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Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 14:39
by merkin muffley
Omphalos wrote:Watched There Will Be Blood and put the rest of it away.
That'll do it.

Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 15:40
by Robspierre
SandChigger wrote:Great link, Rob! :lol:

Sounds like he might even be a bigger dick than Anderson. (Is that possible? :shifty: )

Well, he is a disciple of Ayn Rand, has called gang rape a form of democracy, created the most fearsome incarnation of evil, the chicken, yes, a chicken, claims that he writes truth, and finally, he does not write fantasy, he writes literature.


Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 16:19
by A Thing of Eternity
:lol: I remember the chicken, that was funny stuff.

What did he say about gang rape? Was that from the book where he goes on an 600 page rant about how democracy is good to strive for but in the end it's more than likely that everyone is too stupid and will just fuck it up?

Same book as the chicken thing I think?

Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 17:03
by Kojiro
A Thing of Eternity wrote::lol: I remember the chicken, that was funny stuff.

What did he say about gang rape?
Another interview, actually. In a way I kind of agree with the point he's trying to make, but I think he could have used a better metaphor.
Q: Given your philosophical views, what is your opinion on the War on Terror?

Terry Goodkind: There is no such thing as a "War on Terror." This is another example of philosophy corrupting action. You can't have a war on a name. "Hate crime" is another one of those things: either it's a crime, or it's not. Either someone is doing something wrong, or they're not. We're not having a war on terror, we're having a war on Islamic fundamentalism. We're afraid to name the enemy, and in [that fear], we give them strength. When you can't name the enemy, you've already lost. When you're afraid to see who it is you're fighting, you've already lost.

Take, for example, what we're doing in Iraq. The basic thing we're trying to do is enforce democracy. Democracy is a free-floating concept. There's no goodness [inherent] in democracy. Gang rape is democracy in action. Why should we enforce democracy? Why should we have Americans die so [Iraq] can elect a government who wants to kill us? It's stupid. Force should be used by a government just like it should be used by an individual: to prevent someone else from harm. That's the only valid, moral, ethical purpose of force: to protect your life. If somebody's trying to protect you, you should protect your life.

We have Americans dying over there to enforce democracy so that [Iraq] can vote to kill us. It's absurd. There's nothing holy about democracy. The sidetrack of adopting slogans like "making the world safe for democracy"... it's a free-floating concept; there's nothing good [inherent in] democracy. Democracy can be good if it's supported by other ethical values; justice, for example, and not hurting other people. But we're not enforcing a moral form of democracy; we're just supporting the idea of democracy in general, and there's nothing more about democracy in and of itself.

The war on terror is merely theatrics to convince the American people that something is being done. All you have to do is go to an airport to see how philosophy has caused a breakdown in effective action. Airport security is pure theatrics to convince people that something is being done, and it ignores the reality of the nature of the threat. We have [security] people searching obvious non-threats because they don't want to be seen as profiling. When you're looking for a burglar, and the burglar is two-foot-ten, and you put out an APB for that burglar, that's not profiling, it's a description of the subject. The authorities should know who they're fighting.

When you say you're fighting terror, there's no such thing as "terror" as an enemy. You're doing gang rape on 80 year-old Swedish grandmothers because you're afraid to say that the enemy are Middle Eastern men. This distraction, this forced equality, is ignoring of reality. Philosophy is at the cause of this because they're ignoring reality in order to adapt meaningless principles. The philosophy is going to get us all killed.

In World War II, in Japan, there were no deaths of Americans by insurgence, and the reason [for that] is because America, at that time, had the courage to crush those who were enforcing evil ideas. We may have had to kill a lot of people, but it was the only way to crush those evil ideas. And because we crushed those evil ideas, an entire culture in Japan grew up to create a great, noble, free people who have become an engine of freedom and an engine of economy in the world.

You either crush evil or you don't. If you allow evil to co-exist with you, it's only going to grow. We're allowing evil to grow. We're too timid to attack evil, and make no mistake: the Islamic world wants to kill us, and sooner or later, an atomic bomb is going to go off in the United States because we don't even have the courage to name the enemy.
He seems to be obsessed with rape.

Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 17:20
by A Thing of Eternity
I get what he's saying, and agree with most of it (not the rape bit... he's a little weird to use that as his example, especially the second time), except for the Japan thing, but that's just my own opinion. Would have been nice if they could have done that without nuking non-military targets, but hey, it's in the past.

Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 17:37
by A Thing of Eternity
Ah, and on Terry being worse than KJA - you think DN is draconian? Go over to Terry's website and check out the rules in his forum. One of the funnier ones is that no one is allowed to talk about any books or writers other than Terry. :puke:

Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 22:11
by SandChigger
In World War II, in Japan, there were no deaths of Americans by insurgence, and the reason [for that] is because America, at that time, had the courage to crush those who were enforcing evil ideas. We may have had to kill a lot of people, but it was the only way to crush those evil ideas. And because we crushed those evil ideas, an entire culture in Japan grew up to create a great, noble, free people who have become an engine of freedom and an engine of economy in the world.
Um, from his mention of "insurgence", I think he's actually talking about the post-war occupation.

Either way, he's full of shit.

The "can't make a war on a name" idea isn't new. And a "hate crime" is "a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence"; not quite sure what he thinks it is.

(And it's fine to have a war on Islamic fundamentalism, but no one talks about warring on the "Christian" fundamentalists who blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors. How is the latter not also terrorism? ;) )

Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 22:56
by D Pope
Stereotypical my-opinion-is-the-only-one-that-matters kind of guy?

Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 29 Jul 2010 23:50
by Kojiro
I like to call him Terry Badmean personally.

Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 00:05
by D Pope
You know what- screw it! I'm gonna write a book! I can tell a story at least as well as KJH. Why the fuck not! I got time.

edit; Wish me luck guys!

Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 06:45
by SadisticCynic
SandChigger wrote: The "can't make a war on a name" idea isn't new. And a "hate crime" is "a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence"; not quite sure what he thinks it is.

(And it's fine to have a war on Islamic fundamentalism, but no one talks about warring on the "Christian" fundamentalists who blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors. How is the latter not also terrorism? ;) )
It definitely is terrorism.

Maybe he's referring to 'hate crime' as used as a kind of buzzword. I don't know how to clearly express what I mean by that, but it is when people imbue words or phrases with more meaning than they actually contain, then say them as if they are declaring some important truth. They use them alot on news programmes.

(May I say, as a fan of over-the-top hyperbole (assuming that's not a tautology) democracy as gang-rape is entertaining).

Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 11:35
by Eyes High
SandChigger wrote:...

The "can't make a war on a name" idea isn't new. And a "hate crime" is "a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence"; not quite sure what he thinks it is.

(And it's fine to have a war on Islamic fundamentalism, but no one talks about warring on the "Christian" fundamentalists who blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors. How is the latter not also terrorism? ;) )

I agree with you on both counts. The way I look at it is that hate crime is just a sub-catagory of crime. It names a specific type of crime. Just because we give it a specialized name does not deminish it in any way. Also, those so-called Christians who bomb abortion clinics are just as wrong as any other religion nuts who go to the extreme to "prove a point"

and I just notice something: is his name Tmothy or Timothy? Just wondering if maybe an "i" was left out?

Re: Tmothy Zahn vs Kevin J Anderson

Posted: 30 Jul 2010 15:23
by A Thing of Eternity
Ah, yes, missed that Chig.

Definitely a douchbag, I should have mentioned that I didn't agree with all that random hatecrime stuff and so on.