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Back at last

Posted: 28 Nov 2008 06:16
by Laphtiya
Hi all!

Its good to be back! I've been kinda busy lately and only able to pop on every now and then. But now I'll be back in action and hopefully posing more of my Fan Fiction. I've drafted out a scene with a Harkonnen Guard who "encourages" some of his troops to work harder :wink:

I'll have it uploaded as soon as I am happy with it.

Posted: 28 Nov 2008 08:17
by inhuien
Welcome back:) I knew I was missing something and now I know what. So is this chapter 3 we'll be getting?

Posted: 28 Nov 2008 08:33
by Laphtiya
inhuien wrote:Welcome back:) I knew I was missing something and now I know what. So is this chapter 3 we'll be getting?
Yup and soon hopefully. I am not quite happy with Chapter two in the way it ends so that might get a complete rewrite, not sure yet though. I've been correcting some errors with some help. I've got an outline for Chapters 3 and 4, I am writing up 3 now and 4 should follow on nicely. I already have an ending for this drafted up but I wont put that up because I have a nice little twist at the end :D

On crap

Posted: 29 Nov 2008 23:08
by Sole Man
I seriously didn't know you were gone.

Posted: 29 Nov 2008 23:23
by SandRider
I knew you'd been gone.

speaking of FanFic, where's the next chapter of The Sole Man ?
are you taking seriously my request for a mention of asparagus making
your pee smell funny ? it could be be a major plot point .....


Posted: 29 Nov 2008 23:35
by Sole Man
Sole Man ordered a stalk of aspargus from the bartender. After he was done with it, he walked into the bathroom, and came out with a glass full of yellow liquid. He handed it to the sandrider, who sniffed it and said "This smells funny."
"You wanted free, I gave a damn free drink."
Sandrider reluctantly gulped it down, to which Sole Man luaghed in his face. "Ha-ha! You drank my asapragus pee! Ha-Ha!"
"I'll get you for this!"
"'bout damn time we develped some plot here."
At that moment Freakzilla walked in, smelling the odd smelling odd smell. "Oh! Someone's been eating asapragus again!"
"I have," Sole Man replied.
"I want you to masterbate into a cup and let me drink it. It tastes good that way."

Posted: 29 Nov 2008 23:43
by SandRider
well, that's not quite I had in mind, but ...okay.

I'll nominate you for the KJA Convoluted Construction Award, tho :

"smelling the odd smelling odd smell"

ummm...good job, and uh .... keep it up ....

Posted: 30 Nov 2008 16:07
by Laphtiya
That tends to be the case in real life as well. Someone once thought something terrible happened to be because he didn't see me for weeks LOL! When I get into something I tend to put 100% of my attention in it and I lose track of time ^.^

Speaking of Fan fics, I am writing the first draft of the next part now, introducing a new main character. This one isn't a good guy :twisted: I am trying not to use established Characters because I don't want to mess up the Canon, but I think Rabban will make an appearance in this chapter.