Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

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Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Post by Seraphan »

So folks who here has played it, finished it, and your impressions?
For me, being a fan since Metal Gear Solid, Kojima has been able to constantly impress me. I still remeber the 7 straight hours that i played MGS2. I've finished MGS4 but i still have a few questions in mind, mainly regarding SPOILER ALERT: Big Boss's resurrection but overhall i love every single MGS, so much that after i finish one for the first time i imediatly restart it in the Extreme difficulty and i'm proud to say that i've finished them all in that difficulty, except Portable Ops wich i dont have yet.
I'm trying also to get the digital graphic novels, but most importantly, i hope, sincerely HOPE that that prick KJA doesnt start to make novels around the MGS universe (although i dont see Konami or Kojima productions has idiots, far from it).
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Post by Tleszer »

I finished it but I don't quite feel satisfied with it like I did with 1-3 (then again, I didn't appreciate MGS2 as much the first time I played it). I plan on playing through it again on Extreme eventually just so I don't burn out on it.

BTW, I will only read a MGS book if it is written by KJA (the Lord God incarnate) because I have such respect for his work on the Dune novels. They completely changed my life! :roll:

:vomit: :vomit: :vomit:

Oh god I couldn't vomit soon enough. The only things I respect about his work on Dune is that House Atreides introduced me to the world of FH's Dune, which I may never have tried otherwise, and that somehow he's managed to take lots of my monies despite my hating of his actual writing.
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Post by Illogical Banana »

I've beaten it. I loved it. Being a big fan of the series had me completely immersed in the game. I started to replay it again on easy. I was going for some of the emblems. I'd like to one day get the Big Boss emblem, but that will take a lot of work. Sadly, I can't say I've beaten all of the games on normal, let alone extreme. I had a gap of like 3 years from mgs 2 and 3. Mgs 3 completely screwed me up, but I think I got all the new controls and features figured out that I could beat it on a higher difficulty. The spoiler you mentioned didn't leave me any questions, but that's because I was too into the story to think about it. :) I'm not sure what to think of it in hindsight, most people I've heard think it was just a cop out to tie up loose ends. It was a good 50 GB of a game. :D I'm guessing if they make a new one it'll be 400 GB. (I just read an article that some guys made it to the center(?) of a blu-ray disc. It was a 16 layered disc and could hold 400 GB, plus they said it should be backwards compatable with existing blu-ray drives) I think the series ended on a good note though, but the world being the way it is, they'll probably want to milk the franchise some more. I'd kind of like full remakes of Metal Gear 1 and 2, a remake of Metal Gear Solid would be kind of cool too.

What did you guys think of all the cutscenes? I've heard so many complaints about them, but I loved them. Plus you can skip them, people don't seem to get that MGS games are story driven and have lots of cut scenes.

I absolutely loved the *SPOILER* fight between metal gears
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Post by Seraphan »

I loved the cut scenes, MGS4 is like a movie and a game mixed well together and i just loved sitting back and enjoy every scene SPOILER man that whole section where you pilot Metal Gear REX is one of my favourites. The whole soundtrack and the fact that you can play through it in considerable different ways is freakin' A. Plus i liked how Kojima made Raiden so awsome just to annoy the ones that didnt like him in MGS2, wich by the way was a fan reaction that i found to be retarded since it was for the purpose of story telling. I tell you playing MGS in Extreme is a lot of fun, it really forces you to play it with care, observe the enemies and think your moves ahead.
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Post by sparafucile »

I bought it and I don't even have a ps3, I'm that much of a slave to MGS. But, I managed to play it on my friend's ps3.

*spoilers in this paragraph*

Awesome game. Great cutscenes. My biggest complaints is that the ending to MGS2 (the section after the credits) has become pretty much null and void, and at the time I beat it for the first time, it was such a huge mindfuck after witnessing the rest of the game. But as far as MGS goes, I'm ok with retcons, since it's the original "author", so to speak. But seeing Big Boss in all his ps3 glory was amazing. I'm also kind of glad Snake didn't die, it wouldn't have seemed very fair to him if he had, after all he'd done. With the ending, at least he can reap what he has sown, so to speak.

*end spoilers*

TL;DR : great game, awesome cutscenes, minor disappointments :D

It's pretty surprising the amount of hate this game has gotten on some websites, but I suppose I can understand it. But it made me think about the parallels between the different MGS camps and the different Dune camps. I'm a staunch OH (in spirit, maybe not as vocal as some of you guys :D), but when it comes to MGS and I hear people dissecting and bashing the crap out of MGS4 and its inconsistencies (whether or not they are inconsistencies or not) kind of exasperates me, and makes me wonder if this is what the new Dune fans feel.

Though, I think the difference is that MGS4 is still written by the original creator, while new Dune is only supposedly based on the original creator, and that makes Kojima's work much easier to swalliow and make sense of in the context of the previous games.

Portable Ops is pretty good as well. I bought a psp just for that :D Though not directed by kojima, it still offers a pretty good idea of how big boss went from a loyal american to the man who started the Outer Heaven incident. MGS4 does this too, though it doesn't really mention much of portable ops in it.

Can't wait till my roomate moves in with his ps3 :D:D:D
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Post by Seraphan »

Yeah i understand what you mean about Dune and MGS fans and i thought about it, the main reason why there's so much hatred for the new Dune novels is (aside from the writting itself) the fact that it went a totally different direction of what FH did in his novels and the authors (mainly KJA) act as it is Dune but it isnt, it's his load of crap with his usual pretencious bullshit. MGS on the other hand always maintained it's theme and went on the path that Kojima laid out, if Snake ended up becoming a patriot and ruling the world occording to his point of view it would've gonne into a complete different direction of the previous ones, wich is about freedom with it's various forms and implications. Wether it's social freedom, the question about what to pass on to the future, there are many things from wich we can think and debate and that's what i love so much about what Kojima did with the game and what i kinda missed in 4. I was looking forward into another SPOILER conversation with the AI's like in MGS2.
Maybe we can meet up in a Metal gear Online session. PS: Avoid the deatmatches and go for the team play, it's where the game's potencial and fun really comes out with SOP and everything.
Last edited by Seraphan on 10 Jul 2008 16:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Illogical Banana »

I like MGO, haven't played it since about a week after I got it though. I love the team games. I'm not too good at FPS type games, but I do pretty good on the base matches :D It's just too bad online games like this always attract the idiots. Glad headsets aren't too prevalent, but I hate reading the "I f*cked your mom" and "lawlz yer gay". Those don't pop up a lot, but they still annoy me when they do. I also hate how people always seem to quit after the first match if the next one is anything other than some sort of deathmatch :x

I think it'd be a better experience if you played with people you knew or were familiar with. The teamwork aspect of it could be really great, but most of the time people run off on their own or just follow other people and don't do much.
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Post by Pushtrak »

Honestly, I have only played MGS 1 and 2. I have the option to play 3 and 4 when I want. Will do so at some point.

As to MGO... I played only the beta to it and wasn't very impressed to be honest. But, to Illogical, you may want to check it again. AFAIK there are new game modes added in the last few days.
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