We got bin Laden!

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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Freakzilla »

I hear they had to waterboard Bin Laden's wives to get them to STOP talking.

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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Mandy »

Kojiro, please address our serious concerns about bacon.
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Freakzilla »

http://www.ilovebacon.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Freakzilla »

Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by SandRider »

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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Freakzilla »

Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by lotek »

Bacon, Bacon Head = A Paedophile, (Rhyming Slang, Bonce (Head) > Nonce)

http://www.englishproject.org/index.php ... Itemid=196" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by DuneFishUK »

lotek wrote:Bacon, Bacon Head = A Paedophile, (Rhyming Slang, Bonce (Head) > Nonce)

http://www.englishproject.org/index.php ... Itemid=196" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I never knew that prisoners have five words for "paedophile", but only one for "snow" :o
- http://www.kullwahad.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; - http://dunefont.kullwahad.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; -
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

DuneFishUK wrote:
lotek wrote:Bacon, Bacon Head = A Paedophile, (Rhyming Slang, Bonce (Head) > Nonce)

http://www.englishproject.org/index.php ... Itemid=196" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I never knew that prisoners have five words for "paedophile", but only one for "snow" :o
That's because they're precisely the opposite of the Inuit. :wink: No (real) bacon for the Inuit... :(
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by lotek »

inuit, innit ?
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

Inuit, Inuit. Your google-fu is weak son. :)
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Lundse »

Kojiro wrote:Either leaks are inevitable or they are not. Which is it? You cannot have it both ways.
Let me elaborate:
- If an employee is asked to lie to the American people and fabricate evidence, he has a reason for leaking said information. Both because of his or her conscience, but also because such an act is illegal in itself. We have whistleblower laws for this exact reason.
- An employee working on the job he or she agreed to, has no reason except personal gain, publicity or plain stupidity, to leak properly classified information.

I am saying that you can mostly rely on a spy to keep mum about his work (history has shown this), but that you cannot rely on soldiers and pilots to lie about a mission they did not perform. It is not part of their job description, is unconsciable and illegal. The more people forced to do this, the more inevitable the leak.

Your statement of "proof you haven't read a thing" (and the former, very succinct "liar" is an insult and not backed up by anything. I'll ignore it this time, the next time it is a conversation-stopper. If you are going to make irreverent remarks, you will back them up - or they are just personal attacks and nothing more. I will not continue a discussion where you cannot abstain from such.


Your dismissals of the official story basically comes down to you saying that you do not believe Osama could have stayed hidden for so long. I disagree, as do all intelligence analysts in the world. Of course he could. Your disbelief in couriers nonwithstanding, he does not have to use an American-tapped phone line every day...

Your support for your own version is more interesting:

I have no clue what your sarcastic comment is meant to show. I cannot see any connection to the point I was making: You are saying that the Obama thought he had a shot at pulling off this lie, but also claiming that Bush did not. Why?

You "terminally ill" thesis has received no further support. It is still a doctor who has only seen photoes, an interviewer and an TV-analyst (to differentiate from actual intelligence personel). And you, of course.

You again misunderstand the point about all the personel involved. Please get this through your head: They are either lying or non-existent, in your fantasy world. This is not about whether they are named, which you keep shouting as the point. It is not. That might be your point. If so, it is stupid and irrelevant and goes against your own stated knowledge that such things are of course kept secret.
No, the point is that for your theory to make sense, these people are either lying or invented through a lie. So, to make this clearer, is the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment a fabrication of Obama's, or are they all in on the lie?

You do not seem to understand my argument at all. I do not have a conspiracy theory where American soldiers were asked to act against rules, regulations and their conscience. In the story I find plausible, intelligence operatives were scouting out the location eventually raided, as part of their job. Why would they endanger this legitimate and important operation with a leak? Only in the world you live in, where these people are (unless they do not exist, of course) asked to fake a raid and lie about it afterwards, is a leak likely.

You also seem to think, that photoshop can create DNA evidence of Bin Laden from wholecloth (it cannot, nor can any other technique create DNA from scratch, which would fit with his sisters). Or maybe jyou just think photoshop can create a convincing video of a specific man being buried, without any traces of manipulation (it cannot, nor can any other program). And again, "where is it" is not the point - that is has be be a lie and a huge risk, or fabricated through magic is.


But in between misunderstanding, or trying to change the argument to the one you want to make (you are free to make it seperately, of course), you apparently do give us your reason for believing Osama has been dead for some time. Obviously, if you have good evidence for this, your version of events become that much more likely.
Kojiro wrote:
Lundse wrote:So this is it? Because he is no longer makes tapes, he must be dead?
He wasn't exactly camera shy. Waning health + abrupt disappearance + intelligence reports of his demise = Must be dead.
Now, I am not convinced that those premises can only add up to him being dead. But they do make it increasingly likely. Lets look at them seperately:

Waning health.
From the journalist who saw him, I am willing to accede that he was probably feeling his age, probably not well and quite possibly suffering from some condition. But we have no reason, beyond a physcician who never attended him and some grey photos in which he looks grey, to go beyond that. His health is not known to be "waning" (nor his coffers to empty that he could not get help) to a degree that we can use it for anything.

Abrupt disappearance.
True. This is weird. I could also be explained by him moving somewhere more civilised, where communication is more risky than from a cave in the Tora Boras. But sure, he did disappear suddenly.

Intelligence reports.
Yes, these do exist. But they must be weighed against where they are coming from, and the general intelligence picture. One report from one untrustworthy source means nothing, especially if there are contradictory reports. There are. And your source, if I guessed correctly on what you meant (you are not that keen on direct sources), is not from French intelligence. The leaked document was, but the part where it supports your case is in referencing what a Saudi report said:
- "According to a reliable source, Saudi security services are now convinced that Osama bin Laden is dead,” said the intelligence report."
So the Saudi are, presumably, convinced he is dead. This is not me not trusting the French. It is me saying that if the French report is right, and the Saudi's report is right, then someone, somewhere had a good reason to think Osama dead. And there are others who say the French report itself is a fake. Not convincing, sorry.

Kojiro wrote:
Lundse wrote:PS: Calling someone racists, because he discussing skin colour changes in people with brown skin in a discussion about someones complexion is fucking sad. You should apologize, if you want anyone to have any respect for you after this is over. It makes you look desperate, hateful and silly.
No, "brown people" looks hateful and silly. Darker complected/complexion is polite.
Brown people looks bad, if you assume he is racist. If you assume he is not, it looks to-the-point, given that the discussion was about actual complexion/colour. "Darker complected" looks like it is trying hard to be politically correct. "Brown" is not considered politically incorrect, and there is a Facebook group of "black people" who want the term "brown people" instead.

You are grasping at straws to personally attack and vilify your opponents. It looks desperate, hateful and silly.
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Freakzilla »

Surely you can make bacon from seals??? :?
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Serkanner »

Freakzilla wrote:Surely you can make bacon from seals??? :?
Well ... how about this: by Jeff Bacon

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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Freakzilla »

I'd do her.
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by TheDukester »

One of my heroes ...

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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Freakzilla »

Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by TheDukester »

LOL, it didn't take long for FZ to get it.

And, sorry, but someone's got to do it. Here is the full version

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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Freakzilla »

Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

Freakzilla wrote:Surely you can make bacon from seals??? :?
Well you could, but historically the Inuit basically didn't have fire (they did, but it was rare, wouldn't be wasted on smoke), because there's not much for trees up there. All they had normally were small lamps that ran off of animal fat (now THAT is a tough group of people, living in places where night can last a month, without even real fire to warm them. Holy shit were they tough.). So you could make strips of belly fat, but you wouldn't be able to smoke them, which is really what makes bacon bacon (instead of say, making prosciutto).

The Inuit had one of the strangest diets on the whole planet, basically just raw meat, and very little else.
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Hunchback Jack »

How did they not get scurvy?

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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Freakzilla »

Vitamin C is obtained through sources such as caribou liver, kelp, whale skin, and seal brain; because these foods are typically eaten raw or frozen, the vitamin C they contain, which would be destroyed by cooking, is instead preserved.
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Freakzilla »

Mmmm... whale skin... :drool:
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

That's essentially it, they eat pretty much everything in the animal, so they don't waste any nutrients. The Inuit are seriously one of the stranger cultures this species has ever had in my opinion.

Plus, they are the original rap-battlers, they sing at each other as a form of conflict resolution/fighting basically.
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Re: We got bin Laden!

Post by Freakzilla »

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnGM0BlA95I" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
~Pink Snowman
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