift ... anyway, you're (that's called a contraction, btw) in no position to tell Freak
or any of us how this sietch should be run - stick to name-calling and pseudo-intellectual asinine and
factually-questionable posts on two year old threads ....

and as to the pretentious insinuation that "we" should check out this "Frank Herbert" guy, well ...
not only will that dog not hunt, he's back up on the porch lickin' his balls and mumbling about what
an idiot shitheel you are .... I read Frank when your Daddy was shittin' green ... so fuck yourself ...

btw, see what I did there ? your is the possessive ...

you are (you're) a shitheel ...
your Daddy shoulda pulled out ...

see the difference ?
no ?

ok, then ...

>> edit

goodchrist, can you wait a fucking minute and let me respond your first string of bullshit ?

fucking newbie post whore ...

glad I goaded you into changing your avatar, tho ...
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by SandChigger »

Already been covered by the above, particularly SandRider, but just to reiterate because I know you're shellshocked or drug-addled and generally kinna slow:


You may have been allowed to register and become a member of this forum, to take refuge in this sietch, but you are not and never will be a member of this Ichwan, nor do you or will you share our Tau. Your opinion as to what WE should do is therefore irrelevant, and your suggestions of no interest whatsoever. You are out-freyn and accursed. You stand forever beyond our Mohalata, and your water will be poured out upon the sand.

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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by lotek »

nice way of saying fuck off :lol:
So mr O., behave and stop this useless whore posting, WE have a topic called Random Crap you should fit in just perfectly
I trust you can find your way alone?
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by Serkanner »

Omphalos wrote:Shut the fuck up.
Quoted for truth.
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by Mr. Teg »

Combine Herbert Ober Anderson Mercantile, Narf!
Brian, Kevin & Byron :? :cylon101: :roll: The HLP
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by trang »

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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by A Little Galach »

Go away. You're too dumb to mock and therefore of no use.
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by SandRider »

I just want to personally dissent from the above posts -
I don't want you to shut up or go away ...

fuck yourself and die in a fire, yes, but please post pix when you do ...

I want you to stick around and post everyday ... I've not had a decent whipping boy around here
since Simon - who ended up being a friend of mine, of sorts ... I miss him ... not as much as I
miss Sloey, but ...

Brian Conway pussied out and quit, James C. Harwood is too paranoid of The Tidwell to log on here,
Ian Anderson Dodge just ignores me now on his blagh, Fantomas was deported back to Cuba,
Hyppo's too hated to be even partially tolerated here, and C-H Tabr takes seven minutes per page
to load and she won't let me talk about her horrible feet there, anyway ...

and I understand the point you're trying to make - tho your execution sucks ...
there's more content on Frank here than anywhere else in the world, save Fullerton ...

if you don't like the TheKJA hate-fest, skip it ... mocking and exposing Keith, Brian, Merritt, and
the HLP is a large part of the jihad ... and serves as a vent for the anger and frustration that
builds up when the whole sorry mess is contemplated too long ..

or, fuck yourself and die in a fire .... I don't care either way ...
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by merkin muffley »

SandRider wrote: so you're (you + are = you're) more than welcome here as long as you want to be; you're (gettin' it?)
welcome to post the silliest shit you can come up with; you are going to get your ass handed to you again
and again, which, as I've said before, is just good entertainment to me ....
I also think it's entertaining. It would be more entertaining if he wasn't a moron, but then again that might ruin the essential pseudo-intellectuality. I like it, and I think he likes it too. I think he likes having something up his ass when he reads the replies... wait a minute-...

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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by SandChigger »


You're starting to catch on. Ever see some of Onasander's early posts over on DN about copyright and intellectual property? I think he had a website about it at one point....

:?: ;) :lol:
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by merkin muffley »

I'm gonna compile all your posts from the internet and copyright them as my intellectual property before the big deadline. What's gonna happen to your sweet-ass book now?

And I'm not even gonna publish it. I know I could make some serious money that way, but I'm just gonna copyright it and put it in a drawer. Don't try to find any loopholes, I already know of a copyright lawyer in Illinois.

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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by Mandy »


Just kidding.. I didn't realize he was a numpty when I was defending his joke in that other thread. Hadn't really bothered to read much of anything he posted before that.

Onasander, this forum was born out of the fires of hatred for McDune, as well as the love for Frank Herbert's Dune. There needs to be a place for those unfortunate enough to have read McDune to vent, imo. Plus this section is one of the most entertaining places on the internet sometimes.
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

It's been said that bottling up emotions is unhealthy, so this part of the forum is for healing.
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by SandRider »

exactly right, you have to express those feelings of frustration, angry, jealousy ...

otherwise you go around the sietch peeing on things and get put outside in the snow ...

and we all know what happens then ...
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

I go tobogganing?
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by SandRider »


no, you end up cold and alone living under a fat lady's porch in Red Deer ...

eating the tossed-out skin she's sloughed off with a moldy green loofah ....

smoking Sloey's weed and playing checkers with rocks and dried cat shit ...

and hey, while you're under there, take a look around and see if you can find Frank's notes ...
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: Stumped as to WHY this part of the site exists

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

I don't like Red Deer, it's a sad little town. Bah.
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