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How BIG was Leto?

Posted: 10 May 2008 22:29
by SandChigger
This came up over on the Dune group on MySpace and I was bored this morning so I put together this image based on Leto's description of himself. Just in case anyone here might be interested:


[Human figure 6 ft. Large units are meters.]

His front end needs more work. The head/face was no doubt larger and maybe his arms as well? I didn't bother with the flipper feet.


Posted: 11 May 2008 00:23
by Robspierre
SIZE DOSN'T MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Posted: 11 May 2008 01:53
by Freakzilla
I no longer feel the sandtrout cilia probing my flesh, encapsulating the water
of my body within their placental barriers. We are virtually one body now, they
my skin and I the force which moves the whole . . . most of the time.
At this writing, the whole could be considered rather gross. I am what could be
called a pre-worm. My body is about seven meters long and somewhat more than two
meters in diameter, ribbed for most of its length, with my Atreides face
positioned man-height at one end, the arms and hands (still quite recognizable
as human) just below. My legs and feet? Well, they are mostly atrophied. Just
flippers, really, and they have wandered back along my body. The whole of me
weighs approximately five old tons. These items I append because I know they
will have historical interest.

Posted: 11 May 2008 01:57
by Omphalos
How big is that in cubits?

Posted: 11 May 2008 03:24
by orald
SC wrote:How BIG was Leto?
Shockingly big. :wink:


Posted: 11 May 2008 03:31
by SandChigger
Freak, talk to me! You're almost doing an arnoldo! :D

I wasn't quite sure about what "somewhat more than two meters" meant for the diameter, so I made him a shade more at the greatest point of girth (midways). Just winged the tapering, figured gravity would have its way with a worm end, but maybe his tail was erect, like a dinosaurs? ;)

Seriously, though, he's seven meters long as shown, no? Give me something more, please! :)

Posted: 11 May 2008 06:48
by Freakzilla
Sorry, that's the best description I know of.

Posted: 11 May 2008 08:06
by Nekhrun
SandChigger wrote:Give me something more, please! :)
How about a leg flipper?

Posted: 11 May 2008 10:00
by SandChigger
Freakzilla wrote:Sorry, that's the best description I know of.
Right. OK. I thought you underlined "seven meters long" in the quote because I'd missed something or gotten it wrong.

The more I think about it, the more off the head size seems, but so it goes.
Nekhrun wrote:How about a leg flipper?
Yeah, I could have put one in like the arm, but really wasn't sure about how big or where along the body to put it. (I traced the human figure and side view for Leto from an image I found on a drawing site, so I kinda had a model for the arm to begin with.)

And of course, as Orald has pointed out, there's the monster penis to consider.... :shock:

Posted: 11 May 2008 10:11
by Freakzilla
I didn't see the pic earlier.

Posted: 11 May 2008 10:12
by inhuien
That’s no worm-man you’ve got there SandChigger, It’s clearly Alfred Hitchcock in profile consumed by monster piles. Nice try though but you’ll have to get up earlier than that to phoul me.


Posted: 11 May 2008 13:39
by loremaster
I know you've said the front needs more work but:

I always understood that his face and head were cowled - which would suggest to me they were in line with the natural profile of the body (which would presumably tilt up at the front.)

I dont imagine his head stood proud of the "worm body" like yours does.

Good overall dimensions though. I'd just arch the front upwards more (and taper it off somewhat). What yours looks like is a torso with a humongous tumour off the back.

But yeah, really good effort dimensionally.

I have a question though - do you think he often went around like that (as in slithering at human height?) or more like the cover of the GEoD artwork: ... er_Art.jpg

Posted: 11 May 2008 14:04
by Freakzilla
His face was at man height inside the cowl. I believe his hands and arms were just below his face.

Posted: 11 May 2008 14:39
by orald
FZ wrote:I believe his hands and arms were just below his face.
His arms were where they'd normally be found at in a human, but I believe it's mentioned in the Duncan assassination attempt scene that his legs are much farther along he body(in contrast to his hands, i.e something along "his hands were...but the legs...").

Maybe I'll get a quote later.

Posted: 11 May 2008 18:33
by SandChigger
I was lying in the futon before getting up this morning thinking about this again.

What do you think of a kind of "metamorphosis series" of illustrations? Might help get the morphology more realistic? ;)

Posted: 11 May 2008 18:34
by chanilover
I prefer this version of Leto II. One of SC's finer creative moments.


Posted: 11 May 2008 18:40
by orald
SandChigger wrote:What do you think of a kind of "metamorphosis series" of illustrations? Might help get the morphology more realistic? ;)
LSF(Lone Star Fedaykin?) made such a series I believe, or more accurately 4 of Leto's "stages".
Baron used that as his sig, I think, for some time on Arrakeen.

CL, is that Err-ass-mouth* in the red dress?

*Errasmus or whatever the spelling is.

Posted: 11 May 2008 18:41
by SandChigger
Ah, yes, the Great Brown Tranny Turd interpretation. :D

(Gaud, doesn't Erasmus look FABulous? Look at the envy on that bitch Hypat...I mean, Kailea's face! :lol: )

Re: How BIG was Leto?

Posted: 06 May 2010 11:58
by Onasander
any cock he had would be under the heaviest part of the worm I would think if his legs were in the back- assuming belly button was center- unless Leto grew a protective cavity for his privates, then I think they are pretty much gone..... must of been a painful time in the desert for him, once his boys went down under..... like a baby teething, but much, much worst.... every rock, every pebble.


Re: How BIG was Leto?

Posted: 08 May 2010 00:30
by A Thing of Eternity
They were covered by the sandtrout, it would have looked like a wetsuit. Think of the size of a prepubescent male's genitals, they wouldn't have been exposed, or wrapped around by the sand trout in a way to show their shape.

Buddy, look. You've got to start using smilies or something to differentiat your joke posts and your serious ones if you ever want a chance in hell of being taken seriously as a Frank Herbert scholar. OR maybe you don't care, which makes you a run of the mill troll, whatever you want.

Re: How BIG was Leto?

Posted: 19 May 2010 21:30
by artistagent116
The cowl was immediately about his head and Leto was able to open a "sling" or "hammock" just below there in his worm body large enough for Siona to sleep in; so the area around his upper torso must have been pretty big. Now that I think about it, I'm going to say that he had no torso - no chest, shoulders, or even neck. The worm body began directly below his face, I believe.

"He pulled his face partly into its cowl and created a depression at the bottom arc of his first segment. "It's almost like a hammock, " he said, looking down. "If you curl up there, you'll be warm.""

That's my impression of his form, at any rate.

Re: How BIG was Leto?

Posted: 23 May 2010 10:16
by RedHeadKevin
Since we're talking about Leto's looks, the sandtrout kept him alive for 3500 years while they transformed him into a worm. Now, as for Leto's human parts, I'd think that either a.)his face looked VERY old, or b.) His face didn't age at all and he always looked 11 years old, or c.) His face aged very slowly. So, I guess my question is, how old did Leto's face look? Did he look like a grown man, an old man, or a kid?

Re: How BIG was Leto?

Posted: 23 May 2010 10:34
by Freakzilla
Leto was SO big... when he got on the bus he sat next to EVERYBODY!

Oh, about his face...

Idaho kept his attention on Leto's face as he walked. The face remained
disconcertingly Atreides, lean features with eyes
of total blue which the nervous felt as a physical intrusion. It lurked deep
within a gray cowl of sandtrout skin which, Idaho knew, could roll forward
protectively in a flickering reflex, a face blink rather than an eye blink. The
skin was pink within its gray frame. It was difficult avoiding the thought that
Leto's face was an obscenity, a lost bit of humanity trapped in something alien.
Stopping only six paces from the Royal Cart, Idaho did not attempt to conceal
his angry determination. He did not even think about whether Leto knew of the
lasgun. This Imperium had wandered too far from the old Atreides morality, had
become an impersonal juggernaut which crushed the innocent in its path. It had
to be ended.

That makes him sound kind of young, at least not old, to me. I picture his face as middle aged, maybe a little younger.

Re: How BIG was Leto?

Posted: 23 May 2010 10:43
by merkin muffley
Freakzilla wrote:That makes him sound kind of young, at least not old, to me. I picture his face as middle aged, maybe a little younger.
If the face was meant to seem very old or very young it would've been described that way. I also see it as an adult face with distinctively Atreides features.

Re: How BIG was Leto?

Posted: 23 May 2010 11:33
by Borrace
there's a picture on the cover of one of the soft covers currently stil in print that show a depiction of leto ii's face. i'm gonna find it and post a link...