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How exactly the Sietch orgy works?

Posted: 17 Oct 2021 16:19
by Goku da Silva
This aways puzzeled me, here the description i found on the glossary of Dune in Wikipedia:" Fremen ritual of unrestrained sexual indulgence which takes place after a Reverend Mother shares the changed Water of Life with her community." My doubt is, are the minors alloewd to participate of even see this, i know Leto II and Ghanima saw. What about Paul and Jessica? And about Chani? Was she a virgin when Paul first slept with her?

Re: How exactly the Sietch orgy works?

Posted: 18 Oct 2021 10:12
by georgiedenbro
Who knows, man. One thing to remember is that it's not just a sexual orgy, it's a sort of telepathic orgy where they share sensations as well. Or maybe if TP isn't the best word to use, they seem to be able to participate in the same spice trance. So even if the children aren't actually having a sexual part of the orgy, I imagine they'd still be picking up the mental signals everyone else is and get quite an eyeful (mentally) that way.