tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

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tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by SandRider »

at your leisure, then ....
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by SandRider »

>> October 2010 @T(A)U
>> the set-up: Keith was in the UAE at the time;
he had done some kind of softball fanboy online
audio interview, that the kid said he would have
up on his blaghsite in three weeks .... comments
were made about how long did it take to get an
audio file uploaded and so on; my thought was
that in three weeks, at the work-pace of tehKJA,
anything he might have said would've been out
of date;

Keith had twitted about some "pristine" beach;
I have spent some time in the waters of the
Arabian Gulf, which were almost sterile and
void of marine life in the 70s from massive
contamination from all the bordering countries,
and all the leaky tankers; I'd spent some time
trying to get the strange residue off my body
after scuba diving there and had also developed
an interest in the Arabian Gulf Sea Snake ...

and so came about Keith of Arabia
SandRider wrote: well, that's stupid ...

three weeks from now, Keith will have already completed three new projects,
be halfway thru two more, have minutely detailed outlines for several more;
hell, he'll have brainstormed with Becky for about 36 hours, and she was trapped
on an airplane and couldn't escape him ...

plus, man, you know he's been hiking the in desert, man;

it was like, so spiritual man, I really, really can dig on what that Pete guy musta
been going thru when he took out across the dunes on foot, man, at the end of that
one book Brian was telling me about .... oh yeah!, man, that's what's going on, man,
that's like why the other guy wanted me to write about them jedi chicks man, I bet
like his mom, man, his mom like came to him in a dream and said wait up!
Spanky-dude's gotta take a little trip across the water first, man, like get his head in
the sand, man, yeah, take the dune-walk like that Moody-Deep cat, man ... oh yeah,
and like, dude was like blind, man, so I like took my Tiger Woods cap man, and like,
pulled it down over my eyes, man, so I could like barely see, man, and I like walked around
for awhile like that man, and dude! lemme tell ya, man, it was awesome!
I totally felt like that dude, man ... that dude in that book, man ... yeah ...
yeah, I can write that shit, now, man ... got it nailed, bro-ha!

and he turns to give a high-five,but he realizes he's in his garage, alone, and
he's been talking to the recorder; then he notices the garage door is closed
and the Camry is sitting in the garage with the engine running, and there's a
big lump on his neck, right at the base of this skull, and the last thing he really
remembers is drinking the growler Becky poured for him and telling her he felt
sleepy and was going to lie down on the couch and take a nap .....

so anyway, in three weeks, whatever Keith had to say will be outdated news,
and you know they didn't read him any of the OH questions; probably didn't
have a chance, he was most likely going on and on about being the "invited
guest" of His Royal Majestic High-emir of a shit-colored stretch of land smaller
than my ranch, with an unusable and unaccessible beach covered four feet deep
in oil sludge from all the leaky Chinese tankers that're hauling out the Iraqi oil
at sweetheart prices from Haliburton, cause that pipeline that's siphon off all
that natural gas and xeon shit in Afghanistan is gonna hafta go out thru fucking
Tibet and China, there's just no way them goat-football-playing cocksuckers
are gonna let a pipeline go unmolested, and them Iranian sea-lane mines that
keep washing up and blowing the tits off all the Russian Mafia's under-aged whores;

you know, I used to be real good at wrapping up a post with a profound thought,
or a folksy turn-of-phrase, or a clever call-back reference to something at
the beginning of the post, but these days, I seem to just ramble all over the
hillside until I trip on my own pecker and go rolling down to the creek bed ....

and it ain't them big prickly-pear needles that get you, it's the little short clumps
around the nodes, some of those bastards are so small, you can't even feel them,
but put your hand in your leather glove or let a few of them evil things get stuck
in your sock and work their way down between your toes .... or good christ,
think you're pretty sure you got them all out of your hand, and forget how rough
and calloused your palm and the web by your thumb is and g'head and grab
a hold of your cock, just for the fuck of it, who knows? maybe it'll stand up for
a second or two ....

maybe Keith'll be convinced there is a little "pristine" beach, just around that
jebel, sadiq, and wade his fat, pasty legs out in the water, just up to the bottom
hem of his cargo shorts, and one of those yellow & black Arabian Gulf sea snakes
will bite him between the big and first toe, right there in the webbing, which is the
only place besides your earlobe an Arabian Gulf sea-snake can bite you because it's
mouth is so fucking small .... and they'll race him back to the pearl-thief's palace,
which strangely enough has a neon "Motel 6" sign over the main entrance, but fuck,
the Filipino maids don't have any fucking sea-snake anti-venom on their carts; they'll
offer Keith a chocolate mint and a clean towel and his complimentary blow job, but
by then, his whole fucking foot will be swelling up a deer carcass on the Old Ballinger
Highway on an afternoon in early August, and everybody in Abu Dhabi's so fucking
whacked on Afghan opium they got from the Chinese Merchant Marines, they're
trying to train goddamn monkeys to jockey camels so the UN Commission on
Child Exploitation will get the fuck off their backs over using 5 year olds for all
that time, and they don't have a hospital anywhere in any of those caves,
anyway ....

and by the time they get to Dubai, Keith's whole fat, nasty calf will be even fatter and
nastier and turning purple and shit, and the Male Filipino Nurses
at the state-of-the-art Hospital on the University will tell them, yes, we no have had
sea-snake anti-venom, but just sold all to Michael Jackson
; Keith will be screaming
from anger and frustration by then, but who couldv'e predicted that M.J.
would return from the dead with a fetish for getting bitten on the foreskin by yellow
and black Arabian sea-snakes, which is the only other place a sea-snake can
bite you, besides the earlobe and between your toes ... and maybe the piece of
cartilage between your nostrils if you have a Morgan Fairchild nose, you know, the
kind of nose Michael Jackson lost his own nose in the pursuit of ? but I don't think
that's ever happened ....but the Male Filipino Nurses will offer an ice pack and the
complimentary blow job; Keith will tell them to get in the land rover and the Pakistani
slave/chauffeur/salt mine worker who started all this shit by babbling on about "pristine"
beaches and clear blue water and catching hamoor-fish the size of an Irishman's head with
your bare hands will tear ass and just fucking blow by the Saudi National Guard border
check station; oh, and when the venom hits Keith's ball-sack, he's gonna start thrashing around
like Micheal J. Fox on methamphetamine, right about the time they're crossing the causeway
from Dhaharan to Bahrain to get to Micheal Fucking Jackson's Basement Toyland Playroom &
Dark Sex Dungeon under the Four Seasons and the only sea-snake anti-venom between here
and Istanbul, and the convulsions will start and Keith's massive meaty thighs will catch one of
the Male Filipino Nurse's right under the chin and lift him up over the headrest of the front seat
and his blue sparkly Nike Air Jordans, made in Abu Dhabi by 5 year old former camel jockeys
working in an overturned dumpster behind Michael Jordan's condo will catch the Pakistani
driver/pear diver/male exotic dancer square on the temple, knocking him unconscious ....

he'll slump forward, face mashed into the steering wheel, causing that faggotty little British
"auto-horn" to toot incessantly, and his foot will jam down on the gas pedal ...
and the fourteen Saudi National Guard humvees chasing them will think they are trying to
"make a break for it", and brave Ahmed Abdul Ahmed bin Abdul, a fearless veteran of the war
for and/or against the glorious/despicable jihadis will climb up on the roof of the lead humvee,
and let loose the stays on the .50 cal .....

and they just might make it,too, across the causeway and onto the sanctuary island
of Bahrain, where the crazed fanatics of the desert-smelling camel-shit-burning half-tribe
of Saud Ibn Saud Ibn Oscar Ibn Saud cannot touch them, with their religious laws,
male-friend hand-holding, and offensive strong body odor that is only made worse by
the continual application of Brut33 from the partially melted plastic bottle in the center
console of their daddys' Daimler-Benzs, next to the melting cassette tape of ABBA's
Greatest Hits and an illegal cell-phone full of Russian Mafia under-aged rape-porn,
one image of which will get your eyes burnt out of your skull with a hot iron in front
of the Grand Mosque on an otherwise beautiful Friday afternoon .... yes, if it weren't
the misfortune and bad timing of the Male Filipino Nurse having just deep-throated
Keith's entire penis, which, yes, while still being very small and more shriveled-up than
normal due to the excruciating pain filling Keith's entire lower body, is still quite a
feat for a Male Filipino Nurse, who, like the yellow & black Arabian Gulf sea-snake,
has a very small mouth .....

Keith's thigh, contacting with the fellatiating little brown CareGiver, caused his jaw
to snap shut, severing Keith's penis completely ... flinging the boy up caused him
to knock out the driver, who locked them on a hell-bent-for-leather course straight
towards the Bahrain Royal Causeway Guards, an elite unit who were now actually
up in Iraq, trapped in a small village and fighting for their lives against angry and
dedicated Iranian fanatics of the Shia persuasion, who were armed with new
Chinese made Kalashnikov rifles and small dirty-bomb tipped mortars, both
courtesy of the friendly and considerate nation of North Korea, while the hapless
Bahraini commandos struggled to find the missing screws and bolts in the VietNam
surplus AR-15s the Bahraini Trade Council had purchased from the BlackWater
Corporation, at the urging of several United States Congressmen and an ex-
President .... their passport-control kiosk at the end of the causeway had been
manned by outsourced labor, 5 year old former camel jockeys from Abu Dhabi ....
who now found themselves trapped between a speeding convoy of crazed Saudis
and Michael Jackson; after a quick, democratic vote, the former child athletes and
sweat shop shoe makers jumped over the railing of the causeway into the shallow,
gray water of the Arabian Gulf, and, due to extra buoyancy provided by the marine
life killing salts, sulfurs and other contaminants being dumped upriver on the Tigris
by the US Army's Environmental TaskForce, floated peacefully out into the shipping
lane, around the Strait of Hormuz, into the Gulf of Oman and so to the Great City
of Karachi, where they were all taken by Chinese Slavers and forced to make
Bollywood Child Porn ....

(but there is a happy ending; one of these children would grow up to be the Prime Minister
of India, and it would be he who would launch all the missiles in India's Nuclear Arsenal,
of course at Pakistan, and China, and Reunion Island, but also at random targets in random
directions determined by spinning a handcarved sandalwood top, remarkably shaped like a dreidel;
suspiciously shaped like a dreidel ... for this child would in truth grow
to be The One, the endpoint of four thousand years of the Zionist Breeding
program, and he would destroy three-quarters of the world by fire and radiation,
in preparation for the Coming of the Dark Master, the Eternal OverLord who would
rule over the Earth in a perpetual static time-vortex, with the Chosen One,
the Preparer of His Way at His Right Hand ... except of course that all the prophecy
was just more Zionist bullshit, and though badly, badly damaged, the Earth and
her people would slowly recover and rebuild; in the far future, historians would
call this poor child the "Stupidest MotherFucker in the History of Stupid";
(the rest of the children lived short, miserable lives in fear, terror and pain, exploited
and abused for the pleasure of sadistic fat German Sex Tourists, until one by
one, they all went to sleep, scared and hungry, and simply never woke up ....)
>> the next day:
SandRider wrote:
I forgot the ending of the story, up there -

when Keith's penis was bit off, he started jumping and bouncing, causing the land rover,
which had been locked onto a straight path down the center of the bridge towards
the Bahrain Passport Kiosk and Safety, to swerve ; the Saudi National Guardsmen
who had climbed up to man the fifty cal took this as an "evasive maneuver" and
opened up - but the fifty cal was also bad war surplus acquired from BlackWater
thru the same congressmen and ex-President, and jammed ...the land rover swerved
up on two wheels and flipped over, like a stunt car on the A-Team, and skidded
on its roof thru the flimsy causeway barricade, out into the air like Wile E. Coyote
off a mesa, and into the Arabian Gulf .... as this was occurring, Ahmed Abdul Ahmed
bin Abdul, Hero of the Kingdom, recipient of the prestigious George W. Bush Get
Er Done
medal, tilted the 50 cal down and began banging on it with his 9mm
handgun; which caused the 50 cal to un-jam, sending a spray of hot lead into the
driver's compartment of the speeding humvee, instantly killing the driver, causing
the humvee to swerve and go off the causeway at the same spot the land rover
had just broken thru, followed by, one by one, the other 13 Saudi National Guard
pursuit humvees, the drivers of which had all Vowed to Allah to follow Ahmed Abdul
Ahmed bin Abdul unto the very Gates of Hell and Beyond, but had never actually
thought they would have to do it ...

Which only left one racially-ambiguous, androgynous zombie chained to a stretching
rack in the basement of the Bahrain Four Season, with a yellow and black Arabian
Gulf sea-snake attached to its rotting penis .... (Sh'mon)
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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The Absolute Truth About the Entire UFO-Flying Saucer Thing

Post by SandRider »

>> November, 2010 (Jacurutu)
>> the set-up : a USN submarine off the coast of Kalifornia had accidentally let loose a missile
which was unfortunately caught by a news-helicopter ....

ensuing horseshit occupied the fringe media and dark internet corners
for some time (this also reminded me that it is now time to start
snooping around internet archives for that period, compared with the
events that have occurred since then, and try to make some speculations
on 1) the actual true details of the event and 2) why the military not
only issued cover-up lies, but flimsy cover-up lies; the type of mis-
information that is obviously mis-information, intended to rile up
the wingnuts and further the story ...)

I had stated several times that none off the pro-offered "explanations"
of the event, from the Navy's, to Katie Couric's or Alex Jones made
any kind of sense in the real world; that the obvious answer was that the
Navy had a fuck-up with some launch software - they could never admit
to that, and also then, allowing the rampant speculation served the Federal
Military's agenda well, esp. at that time when they were trying to beat some
more War Drums over North Korea ...

and yet, the posters in that thread did not seem to grasp what I had said;
in fact, I think it even got mo' stupider after that, which always leads
to a tl;dr .... so, as an example in explanation of how the Federal Military
Disinformation Program works, I laid out the absolute Truth about the
entire UFO-Flying Saucer thing ....

and so, I give you : The Absolute Truth About the Entire UFO-Flying Saucer Thing
I, the SandRider wrote: as the military learned from 1948 on, it is easiest and most effective to deny things
and let the fringe rumor-mill run the incident into the ground;

after WWII, the American Government was not totally sure which Nazi Scientists they had,
and which Nazi Scientists the Soviet had ... since the Cold War was on, there was no communication
between the two sides, and so rumor and speculation took the place of intelligence, and the Red Scare
replaced rational thinking ....

the Nazi Scientists the Americans had were of course interrogated, or "debriefed" - of special
interest, of course, was any information they had on projects they themselves had not been
directly working on, but had heard about, or were doing supplemental research for ...

this allowed the Americans to cross-reference and try to determine what some of the projects
that the Nazi Scientists they did not have in custody were working on - with the speculation then
that the Soviets had custody of those scientists ...

one such project was a Vertical-Takeoff Aircraft - Allied Bombers penetrated German airspace with impunity
by 1944, and bombed German airstrips a faster rate than they could be repaired; during the last phase of the
war, the Luftwaffe was mostly out of the game because of this ...

German High Command sent down orders to one the teams working on jet engines to develop an aircraft that
would not require an airstrip to take off; there is also an alternate theory that this project had already been
underway, but by 1944 had been turned over to the SS .... with all those implications;

news, rumors, and propaganda about German "Secret Super Weapons" ran rampant during the war, churned
about by SS propaganda units, suppressed or promoted by American authorities on whatever whim they were
operating under at the time - after the war, speculation of the state of Nazi technology was an industry ....

it may be truth or rumor or government propaganda that US pilots were briefed to be on the lookout for
"flying disc aircraft" over Europe from 1946-1950 - by the time of the Korean Conflict, after Roswell, it
was taken for fact that US pilots were so briefed for that Arena - that the Soviets had the "Nazi Flying
Saucer" .....

in 1947 and 1948, the primary concern of the American Government was the development of atomic
weapons by the Soviets; various methods of monitoring were being developed, including seismic
"listening posts" and high-altitude particle collection; the US Air Force began modifying their
high-altitude weather balloons for this mission - these balloons would be placed as close to the Soviet
airspace as possible, with huge rolls of sticky paper - the paper would be trailed out behind the
balloon, collect the particles, rolled back in and analyzed for trace signs of radiation, and other
particles indicative of an above-ground atomic explosion; this method of detection was used up
until the 1963 above-ground test treaty, but later with US cargo planes, skirting Soviet airspace;
(BTW, the first Soviet denotation was August 1949)

the Roswell crash was the turning point in the government's thinking; they did not want to publicly
admit that the object that crashed was in fact, one of these balloons; when the rumor-mill, already
charged with stories of Nazi UFOs, and "Flying Saucers", and aliens decided the crash was a extra-
terrestrial spacecraft, the Brass saw the opportunity to start a double- and triple-misinformation
campaign ....

they didn't have to deny it was a high-altitude particle-gathering balloon; no-one now believed
it was a balloon, anyway ... they denied it was a spacecraft, of whatever origin .... the 'wreckage' is
obviously that of a balloon, so they said "it was a high-altitude weather balloon", which was a
partial truth, but the UFO Believers thought it was a cover-up .... and it was, but not of a UFO ...

after that, the run-away mythos of the UFOs served the US Air Force as a blanket cover for anything;
except that, around 1955, the questions about US airspace security began - what are these UFOs
then, that the mighty US Air Force can't intercept or shoot-down? if you are lying to us because these
objects are in fact Soviet aircraft, aren't we in serious danger? if you are lying to us because these objects
are alien in origin and you don't know about them or aren't in contact with these "aliens", aren't we in
serious danger?

so the Company Line shifted to "there are no UFOs and those who believe in them or think they have
seen one are mentally unstable"; the press at the time was instructed to follow this line - and still do to
this day ...

this is an interesting critique of the "Nazi Flying Saucer" story,
actually on one of the "UFOlogist" webpages; I don't where the
author stands on the whole thing, but the Nazi stuff makes him mad;" onclick=";return false;
I found his page looking for a photo of the V173:
but there are lots of other relevant photos and diagrams there ...
here's a page from one of Art Bell's best friends, demonstrating the long reach and
unintended consequences of the US & Soviet Propaganda Machines:" onclick=";return false;
this is a 2008 Daily KOS article: ... 908/570664" onclick=";return false;
some other random pics on the subject, some are of the era, some later,
google "Nazi Flying Saucers" if you want figger it all out ...
this is real photo of a real USAF project:
this is not:

some of you may be very well aware of the "Roswell Incident"-Project Bluebook-Majestic 12-Project Paperclip
story, and how the USAF used propaganda and counter-propaganda and misinformation and so on to try to confuse and
obfuscate the true state of technology and airspace defense from the US public, US presidents and the Congress, the
Soviets, America's NATO allies, and so forth ... some of you may have never heard of the issue of "Nazi Spacemen" at all,
or never understood how the governments used and are still using the "UFOlogists" as discriminators of what they think they
want people to believe ...

anyway, and most of you are smart enough to see where I am going with this, to the issue at hand -

what this incident was, and there no other rational, plausible explanation for it,
was an accidental launch of a missile from either a US Navy submarine or other warship;
#1) The US Navy cannot, will not, and will never state this was an accidental launch;

#2) Had this been an actual launch from a Chinese submarine, the American Government's reaction would have been very different;

#2a) the chinese government has no reason or desire for such a "show of force"; they also have no reason or desire for any
type of military conflict with America; it is counter-intuitive to their thinking in global policy, and certainly against their economic policy;
they are not the ones beating the war-drums in this time and place ... however -

#3) the fascists, warmongers, and paranoid First-Strikers who run the American Military certainly have a vested interest in keeping
the American people on-edge about China and their military capabilities, as do the Robber Barons who are seeing the global economic
markets sliding in China's favor, and as long as China has a government they cannot bully or control, they will attempt to raise the fear
and paranoia until the American people are clamoring for military action - which the John Wayne Right Wing already are - they have fully
accepted the "China-Sub" theory and are flooding the email inboxes of America right now with demands for some Chink-ass to be whipped ...

#4) the American military and Federal Government have had 60 years now of experience with using the "UFO denial" technique, so much
so that it's employed on a hundred different levels every day; they are very good at it - the blanket denial it was a American missile, or
a missile at all, the pro-offering of an implausible solution (an airplane) and the dismissal of critics of that solution, and the quiet tacit
approval of the China-Sub rumor, are all hallmarks of the propaganda technique ....

#5) the military and the Government know that with football season reaching its climax and "The Holidays" beginning, this incident will
quickly fade from the public consciousness ... except in the minds and webpages of the fringe, who continue to be fed rumors and the
occasional "interview with a government official" to keep the idea alive and tailored for their purposes, and to continue to foster the
by-now-well-accepted notion that "the government" "covers things up" ... which is what they want you to believe ...

it will be ten to twenty years before the truth of this incident is known; the information will come from a retired congressman or senator,
in his much-hyped "memoirs", at the prodding of his publisher, who knows this tidbit will boost sales and TV promo appearances;
the recollection of the conversation will sound something like this:
Random JCS General: Well, shit, Senator - it was just a fuck-up.
Senator (nodding): Uh-huh. Yeah,well ... thank God there wasn't a warhead on that fucker ...
Gen (chuckling): Oh, yeah ... goodchrist ... y'know, that thing came down the other side of Elko ?
Sen: No shit.
Gen: Yessir. If it'da had a warhead .... well, we'da had to blame the Chinese ...
Sen (sighing): Hmph. And the war woulda be on today ... well, they say that God looks after drunks & fools & little children ...
Gen: Yessir ... and it looks like them shitheels on that sub was all three ...
Sen: We thinking to just let this 'Chinese-Sub' rumor ride out ?
Gen (nodding): Yessir ... looks like a win-win ... with POTUS over there right now, they're thinking they'll be able to spin some
some good behind-closed-doors perceptions ....
Sen: Is he supposed to rattle sabers or kow-tow ?
Gen (scratching his head): Fuck, Senator, I don't really know ... the way they're having him play right now, it'll be a little of both,
depending on who's watching ... mostly kow-towing tho, I'd think; that's mostly where they're at with him, he makes it look like it's
all our fault, anyway ... gets the hawks all riled up ...
Sen: Yeah, they are certainly "riled up" .... have you seen this website ?
Gen (leaning forward, chuckles): Yessir. Hell, half them 'comments' are from Langley ....
Sen (leaning back in his chair): Well .... coulda been a lot worse, I guess ...
Gen: Oh, Yessir.
Sen: But ... I guess you people always will make lemonade, huh ?
Gen (laughing): Sure as shit gonna try, sir.
Sen: This 'airplane' thing, tho .... hell, my seven year old grand-daughter doesn't believe that ...
Gen: Well, that's good,sir. Means it's working well.
Sen: I guess. Well, all right then, General. Thank you for your time. I think I know what to do now.
Gen (standing): Anytime, sir.
Sen: Well, I hope we won't have another time like this ... oh, by the way, I take it there was disciplinary action on the crew ?
Gen: Oh yessir - everyone involved and who had knowledge was taken off the ship and executed.
Sen: Good, good.
and when I turn out to be 100% correct about all this, y'all can dig me up and pour some Evan Williams thru my skull ....

on the other hand, there is this totally authenticated and unexplainable photograph,
taken by an OSS officer who had infiltrated the German High Command in 1942 :

[edit] ... eview.html" onclick=";return false;

A version of this review appeared in print on May 16, 2011, on page C1 of the New York edition with the headline: A Military Post’s Secrets: Espionage, Not Aliens.

AREA 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base
By Annie Jacobsen
523 pages. Illustrated. Little, Brown and Company. $27.99.

Books of The Times >> A Military Post’s Secrets: Espionage, Not Aliens

Published: May 15, 2011

At the start of “Area 51,” Annie Jacobsen’s cauldron-stirring book about America’s most mysterious military installation, Ms. Jacobsen offers a passing glimpse of a large-headed little gray space alien being interrogated by scientists in white coats. This is both a tease and a distraction. Yes, Ms. Jacobsen will eventually address the U.F.O. issue with which conspiracy theorists eagerly associate Area 51, but her book is not science fiction. It’s much more levelheaded. It is an assertive account, revelatory but also mystifying, of the long-hidden United States weaponry and espionage programs to which she says Area 51 is home. (Some say Area 51 is home to nothing, because it does not officially exist.)

What is it about Ms. Jacobsen that has made her privy to such inflammatory material? It’s best to know her answer to this question before delving into her book. And her answer is strange and byzantine in the way that all things about Area 51 seem to be. Ms. Jacobsen, a national security reporter and contributing editor to The Los Angeles Times Magazine, happened to be at a 2007 family dinner with her husband’s uncle’s wife’s sister’s 88-year-old husband, the physicist Edward Lovick, when Mr. Lovick leaned over and said, “Have I got a good story for you.”

That happened to be the year when formerly top secret records about the development of certain stealth technology, most notably the C.I.A.’s A-12 aircraft, code-named Oxcart, were made public, even though the creation of the A-12 had occurred nearly 50 years before. In any case, Mr. Lovick had been instrumental in A-12 research, and he did much more than relate his story.

He plugged Ms. Jacobsen into a network of elderly scientists, pilots, engineers and other witnesses who had firsthand accounts of Area 51 and its surroundings, a test range located in southern Nevada. (“I tell you all this, Annie, because you give a damn,” one of them told her.) This testimony pointed her in the direction of extremely arcane documentation, material of needle-in-a-haystack obscurity. (Sample source: a secret 1948 memo of “European Command Message Control Secret Priority” to United States forces in Austria regarding a glider of parabolic design that might have been flown in the 1920s and then developed into a flying saucer.)

Thus armed with numbingly intensive documentation, Ms. Jacobsen has put together a set of strong allegations about Area 51’s covert history. Part of “Area 51” is devoted to the nuclear weapons testing that began with the Manhattan Project, continued under the aegis of the Atomic Energy Commission and prompted The New York Times to tell tourists, in 1957, about a project called Operation Plumbbob: “This is the best time in history for the non-ancient but nonetheless honorable pastime of atom-bomb watching.” Ms. Jacobsen recoils at the weaponry that was being developed and the ghastly results of atomic testing. But she acknowledges ways in which it wound up keeping Americans safe.

Her book moves on to the surveillance technology that was meant to override the need for nuclear arsenals. And her research into the world of “overhead,” the aerial espionage that needed to be developed in extreme secrecy, is compellingly hard-hitting. One of her sources is Col. Richard S. Leghorn, whom she calls “the father of peacetime overhead espionage.”

She has also spoken to Col. Hervey S. Stockman, the first man to fly over the Soviet Union in a U-2; Col. Hugh Slater, an Area 51 base commander; and Jim Freedman, an Area 51 procurement manager who was one of the few people privy to a wide range of the base’s activities. Ms. Jacobsen writes that not even President Clinton was able to gain full knowledge of what the military contractors at Area 51 were up to.

“Area 51” is guided by its author’s political assessment of changing American military strategy, particularly during the cold war. It describes Area 51’s strategic importance during the eras of Sputnik, the Bay of Pigs, the lunar landing and the Vietnam War, with a strong narrative account of C.I.A.-Air Force territorial fights about whose aircraft were better suited to combat situations.

She also writes about the reverse engineering — the analysis of equipment by taking it apart and reassembling it — at which Area 51 scientists are thought to excel. She acknowledges their work on a Soviet MiG aircraft that was hidden inside a cargo plane for its trip to Nevada. But she does not take seriously what some readers will find most urgent about an Area 51 study: rumors that alien spacecraft are reverse-engineered there, too.

Back to that little gray alien allegedly seen at Area 51: Ms. Jacobsen has a theory about the base’s alleged U.F.O. connections. It goes back to the radio broadcast of “The War of the Worlds” in 1938 and the panic it engendered. Making a series of implications that are her book’s most controversial aspect, she connects this hysteria to the 1947 alleged flying saucer crash in Roswell, N.M., a story cherished by conspiracy theorists and not easily refuted.

Ms. Jacobsen connects the appearance of a real, disc-shaped, hovering object with Stalin-era Soviet intrigue. She hypothesizes that the relic found in Roswell was the opening shot in the cold war. She suggests that the supposed space creatures were human guinea pigs, the results of American experiments as monstrous as the Nazi ones conducted by Josef Mengele. And she thinks that once the rumors of a Roswell landing and cover-up began, American intelligence sources might have found U.F.O. rumors to be excellent cover for their activities, no matter how surprised they were by the need to encourage such thinking. Two Air Force officials once found themselves on a panel with members of the Civilian Saucer Investigations Organization of Los Angeles.

Although this connect-the-dots U.F.O. thesis is only a hasty-sounding addendum to an otherwise straightforward investigative book about aviation and military history, it makes an indelible impression. “Area 51” is liable to become best known for sci-fi provocation.

But the book is noteworthy for its author’s dogged devotion to her research. Angry over being denied access to a research facility, she began talking to a security guard — who, it turned out, had worked at Area 51 and became one of her most valuable sources. And when it comes to EG&G, the secretive engineering company that plays a major role in the Area 51 story, she describes pressuring one unnamed EG&G employee persistently, no matter how hard he resisted.

“You don’t want to know,” said this anonymous source, when grilled about the most nefarious part of Ms. Jacobsen’s U.F.O. theory. She asked again. “You don’t know the half of it,” he replied, still stonewalling. And then, over lunch, she put a crouton on a plate and asked how the extent of her knowledge about the whole Area 51 story compared with the crouton-plate ratio.

Great news for ufologists: the still-untold truth, this man finally admitted, is bigger than the crouton. Bigger than the plate. To the delight of conspiracy fans everywhere, it remains bigger than the whole table.

AREA 51:An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base
By Annie Jacobsen
523 pages. Illustrated. Little, Brown and Company. $27.99.
Annie Jacobsen
Last edited by SandRider on 20 May 2011 17:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by Ampoliros »

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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by Ampoliros »

Actually, i read every word. Barkeep, I'll have a round of whatever he's having.

(But you convinced me on the missile thing)
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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by SandRider »

well now, it's turns out I was wrong on that; it was contrails from a jet airplane ...


but hey, ya know, I ain't never let facts stand in the way of a good diatribe ...
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by Nekhrun »

I was just thinking that you needed a bound Collected Writings of the Sand Rider book. Call it Wisdom from the Desert or something (I guess there's already a book with that name; I just looked it up).
Last edited by Nekhrun on 30 Mar 2011 13:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by SandChigger »

Wisdom from the Desert? I thought that was a calendar-thingy... :?
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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by Nekhrun »

SandChigger wrote:Wisdom from the Desert? I thought that was a calendar-thingy... :?
Well, he could make one of those desktop calendars where you pull off each page and everyone has some kind of message on it.
"If he was here to discuss Dune, he sure as hell picked a dumb way to do it." -Omphalos :character-cookiemonster:

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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by Omphalos »

Nekhrun wrote:I was just thinking that you needed a bound Collected Writings of the Sand Rider book. Call it Wisdom from the Desert or something (I guess there's already a book with that name; I just looked it up).
Kind of like a long-winded, anti-Jack Handey (sp?)

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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by SandRider »

I dunno ... I think our friend Jules Wellesley has the right idea :
To my legions of fanatical followers, I'm sorry to say that the time has come to bid you all farewell. Blogging has been a rewarding and instructive experience, but I can no longer ignore the fact that it drains all the time and creativity which I once reserved for writing fiction. Put another way, I can't help but notice that I've given this blog 75,000 words over the last year-and-a-half, while my other work has been limited to a few dozen discarded first chapters. The problem seems to be this: whereas formerly I would read things and squirrel them away in the subconscious to be turned into material, now I vent my impressions instantly, hence no more magic. Basically, I'm trying to say that it's not you, it's me. So thanks to everyone who stopped by to read my rantings and a special appreciation to all who took the time to comment. Who knows, perhaps I'll return someday with a different site under a different name. I'll be the one in nerd specs carrying a copy of Blood Meridian. In the midst of the conversation, I'll lean over and casually utter the phrase "tintinnabular wombat"...

Thank you all,
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by SandRider »

Ampoliros wrote:I figured I'd post this here since I just discovered it, and I think it's a prime example of the finest of OH works/arguments/attitude etc. I label it SandRiders' Opus 1 (not that its the first or last gem to tumble from him) This was from a review discussion on Amazon for Smellhole.
I, along with others of my "ilk", have fallen into the convention over the years of referring to Herbert the Lesser
as "wet-brained", a "zombie", and etc. ... for quite awhile, there was a amusing running joke about Brian wearing
adult diapers on the book-signing tours, and soiling himself at the podium; this stemmed from one photo of the
two of them where this is EXACTLY what their facial expressions looked liked {"Kevvie, I made doody in my pants
again." - "Wha ?? Aww, g-dd-mn-t, Brian! ... Folks, we'll be right back ..."}

this impression was formed from the early interviews when both of them would actually sit down in a room together
for some kid with a homebrewed website and actually talk about the McDune, before Keith just started sending out
copy-pasta email answers to these "interviews" ... Brian does seem subdued, not very alert, looking to Keith to answer
the questions first, like a beat-down dog afraid to say or do the wrong thing ... and back then, Keith was making an
effort to at least give lip-service to Frank, his Legacy, the actual continuation of "Dune" ....

that dynamic changed somewhat after the wholesale rejection of their version of "Dune7"; they were not prepared for
the backlash from average fans of Frank's Dune, the lackluster sales, the flat-out dismissal of the two books (claimed
to have be based on Frank's Own Outline) by actual professional reviewers ... nevermind the reaction of the "talifans",
the Orthodox Herbertarians, and other Dune-geeks who considered McDune7 not only to be an ugly little piece of bad
fan-fiction, but also an *abomination*, a literary crime, and the claim that the books were based on this super-secret
guarded "Outline" simply *reprehensible*, seeing as it was an obvious lie ...

after that, and the aborted "trilogy" of "interquels", stuffing inconsistent, even contradictory, plot elements *in between*
Frank's Dune books, Keith became more combative, defensive ... not even bothering to dismiss criticism or even ignoring
it, but flat-out *denying its existence*, and entered this strange self-made fantasy-world where PAUL OF DUNE and JESSICA
TO THE WINDS OF DUNE were hugely successful, in terms of sales and reader approval ... and on the promo-tour for
WINDS, he began to drop little snarky asides about Brian, on his blagh and twits (which Brian, being a-skeered of the
innertubes, would never see) that appeared to be attempting to be a subtle shifting of blame for any (perceived) lack
of quality of the book onto Brian ... smug and condescending little comments, along the lines of "Brian has a hard time
functioning in the world, isn't a brave little man for trying?", also silently implying "Look at what I have to work with ..."

and every now and then, Brian seemed to wake up, become almost lucid, and I myself saw the look in his eyes of the
gentle lap-dog and beloved family pet about to have had enough, and start biting folks on the a$$.

(to wrap-up this tl;dr aside: what we do not know is if the decision to stop the "Heroes of Dune" "Interquel" "Trilogy"
{and goodl-rd, it is so difficult to write about Keith without putting almost everything in "quotes": "writer", "book",
"plot", "characters"; or parens: "((less-than)minor) award-nominated (never-awarded)", "best-selling (based on
antiquated numerical standards, also being the *total* number of copies printed, making no distinction between
copies actually sold, returned, cover-stripped, tossed in the dumpster after failing in the bargain-bin for $2, &etc.)"}
was TOR's, looking at the sales of "Heroes" vs the "Prequels" (not taking into consideration, of course, the steady
decline of what little quality there was at the beginning, and the growing wider knowledge among average readers
of the Hackiness of Keith in general), or, as Keith has spun, Brian wanting to return to the "Butlerian Jihad" era,
which, if anyone is to be believed anymore, was the project Brian had possibly had discussions with Frank about;
altho, that conversation could've been on Frank's deathbed and went something like "Hey, Dad, all that men-with-
machines war stuff, that sounds cool. Maybe me and you could do something about that ..." - "Yeah, sure, kid,
whatever ...")

But the main damning fact against Herbert the Lesser having any higher brain functions was not necessarily
the original choice of Keith to re-animate the Dune ghola, altho the story that Brian himself has spun that he
in fact did read some of Keith's previous "work" (what? the Star Wars?) and still went with him is awful troubling,
the reason we all figured he was a zombie was that he CONTINUED let Keith molest Dune ... and occasionally
appear in some type of controlled public arena to defend what had been produced ...

then Keith discovered the twitting-thing, and suddenly we were privy to his every move every day ...
and it became clear that his "production" schedule far-outstripped Brian's ability ... adding up some
of the numbers, dates, and figures of the various stages of the McDune assembly-line shows fairly
obviously that Brian really just *couldn't* be contributing much to the actual "writing" ...

so the only point I wanted to make here is simply this:
after looking back over all the "evidence", over ten year's worth now of on-line and archived
nonsense, my opinion is this: Brian Herbert is not a brain-dead zombie, but in fact a reasonably intelligent man ...
with a NUMBER of caveats ....

I think some of his father's traits of thinking deep and far afield, of seeing larger patterns in smaller incidents, of
applying true philosophical thinking to situations or events were transferred to some degree ... it might have been
during the later years, during the "reconciliation" period ... Brian might not have been doing so many drugs then,
have been older and a little more experienced, had gotten over the juvenile anger and rejection of everything that
was his father ... grew up a little and realized ..."Dang ... my old man's purty dang smart."

but this was just a surface phenomena ... Brian lacked the basic raw intelligence and disciplined academic background
to fully develop this trait ... also, and this is the main point, what he CERTAINLY lacked then, and now, is the ability
to coherently translate those thoughts & ideas into words ... either verbally or in prose ... in short, he can think of
some of these things, but he cannot express them ... and certainly cannot write them down ...

I think there is a lot of evidence of this in some of the audio and video interviews ... altho painful to listen to, esp.
if Keith is always jumping in with blathering nonsense, if you give it the effort, you can sometimes almost grasp
what Brian is trying to say ... you can tell there is SOMETHING there in his words, something real and important,
possible valuable, but he has such a fumbling, hesitant manner of expression, the message simply gets lost ....

and Keith certainly doesn't have the patience in a promo-interview to allow Brian to find the right words, or the
compassionate intelligence to help him out, this isn't a college-dorm bull-session, we're here to make money,
and will jump in an finish Brian's half-formed thought with copy-pasta and Brian will seem confused for a moment,
knowing that what Keith said is not at all what he was driving at, but agreeing anyway ... resigning ... nodding his
head ... "Well ...sure" ... which gives Keith the opening to take back the conversation and turn it towards himself,
or the safe, non-philosophical topics of book sales and deadlines and all the "writer's seminar" talking points ...

and at that point, you can see Brian's eyes glaze over and he is lost in thought, confused and struggling to finish
in his own mind whatever point he had been trying to make, not listening or caring about what Keith is saying
about "writing as a business" ....

both of these men are socially-inept, in different ways;
Keith is falsely modest and co-operative; he gives the appearance of "working with" Brian, but, before whatever
happened on the WINDS promo-tour, anyway, bullies Brian into nodding and saying "Well ...sure."

and Brian may in fact be a coward of sorts, to allow all this, ALL of it, the stupid story-lines and publication
schedule and so on, but he also may just not be able to express his actual opinion forcefully enough to
break thru the ego-shield of tehKJA ...

also then, to the three Anderclones who are the only actual members of tehKJA's Special Fans,
(Conway, David James, & Prester (altho it's about time you other two know that "prester dilly" is
and has always been, an OH sockpuppet)) ---- THIS is my "issue" with Keith ... Brian Herbert was
obviously not in possession of the talent necessary to *produce* new Dune books, or to *produce*
a reasonable "Dune7" (with or without any "Outline"); he MAY have possessed some of the type of
thinking that would have been required, but could not have translated that to acceptable prose
on his own ... an actual "writer", a TRUE "collaborator", would have been able to help Brian flesh
out his ideas, helped to integrate them into the CANON of Frank's Dune, and been the key player
in the PRODUCTION of new Dune books ...

all Keith brought to the table was the *PRODUCTION* part ... yes, Lord, that man, he know how to churn'em out !!
Keith was already very experienced in the machinations of "publishing" and obviously adept at marketing (to certain
segments of bottom-dwelling juvenile-adult tripe-swallowers that infest the basement of "sci-fi" fandom, keeping
the actual adults upstairs awake at night with the banging of plastic light-sabers on Darth Vader helmets
and shouting "pew-pew-pew" til 4am)

so all the *sweet tehKJA-hatin'* actually just began as pointing out, in calm, rational detail, just how POOR a
"writer" Keith is ... that's all ... "My gawd, this McDune is just horrible !! How could it be so bad ??"
& we'd point to hundreds and hundreds of examples of his hack-work, basically saying "No, that's just Keith."

it was when Keith moved the "Dune Blog" from the dead and stinking Official Corporate Dune Forum to
his own blahg and started posting more and more personal things that we began to publicly comment on
(and link to) the unbelievable examples of Keith's social awkwardness, his petty attitudes and snarky asides,
his miserly b-tching (strange for a "successful" "best-selling" "author"); his tone-deafness at his own words ...

then, thank the little baby jesus, he jumped on the twit-train (four or five years after it left the station, too)
and we got these little gems EVERY DAY ... and the FAIL was irresistible ... (how I can still chuckle at the
snide, horrible little thing he twitted about his own "editors" at TOR ... as if those people don't know what
the internet is ... and the petty mindlessness, the lack of impulse control, the lack of ANY kind of thought
about the wisdom of posting such a thing .... or, even better ... can anyone EVER forget the mental image
he gave us of loofah-ing his wife's stretch marks in the bathtub ?)(priceless, I say, and you just can't MAKE
UP any better parodies or mockings of tehKJA than he will provide himself ..)

so yes, the Jihad on Keith has crossed the boundaries, for many of "us", of the McDune issue ...
altho, this "Hellhole" thing is very much fair-game in that arena, too ... this is an "Anderson & the Other Guy, authors
of the McDune" product, and the product smells exactly like McDune, and is an example of the fact that even when
attempting to create a "new universe" and a "new epic", independent from the McDune franchise, the main ingredient
is still Massive Fail ...

but despite you two clown's continuation of the Jedi Mind Tricks (*Pay no attention to the haters; they are haters
and jealous*)(waving chubby-fingered hands in the faces of non-existent "average readers" on these pages)
the legions of the OH are extremely, painfully honest, and truthful ... this is mostly due to the fact that all of the
OH are internet-experienced ... they know you can't go spouting off half-cocked nonsense and not have it quoted
back to you with links ... and you can delete that nonsense if you want to, but they'll toss back the linky to the archives ...

Ron Craig has NEVER, to my knowledge, stated he is any kind of objective about tehKJA ... certainly not at this point,
with all the polluted water that has flown under this bridge ... he will take any and every opportunity presented to
mock Keith, which, as I've pointed out, Keith himself provides on a daily basis ...

when it comes to this issue, and you clowns need to learn how to compartmentalize your internet-persona surfing,
Craig takes great delight and enjoys much amusement at jabbing people with pointed sticks to hear them squeal ...
as do I ... this form of internet-entertainment has been a wonderful addition to my life ... and you can type "troll,
trolling troll, you troll !!" until your fingers fall off ... neither of us have ever claimed to be anything other than
innerwebz meanies, the bullies of the cyberplayground, pushing the fat kids down, kicking them in the butt,
sending them home crying to momma ...

this "fight" comes down to this : Kevin J. Anderson is a product-generating machine of the lowest quality at the moment;
I would be hard pressed to find an example of a less-talented hack churning out product for a nominally legitimate publishing
house; the fail that was McDune is not even debatable anymore, we done moved on; Kevin J. Anderson, personally, is a
horrible, petty, disgusting, fraudulent human being, with delusions of grandeur that would make Hitler giggle ....

if any person, any person at all, actually comes into the net-space with a positive opinion of Kevin J. Anderson's work,
or of him personally, I am going to just assume you are an LCD-drag-on-the-species, and mock you ...

it's just that simple ...
:clap: :clap:
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by Serkanner »

It is all swell and all to keep sucking each others lollypops but can we have more pics of Annie Jacobsen now please.
"... the mystery of life isn't a problem to solve but a reality to experience."

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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by SandRider »


(and yeah .... that's Uncle Buzz in the University of Mars T-shirt ...)

also: the plural of "lollipop" is "lollipops" .... :cylon101:
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by Serkanner »

SandRider wrote:

also: the plural of "lollipop" is "lollipops" .... :cylon101:
Thanks for the pics. Lollipop with an Y sounds more sophisticated.
"... the mystery of life isn't a problem to solve but a reality to experience."

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Sandrider: "Keith went to Bobo's for a weekend of drinking, watched some DVDs,
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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by SandRider »

From the Amazon Basement:

in reply to an Anderclone's comment to Rob's review of the Dune Philosophy thing ...
Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Apr 28, 2011 9:26:14 AM PDT
SandRider says:

Brian, if you really want to try to discuss the "validity" of any of the McDune "additions/expansions/explanations/ignoring-of-canon", whatever you want
to call them, against the actual words Frank Herbert wrote and published ... well, good luck with that; you and the other Anderclone haven't had much
success in that endeavor in the past, but Keep Hope Alive, I guess ...

now, I know I am known as a "creative punctuationalist" (or other terms, depended on Who You Are), but in general, I do make an attempt to ensure
that my "unconventional" stylistic choices donot obscure or obfuscate my meaning, esp. when dealing with the ESLer's (English-as-a-Second-Language)
or the sufferers of Literalitis (Omphalosism), or the Comprehension Challenged (you)(the other clone)(tehKJA himself) .... therefore:

"the authors acceptance of the story lines put forth by the other Dune authors?"

is a tanglewooch of likely unparseable double-think that, like McDune itself, only makes sense if you do not think too hard about it;
but I think you've meant to say "the authors' acceptance", meaning the writers' of the articles in the book under review here "acceptance"
on the non-canon, Dune-inconsistent, internally-inconsistent, and other factual and scientific mistakes published in the McDune, by the
people you then term "the other Dune authors" ...

which in itself, coupled with the mispunctuated "authors" above, in a review of an anthology, almost tends to imply that there are *several*
"Dune" authors, who have produced a wide and varied selection of work set in Frank's Dune framework; when in reality, you mean Keith and
the Other Guy, who have churned-out bus-station-rack pulp having only the 40-point "DUNE" and the Other Guy's Last Name in common with
the actual Dune ....

and yes, I believe Mr. Wright's complaint is, on the surface, about the inclusion of McDune Articles in this anthology;
however, given the public track-record of McDunies & KJASFers & the 501s, I would think it would not be out-of-line
to assume the quality of the "articles themselves" is typically low, whether or not the absurdity of the logic and reasoning
required to reconcile Keith's Recorded Babblings with Frank's Writing is considered or not ...

and my actual comment, before I saw that the Anderclone had already been here, was actually along the same lines:
I wonder who the editors of this anthology were, and why the decision to include pointless McDune ramblings in a
volume entitled "Dune and Philosophy" was made ?

as much as Kevin J. Anderson and Brian Herbert have added nothing of value to the actual "universe" of Dune,
surely they have added less of a philosophical nature ... (with the possible exception of the random insertion
of the (alleged) left-over epigraphs, (allegedly) in Frank's Hand, among the (alleged) "Notes" (allegedly)
discovered in Brian's (alleged) garage; yet since these have never been properly identified or attributed, it
has been up to actual Dune Scholars to speculate on which epigraphs might have actually been Frank's, which
contain a grain of the original thought after being molested by tehKJA, and which are actual epigraphs of Frank's,
published or unpublished, that the two Brainstormers re-worded or re-ordered, so as to lose any sense of the
original meaning - altho, in all cases, the epigraphs in the McDune are all irrelevant to the micro-chapters they
precede, so examining them in a "philosophical" context is as fruitless as reading the micro-chapters themselves ...)
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by Freakzilla »

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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by SandRider »

Bumping this one, too. I don't think there's enough bourbon in Texas to get me to write like that again.
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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by Omphalos »

Omphalosism, huh? :twisted:

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Re: tl;dr : The Annotated SandRider

Post by Serkanner »

Good times.
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Sandrider: "Keith went to Bobo's for a weekend of drinking, watched some DVDs,
and wrote a Dune Novel."
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